ART: Refactor GenerateTestAndBranch

Each code generator implements a method for generating condition
evaluation and branching to arbitrary labels. This patch refactors
it for better clarity but also to generate fewer jumps when the true
branch is the fallthrough successor.

This is preliminary work for implementing HSelect.

Change-Id: Iaa545a5ecbacb761c5aa241fa69140cf6eb5952f
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 54c6cc8..655bbb8 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -1240,26 +1240,19 @@
   __ b(true_label, final_condition);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(HIf* if_instr,
-                                                               HCondition* condition,
-                                                               Label* true_target,
-                                                               Label* false_target,
-                                                               Label* always_true_target) {
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(HCondition* condition,
+                                                               Label* true_target_in,
+                                                               Label* false_target_in) {
+  // Generated branching requires both targets to be explicit. If either of the
+  // targets is nullptr (fallthrough) use and bind `fallthrough_target` instead.
+  Label fallthrough_target;
+  Label* true_target = true_target_in == nullptr ? &fallthrough_target : true_target_in;
+  Label* false_target = false_target_in == nullptr ? &fallthrough_target : false_target_in;
   LocationSummary* locations = condition->GetLocations();
   Location left = locations->InAt(0);
   Location right = locations->InAt(1);
-  // We don't want true_target as a nullptr.
-  if (true_target == nullptr) {
-    true_target = always_true_target;
-  }
-  bool falls_through = (false_target == nullptr);
-  // FP compares don't like null false_targets.
-  if (false_target == nullptr) {
-    false_target = codegen_->GetLabelOf(if_instr->IfFalseSuccessor());
-  }
   Primitive::Type type = condition->InputAt(0)->GetType();
   switch (type) {
     case Primitive::kPrimLong:
@@ -1278,117 +1271,125 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected compare type " << type;
-  if (!falls_through) {
+  if (false_target != &fallthrough_target) {
     __ b(false_target);
+  if (fallthrough_target.IsLinked()) {
+    __ Bind(&fallthrough_target);
+  }
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::GenerateTestAndBranch(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                                        size_t condition_input_index,
                                                         Label* true_target,
-                                                        Label* false_target,
-                                                        Label* always_true_target) {
-  HInstruction* cond = instruction->InputAt(0);
-  if (cond->IsIntConstant()) {
+                                                        Label* false_target) {
+  HInstruction* cond = instruction->InputAt(condition_input_index);
+  if (true_target == nullptr && false_target == nullptr) {
+    // Nothing to do. The code always falls through.
+    return;
+  } else if (cond->IsIntConstant()) {
     // Constant condition, statically compared against 1.
-    int32_t cond_value = cond->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
-    if (cond_value == 1) {
-      if (always_true_target != nullptr) {
-        __ b(always_true_target);
+    if (cond->AsIntConstant()->IsOne()) {
+      if (true_target != nullptr) {
+        __ b(true_target);
-      return;
     } else {
-      DCHECK_EQ(cond_value, 0);
+      DCHECK(cond->AsIntConstant()->IsZero());
+      if (false_target != nullptr) {
+        __ b(false_target);
+      }
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  // The following code generates these patterns:
+  //  (1) true_target == nullptr && false_target != nullptr
+  //        - opposite condition true => branch to false_target
+  //  (2) true_target != nullptr && false_target == nullptr
+  //        - condition true => branch to true_target
+  //  (3) true_target != nullptr && false_target != nullptr
+  //        - condition true => branch to true_target
+  //        - branch to false_target
+  if (IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(cond)) {
+    // Condition has been materialized, compare the output to 0.
+    Location cond_val = instruction->GetLocations()->InAt(condition_input_index);
+    DCHECK(cond_val.IsRegister());
+    if (true_target == nullptr) {
+      __ CompareAndBranchIfZero(cond_val.AsRegister<Register>(), false_target);
+    } else {
+      __ CompareAndBranchIfNonZero(cond_val.AsRegister<Register>(), true_target);
   } else {
-    // Can we optimize the jump if we know that the next block is the true case?
+    // Condition has not been materialized. Use its inputs as the comparison and
+    // its condition as the branch condition.
     HCondition* condition = cond->AsCondition();
-    bool can_jump_to_false = CanReverseCondition(always_true_target, false_target, condition);
-    if (condition == nullptr || condition->NeedsMaterialization()) {
-      // Condition has been materialized, compare the output to 0.
-      DCHECK(instruction->GetLocations()->InAt(0).IsRegister());
-      if (can_jump_to_false) {
-        __ CompareAndBranchIfZero(instruction->GetLocations()->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>(),
-                                  false_target);
-        return;
-      }
-      __ CompareAndBranchIfNonZero(instruction->GetLocations()->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>(),
-                                   true_target);
+    // If this is a long or FP comparison that has been folded into
+    // the HCondition, generate the comparison directly.
+    Primitive::Type type = condition->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+    if (type == Primitive::kPrimLong || Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type)) {
+      GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(condition, true_target, false_target);
+      return;
+    }
+    LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
+    DCHECK(locations->InAt(0).IsRegister());
+    Register left = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+    Location right = locations->InAt(1);
+    if (right.IsRegister()) {
+      __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(right.AsRegister<Register>()));
     } else {
-      // Condition has not been materialized, use its inputs as the
-      // comparison and its condition as the branch condition.
-      Primitive::Type type = (condition != nullptr)
-          ? cond->InputAt(0)->GetType()
-          : Primitive::kPrimInt;
-      // Is this a long or FP comparison that has been folded into the HCondition?
-      if (type == Primitive::kPrimLong || Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(type)) {
-        // Generate the comparison directly.
-        GenerateCompareTestAndBranch(instruction->AsIf(), condition,
-                                     true_target, false_target, always_true_target);
-        return;
-      }
-      LocationSummary* locations = cond->GetLocations();
-      DCHECK(locations->InAt(0).IsRegister()) << locations->InAt(0);
-      Register left = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
-      Location right = locations->InAt(1);
-      if (right.IsRegister()) {
-        __ cmp(left, ShifterOperand(right.AsRegister<Register>()));
-      } else {
-        DCHECK(right.IsConstant());
-        GenerateCompareWithImmediate(left, CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(right.GetConstant()));
-      }
-      if (can_jump_to_false) {
-        __ b(false_target, ARMCondition(condition->GetOppositeCondition()));
-        return;
-      }
+      DCHECK(right.IsConstant());
+      GenerateCompareWithImmediate(left, CodeGenerator::GetInt32ValueOf(right.GetConstant()));
+    }
+    if (true_target == nullptr) {
+      __ b(false_target, ARMCondition(condition->GetOppositeCondition()));
+    } else {
       __ b(true_target, ARMCondition(condition->GetCondition()));
-  if (false_target != nullptr) {
+  // If neither branch falls through (case 3), the conditional branch to `true_target`
+  // was already emitted (case 2) and we need to emit a jump to `false_target`.
+  if (true_target != nullptr && false_target != nullptr) {
     __ b(false_target);
 void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitIf(HIf* if_instr) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(if_instr, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  HInstruction* cond = if_instr->InputAt(0);
-  if (!cond->IsCondition() || cond->AsCondition()->NeedsMaterialization()) {
+  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(if_instr);
+  if (IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(if_instr->InputAt(0))) {
     locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::VisitIf(HIf* if_instr) {
-  Label* true_target = codegen_->GetLabelOf(if_instr->IfTrueSuccessor());
-  Label* false_target = codegen_->GetLabelOf(if_instr->IfFalseSuccessor());
-  Label* always_true_target = true_target;
-  if (codegen_->GoesToNextBlock(if_instr->GetBlock(),
-                                if_instr->IfTrueSuccessor())) {
-    always_true_target = nullptr;
-  }
-  if (codegen_->GoesToNextBlock(if_instr->GetBlock(),
-                                if_instr->IfFalseSuccessor())) {
-    false_target = nullptr;
-  }
-  GenerateTestAndBranch(if_instr, true_target, false_target, always_true_target);
+  HBasicBlock* true_successor = if_instr->IfTrueSuccessor();
+  HBasicBlock* false_successor = if_instr->IfFalseSuccessor();
+  Label* true_target = codegen_->GoesToNextBlock(if_instr->GetBlock(), true_successor) ?
+      nullptr : codegen_->GetLabelOf(true_successor);
+  Label* false_target = codegen_->GoesToNextBlock(if_instr->GetBlock(), false_successor) ?
+      nullptr : codegen_->GetLabelOf(false_successor);
+  GenerateTestAndBranch(if_instr, /* condition_input_index */ 0, true_target, false_target);
 void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitDeoptimize(HDeoptimize* deoptimize) {
   LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena())
       LocationSummary(deoptimize, LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath);
-  HInstruction* cond = deoptimize->InputAt(0);
-  if (!cond->IsCondition() || cond->AsCondition()->NeedsMaterialization()) {
+  if (IsBooleanValueOrMaterializedCondition(deoptimize->InputAt(0))) {
     locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARM::VisitDeoptimize(HDeoptimize* deoptimize) {
-  SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena())
-      DeoptimizationSlowPathARM(deoptimize);
+  SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) DeoptimizationSlowPathARM(deoptimize);
-  Label* slow_path_entry = slow_path->GetEntryLabel();
-  GenerateTestAndBranch(deoptimize, slow_path_entry, nullptr, slow_path_entry);
+  GenerateTestAndBranch(deoptimize,
+                        /* condition_input_index */ 0,
+                        slow_path->GetEntryLabel(),
+                        /* false_target */ nullptr);
 void LocationsBuilderARM::VisitCondition(HCondition* cond) {