64-bit prep
Preparation for 64-bit roll.
o Eliminated storing pointers in 32-bit int slots in LIR.
o General size reductions of common structures to reduce impact
of doubled pointer sizes:
- BasicBlock struct was 72 bytes, now is 48.
- MIR struct was 72 bytes, now is 64.
- RegLocation was 12 bytes, now is 8.
o Generally replaced uses of BasicBlock* pointers with 16-bit Ids.
o Replaced several doubly-linked lists with singly-linked to save
one stored pointer per node.
o We had quite a few uses of uintptr_t's that were a holdover from
the JIT (which used pointers to mapped dex & actual code cache
addresses rather than trace-relative offsets). Replaced those with
o Clean up handling of embedded data for switch tables and array data.
o Miscellaneous cleanup.
I anticipate one or two additional CLs to reduce the size of MIR and LIR
Change-Id: I58e426d3f8e5efe64c1146b2823453da99451230
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc
index 3c646c4..cc40e99 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/arm/assemble_arm.cc
@@ -1031,8 +1031,7 @@
} else if (LIKELY(!lir->flags.is_nop)) {
const ArmEncodingMap *encoder = &EncodingMap[lir->opcode];
uint32_t bits = encoder->skeleton;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
uint32_t operand;
uint32_t value;
operand = lir->operands[i];
@@ -1088,7 +1087,7 @@
case kFmtDfp: {
DCHECK_EQ((operand & 0x1), 0U);
- int reg_name = (operand & ARM_FP_REG_MASK) >> 1;
+ uint32_t reg_name = (operand & ARM_FP_REG_MASK) >> 1;
/* Snag the 1-bit slice and position it */
value = ((reg_name & 0x10) >> 4) << encoder->field_loc[i].end;
/* Extract and position the 4-bit slice */
@@ -1155,9 +1154,9 @@
LIR* lir;
LIR* prev_lir;
int assembler_retries = 0;
- int starting_offset = EncodeRange(first_lir_insn_, last_lir_insn_, 0);
+ CodeOffset starting_offset = EncodeRange(first_lir_insn_, last_lir_insn_, 0);
data_offset_ = (starting_offset + 0x3) & ~0x3;
- int offset_adjustment;
+ int32_t offset_adjustment;
@@ -1200,10 +1199,10 @@
* we revert to a multiple-instruction materialization sequence.
LIR *lir_target = lir->target;
- uintptr_t pc = (lir->offset + 4) & ~3;
- uintptr_t target = lir_target->offset +
+ CodeOffset pc = (lir->offset + 4) & ~3;
+ CodeOffset target = lir_target->offset +
((lir_target->flags.generation == lir->flags.generation) ? 0 : offset_adjustment);
- int delta = target - pc;
+ int32_t delta = target - pc;
if (res != kSuccess) {
* In this case, we're just estimating and will do it again for real. Ensure offset
@@ -1281,10 +1280,10 @@
case kFixupCBxZ: {
LIR *target_lir = lir->target;
- uintptr_t pc = lir->offset + 4;
- uintptr_t target = target_lir->offset +
+ CodeOffset pc = lir->offset + 4;
+ CodeOffset target = target_lir->offset +
((target_lir->flags.generation == lir->flags.generation) ? 0 : offset_adjustment);
- int delta = target - pc;
+ int32_t delta = target - pc;
if (delta > 126 || delta < 0) {
* Convert to cmp rx,#0 / b[eq/ne] tgt pair
@@ -1351,10 +1350,10 @@
case kFixupCondBranch: {
LIR *target_lir = lir->target;
- int delta = 0;
+ int32_t delta = 0;
- uintptr_t pc = lir->offset + 4;
- uintptr_t target = target_lir->offset +
+ CodeOffset pc = lir->offset + 4;
+ CodeOffset target = target_lir->offset +
((target_lir->flags.generation == lir->flags.generation) ? 0 : offset_adjustment);
delta = target - pc;
if ((lir->opcode == kThumbBCond) && (delta > 254 || delta < -256)) {
@@ -1370,10 +1369,10 @@
case kFixupT2Branch: {
LIR *target_lir = lir->target;
- uintptr_t pc = lir->offset + 4;
- uintptr_t target = target_lir->offset +
+ CodeOffset pc = lir->offset + 4;
+ CodeOffset target = target_lir->offset +
((target_lir->flags.generation == lir->flags.generation) ? 0 : offset_adjustment);
- int delta = target - pc;
+ int32_t delta = target - pc;
lir->operands[0] = delta >> 1;
if (!(cu_->disable_opt & (1 << kSafeOptimizations)) && lir->operands[0] == 0) {
// Useless branch
@@ -1387,10 +1386,10 @@
case kFixupT1Branch: {
LIR *target_lir = lir->target;
- uintptr_t pc = lir->offset + 4;
- uintptr_t target = target_lir->offset +
+ CodeOffset pc = lir->offset + 4;
+ CodeOffset target = target_lir->offset +
((target_lir->flags.generation == lir->flags.generation) ? 0 : offset_adjustment);
- int delta = target - pc;
+ int32_t delta = target - pc;
if (delta > 2046 || delta < -2048) {
// Convert to Thumb2BCond w/ kArmCondAl
offset_adjustment -= lir->flags.size;
@@ -1416,14 +1415,14 @@
case kFixupBlx1: {
DCHECK(NEXT_LIR(lir)->opcode == kThumbBlx2);
/* cur_pc is Thumb */
- uintptr_t cur_pc = (lir->offset + 4) & ~3;
- uintptr_t target = lir->operands[1];
+ CodeOffset cur_pc = (lir->offset + 4) & ~3;
+ CodeOffset target = lir->operands[1];
/* Match bit[1] in target with base */
if (cur_pc & 0x2) {
target |= 0x2;
- int delta = target - cur_pc;
+ int32_t delta = target - cur_pc;
DCHECK((delta >= -(1<<22)) && (delta <= ((1<<22)-2)));
lir->operands[0] = (delta >> 12) & 0x7ff;
@@ -1433,10 +1432,10 @@
case kFixupBl1: {
DCHECK(NEXT_LIR(lir)->opcode == kThumbBl2);
/* Both cur_pc and target are Thumb */
- uintptr_t cur_pc = lir->offset + 4;
- uintptr_t target = lir->operands[1];
+ CodeOffset cur_pc = lir->offset + 4;
+ CodeOffset target = lir->operands[1];
- int delta = target - cur_pc;
+ int32_t delta = target - cur_pc;
DCHECK((delta >= -(1<<22)) && (delta <= ((1<<22)-2)));
lir->operands[0] = (delta >> 12) & 0x7ff;
@@ -1444,20 +1443,19 @@
case kFixupAdr: {
- SwitchTable *tab_rec = reinterpret_cast<SwitchTable*>(lir->operands[2]);
+ EmbeddedData *tab_rec = reinterpret_cast<EmbeddedData*>(UnwrapPointer(lir->operands[2]));
LIR* target = lir->target;
- int target_disp = (tab_rec != NULL) ? tab_rec->offset + offset_adjustment
+ int32_t target_disp = (tab_rec != NULL) ? tab_rec->offset + offset_adjustment
: target->offset + ((target->flags.generation == lir->flags.generation) ? 0 : offset_adjustment);
- int disp = target_disp - ((lir->offset + 4) & ~3);
+ int32_t disp = target_disp - ((lir->offset + 4) & ~3);
if (disp < 4096) {
lir->operands[1] = disp;
} else {
// convert to ldimm16l, ldimm16h, add tgt, pc, operands[0]
// TUNING: if this case fires often, it can be improved. Not expected to be common.
LIR *new_mov16L =
- RawLIR(lir->dalvik_offset, kThumb2MovImm16LST,
- lir->operands[0], 0, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lir),
- reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(tab_rec), 0, lir->target);
+ RawLIR(lir->dalvik_offset, kThumb2MovImm16LST, lir->operands[0], 0,
+ WrapPointer(lir), WrapPointer(tab_rec), 0, lir->target);
new_mov16L->flags.size = EncodingMap[new_mov16L->opcode].size;
new_mov16L->flags.fixup = kFixupMovImmLST;
new_mov16L->offset = lir->offset;
@@ -1467,11 +1465,9 @@
offset_adjustment += new_mov16L->flags.size;
InsertFixupBefore(prev_lir, lir, new_mov16L);
prev_lir = new_mov16L; // Now we've got a new prev.
LIR *new_mov16H =
- RawLIR(lir->dalvik_offset, kThumb2MovImm16HST,
- lir->operands[0], 0, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lir),
- reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(tab_rec), 0, lir->target);
+ RawLIR(lir->dalvik_offset, kThumb2MovImm16HST, lir->operands[0], 0,
+ WrapPointer(lir), WrapPointer(tab_rec), 0, lir->target);
new_mov16H->flags.size = EncodingMap[new_mov16H->opcode].size;
new_mov16H->flags.fixup = kFixupMovImmHST;
new_mov16H->offset = lir->offset;
@@ -1499,27 +1495,27 @@
case kFixupMovImmLST: {
// operands[1] should hold disp, [2] has add, [3] has tab_rec
- LIR *addPCInst = reinterpret_cast<LIR*>(lir->operands[2]);
- SwitchTable *tab_rec = reinterpret_cast<SwitchTable*>(lir->operands[3]);
+ LIR *addPCInst = reinterpret_cast<LIR*>(UnwrapPointer(lir->operands[2]));
+ EmbeddedData *tab_rec = reinterpret_cast<EmbeddedData*>(UnwrapPointer(lir->operands[3]));
// If tab_rec is null, this is a literal load. Use target
LIR* target = lir->target;
- int target_disp = tab_rec ? tab_rec->offset : target->offset;
+ int32_t target_disp = tab_rec ? tab_rec->offset : target->offset;
lir->operands[1] = (target_disp - (addPCInst->offset + 4)) & 0xffff;
case kFixupMovImmHST: {
// operands[1] should hold disp, [2] has add, [3] has tab_rec
- LIR *addPCInst = reinterpret_cast<LIR*>(lir->operands[2]);
- SwitchTable *tab_rec = reinterpret_cast<SwitchTable*>(lir->operands[3]);
+ LIR *addPCInst = reinterpret_cast<LIR*>(UnwrapPointer(lir->operands[2]));
+ EmbeddedData *tab_rec = reinterpret_cast<EmbeddedData*>(UnwrapPointer(lir->operands[3]));
// If tab_rec is null, this is a literal load. Use target
LIR* target = lir->target;
- int target_disp = tab_rec ? tab_rec->offset : target->offset;
+ int32_t target_disp = tab_rec ? tab_rec->offset : target->offset;
lir->operands[1] =
((target_disp - (addPCInst->offset + 4)) >> 16) & 0xffff;
case kFixupAlign4: {
- int required_size = lir->offset & 0x2;
+ int32_t required_size = lir->offset & 0x2;
if (lir->flags.size != required_size) {
offset_adjustment += required_size - lir->flags.size;
lir->flags.size = required_size;
@@ -1647,7 +1643,7 @@
void ArmMir2Lir::AssignDataOffsets() {
/* Set up offsets for literals */
- int offset = data_offset_;
+ CodeOffset offset = data_offset_;
offset = AssignLiteralOffset(offset);