x86/x86-64 read barrier support for concurrent GC in Optimizing.

This first implementation uses slow paths to instrument heap
reference loads and GC root loads for the concurrent copying
collector, respectively calling the artReadBarrierSlow and
artReadBarrierForRootSlow (new) runtime entry points.

- This implementation does not instrument HInvokeVirtual
  nor HInvokeInterface instructions (for class reference
  loads), as the corresponding read barriers are not stricly
  required with the current concurrent copying collector.
- Intrinsics which may eventually call (on slow path) are
  disabled when read barriers are enabled, as the current
  slow path infrastructure does not support this case.
- When read barriers are enabled, the code generated for a
  HArraySet instruction always go into the array set slow
  path for object arrays (delegating the operation to the
  runtime), as we are lacking a mechanism to keep a
  temporary register live accross a runtime call (needed for
  the instrumentation of type checking code, which requires
  two successive read barriers).

Bug: 12687968
Change-Id: I14cd6107233c326389120336f93955b28ffbb329
diff --git a/compiler/common_compiler_test.cc b/compiler/common_compiler_test.cc
index c37ceca..e6cc50c 100644
--- a/compiler/common_compiler_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/common_compiler_test.cc
@@ -223,6 +223,11 @@
   compiler_kind_ = compiler_kind;
+InstructionSet CommonCompilerTest::GetInstructionSet() const {
+  DCHECK(compiler_driver_.get() != nullptr);
+  return compiler_driver_->GetInstructionSet();
 void CommonCompilerTest::TearDown() {
diff --git a/compiler/common_compiler_test.h b/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
index 67b4428..a121f8b 100644
--- a/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
+++ b/compiler/common_compiler_test.h
@@ -61,6 +61,8 @@
   Compiler::Kind GetCompilerKind() const;
   void SetCompilerKind(Compiler::Kind compiler_kind);
+  InstructionSet GetInstructionSet() const;
   // Get the set of image classes given to the compiler-driver in SetUp. Note: the compiler
   // driver assumes ownership of the set, so the test should properly release the set.
   virtual std::unordered_set<std::string>* GetImageClasses();
@@ -115,6 +117,30 @@
     return; \
+// TODO: When read barrier works with all compilers in use, get rid of this.
+  if (kUseReadBarrier && GetCompilerKind() == Compiler::kQuick) { \
+    return; \
+  }
+// TODO: When read barrier works with all Optimizing back ends, get rid of this.
+  if (kUseReadBarrier && GetCompilerKind() == Compiler::kOptimizing) {                    \
+    switch (GetInstructionSet()) {                                                        \
+      case kX86:                                                                          \
+      case kX86_64:                                                                       \
+        /* Instruction set has read barrier support. */                                   \
+        break;                                                                            \
+                                                                                          \
+      default:                                                                            \
+        /* Instruction set does not have barrier support. */                              \
+               "FOR THIS INSTRUCTION SET\n");                                             \
+        return;                                                                           \
+    }                                                                                     \
+  }
 // TODO: When non-PIC works with all compilers in use, get rid of this.
   if (GetCompilerKind() == Compiler::kOptimizing) { \
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.cc b/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.cc
index 6673ea8..05dde9f 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.cc
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/quick_compiler.cc
@@ -673,6 +673,12 @@
     return nullptr;
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    VLOG(compiler) << "Skipping method : " << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file)
+                   << "  Reason = Quick does not support read barrier.";
+    return nullptr;
+  }
   // TODO: check method fingerprint here to determine appropriate backend type.  Until then, use
   // build default.
   CompilerDriver* driver = GetCompilerDriver();
diff --git a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver_test.cc b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver_test.cc
index 1107599..f8de9fa 100644
--- a/compiler/driver/compiler_driver_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/driver/compiler_driver_test.cc
@@ -147,6 +147,8 @@
 TEST_F(CompilerDriverTest, AbstractMethodErrorStub) {
   jobject class_loader;
     ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
@@ -193,6 +195,8 @@
 TEST_F(CompilerDriverMethodsTest, Selection) {
   Thread* self = Thread::Current();
   jobject class_loader;
diff --git a/compiler/oat_test.cc b/compiler/oat_test.cc
index 16f641a..030451c 100644
--- a/compiler/oat_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/oat_test.cc
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(72U, sizeof(OatHeader));
   EXPECT_EQ(4U, sizeof(OatMethodOffsets));
   EXPECT_EQ(28U, sizeof(OatQuickMethodHeader));
-  EXPECT_EQ(113 * GetInstructionSetPointerSize(kRuntimeISA), sizeof(QuickEntryPoints));
+  EXPECT_EQ(114 * GetInstructionSetPointerSize(kRuntimeISA), sizeof(QuickEntryPoints));
 TEST_F(OatTest, OatHeaderIsValid) {
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.cc b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.cc
index 5188e11..77d53fc 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.cc
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 void CodeGenerator::InitializeCodeGeneration(size_t number_of_spill_slots,
                                              size_t maximum_number_of_live_core_registers,
-                                             size_t maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers,
+                                             size_t maximum_number_of_live_fpu_registers,
                                              size_t number_of_out_slots,
                                              const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& block_order) {
   block_order_ = &block_order;
@@ -324,14 +324,14 @@
       && IsLeafMethod()
       && !RequiresCurrentMethod()) {
     DCHECK_EQ(maximum_number_of_live_core_registers, 0u);
-    DCHECK_EQ(maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers, 0u);
+    DCHECK_EQ(maximum_number_of_live_fpu_registers, 0u);
     SetFrameSize(CallPushesPC() ? GetWordSize() : 0);
   } else {
         number_of_spill_slots * kVRegSize
         + number_of_out_slots * kVRegSize
         + maximum_number_of_live_core_registers * GetWordSize()
-        + maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers * GetFloatingPointSpillSlotSize()
+        + maximum_number_of_live_fpu_registers * GetFloatingPointSpillSlotSize()
         + FrameEntrySpillSize(),
@@ -547,15 +547,19 @@
+// TODO: Remove argument `code_generator_supports_read_barrier` when
+// all code generators have read barrier support.
 void CodeGenerator::CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(HLoadClass* cls,
                                                    Location runtime_type_index_location,
-                                                   Location runtime_return_location) {
+                                                   Location runtime_return_location,
+                                                   bool code_generator_supports_read_barrier) {
   ArenaAllocator* allocator = cls->GetBlock()->GetGraph()->GetArena();
   LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = cls->NeedsAccessCheck()
       ? LocationSummary::kCall
-      : (cls->CanCallRuntime()
-          ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
-          : LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      : (((code_generator_supports_read_barrier && kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) ||
+          cls->CanCallRuntime())
+            ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
+            : LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   LocationSummary* locations = new (allocator) LocationSummary(cls, call_kind);
   if (cls->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
     locations->SetInAt(0, Location::NoLocation());
@@ -1320,21 +1324,38 @@
   // coherent with the runtime call generated, and that the GC side effect is
   // set when required.
   if (slow_path == nullptr) {
-    DCHECK(instruction->GetLocations()->WillCall()) << instruction->DebugName();
+    DCHECK(instruction->GetLocations()->WillCall())
+        << "instruction->DebugName()=" << instruction->DebugName();
-        << instruction->DebugName() << instruction->GetSideEffects().ToString();
+        << "instruction->DebugName()=" << instruction->DebugName()
+        << " instruction->GetSideEffects().ToString()=" << instruction->GetSideEffects().ToString();
   } else {
     DCHECK(instruction->GetLocations()->OnlyCallsOnSlowPath() || slow_path->IsFatal())
-        << instruction->DebugName() << slow_path->GetDescription();
+        << "instruction->DebugName()=" << instruction->DebugName()
+        << " slow_path->GetDescription()=" << slow_path->GetDescription();
     DCHECK(instruction->GetSideEffects().Includes(SideEffects::CanTriggerGC()) ||
            // Control flow would not come back into the code if a fatal slow
            // path is taken, so we do not care if it triggers GC.
            slow_path->IsFatal() ||
            // HDeoptimize is a special case: we know we are not coming back from
            // it into the code.
-           instruction->IsDeoptimize())
-        << instruction->DebugName() << instruction->GetSideEffects().ToString()
-        << slow_path->GetDescription();
+           instruction->IsDeoptimize() ||
+           // When read barriers are enabled, some instructions use a
+           // slow path to emit a read barrier, which does not trigger
+           // GC, is not fatal, nor is emitted by HDeoptimize
+           // instructions.
+           (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+            (instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() ||
+             instruction->IsStaticFieldGet() ||
+             instruction->IsArraySet() ||
+             instruction->IsArrayGet() ||
+             instruction->IsLoadClass() ||
+             instruction->IsLoadString() ||
+             instruction->IsInstanceOf() ||
+             instruction->IsCheckCast())))
+        << "instruction->DebugName()=" << instruction->DebugName()
+        << " instruction->GetSideEffects().ToString()=" << instruction->GetSideEffects().ToString()
+        << " slow_path->GetDescription()=" << slow_path->GetDescription();
   // Check the coherency of leaf information.
@@ -1346,11 +1367,12 @@
 void SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters(CodeGenerator* codegen, LocationSummary* locations) {
-  RegisterSet* register_set = locations->GetLiveRegisters();
+  RegisterSet* live_registers = locations->GetLiveRegisters();
   size_t stack_offset = codegen->GetFirstRegisterSlotInSlowPath();
   for (size_t i = 0, e = codegen->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); i < e; ++i) {
     if (!codegen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
-      if (register_set->ContainsCoreRegister(i)) {
+      if (live_registers->ContainsCoreRegister(i)) {
         // If the register holds an object, update the stack mask.
         if (locations->RegisterContainsObject(i)) {
           locations->SetStackBit(stack_offset / kVRegSize);
@@ -1365,7 +1387,7 @@
   for (size_t i = 0, e = codegen->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters(); i < e; ++i) {
     if (!codegen->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
-      if (register_set->ContainsFloatingPointRegister(i)) {
+      if (live_registers->ContainsFloatingPointRegister(i)) {
         DCHECK_LT(stack_offset, codegen->GetFrameSize() - codegen->FrameEntrySpillSize());
         DCHECK_LT(i, kMaximumNumberOfExpectedRegisters);
         saved_fpu_stack_offsets_[i] = stack_offset;
@@ -1376,12 +1398,14 @@
 void SlowPathCode::RestoreLiveRegisters(CodeGenerator* codegen, LocationSummary* locations) {
-  RegisterSet* register_set = locations->GetLiveRegisters();
+  RegisterSet* live_registers = locations->GetLiveRegisters();
   size_t stack_offset = codegen->GetFirstRegisterSlotInSlowPath();
   for (size_t i = 0, e = codegen->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); i < e; ++i) {
     if (!codegen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
-      if (register_set->ContainsCoreRegister(i)) {
+      if (live_registers->ContainsCoreRegister(i)) {
         DCHECK_LT(stack_offset, codegen->GetFrameSize() - codegen->FrameEntrySpillSize());
+        DCHECK_LT(i, kMaximumNumberOfExpectedRegisters);
         stack_offset += codegen->RestoreCoreRegister(stack_offset, i);
@@ -1389,8 +1413,9 @@
   for (size_t i = 0, e = codegen->GetNumberOfFloatingPointRegisters(); i < e; ++i) {
     if (!codegen->IsFloatingPointCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
-      if (register_set->ContainsFloatingPointRegister(i)) {
+      if (live_registers->ContainsFloatingPointRegister(i)) {
         DCHECK_LT(stack_offset, codegen->GetFrameSize() - codegen->FrameEntrySpillSize());
+        DCHECK_LT(i, kMaximumNumberOfExpectedRegisters);
         stack_offset += codegen->RestoreFloatingPointRegister(stack_offset, i);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
index 2108abe..114d97b 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator.h
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
   virtual uintptr_t GetAddressOf(HBasicBlock* block) const = 0;
   void InitializeCodeGeneration(size_t number_of_spill_slots,
                                 size_t maximum_number_of_live_core_registers,
-                                size_t maximum_number_of_live_fp_registers,
+                                size_t maximum_number_of_live_fpu_registers,
                                 size_t number_of_out_slots,
                                 const ArenaVector<HBasicBlock*>& block_order);
   int32_t GetStackSlot(HLocal* local) const;
@@ -250,6 +250,15 @@
   // Returns whether we should split long moves in parallel moves.
   virtual bool ShouldSplitLongMoves() const { return false; }
+  size_t GetNumberOfCoreCalleeSaveRegisters() const {
+    return POPCOUNT(core_callee_save_mask_);
+  }
+  size_t GetNumberOfCoreCallerSaveRegisters() const {
+    DCHECK_GE(GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(), GetNumberOfCoreCalleeSaveRegisters());
+    return GetNumberOfCoreRegisters() - GetNumberOfCoreCalleeSaveRegisters();
+  }
   bool IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(int reg) const {
     return (core_callee_save_mask_ & (1 << reg)) != 0;
@@ -416,7 +425,8 @@
   // TODO: This overlaps a bit with MoveFromReturnRegister. Refactor for a better design.
   static void CreateLoadClassLocationSummary(HLoadClass* cls,
                                              Location runtime_type_index_location,
-                                             Location runtime_return_location);
+                                             Location runtime_return_location,
+                                             bool code_generator_supports_read_barrier = false);
   static void CreateSystemArrayCopyLocationSummary(HInvoke* invoke);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.cc b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.cc
index 9b78dec..851bced 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_mips64.cc
@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@
     : CodeGenerator(graph,
-                    0,  // kNumberOfRegisterPairs
+                    /* number_of_register_pairs */ 0,
                     ComputeRegisterMask(reinterpret_cast<const int*>(kCoreCalleeSaves),
                     ComputeRegisterMask(reinterpret_cast<const int*>(kFpuCalleeSaves),
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.cc b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.cc
index 0147b01..32dc636 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.cc
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
 namespace art {
+template<class MirrorType>
+class GcRoot;
 namespace x86 {
 static constexpr int kCurrentMethodStackOffset = 0;
@@ -300,15 +303,6 @@
     CodeGeneratorX86* x86_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
-    if (instruction_->IsCheckCast()) {
-      // The codegen for the instruction overwrites `temp`, so put it back in place.
-      Register obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
-      Register temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
-      uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
-      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-    }
     if (!is_fatal_) {
       SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
@@ -329,12 +323,15 @@
+      CheckEntrypointTypes<
+          kQuickInstanceofNonTrivial, uint32_t, const mirror::Class*, const mirror::Class*>();
     } else {
+      CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickCheckCast, void, const mirror::Class*, const mirror::Class*>();
     if (!is_fatal_) {
@@ -425,6 +422,221 @@
+// Slow path generating a read barrier for a heap reference.
+class ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86 : public SlowPathCode {
+ public:
+  ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                         Location out,
+                                         Location ref,
+                                         Location obj,
+                                         uint32_t offset,
+                                         Location index)
+      : instruction_(instruction),
+        out_(out),
+        ref_(ref),
+        obj_(obj),
+        offset_(offset),
+        index_(index) {
+    DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+    // If `obj` is equal to `out` or `ref`, it means the initial object
+    // has been overwritten by (or after) the heap object reference load
+    // to be instrumented, e.g.:
+    //
+    //   __ movl(out, Address(out, offset));
+    //   codegen_->GenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, out_loc, offset);
+    //
+    // In that case, we have lost the information about the original
+    // object, and the emitted read barrier cannot work properly.
+    DCHECK(!obj.Equals(out)) << "obj=" << obj << " out=" << out;
+    DCHECK(!obj.Equals(ref)) << "obj=" << obj << " ref=" << ref;
+  }
+  void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
+    CodeGeneratorX86* x86_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86*>(codegen);
+    LocationSummary* locations = instruction_->GetLocations();
+    Register reg_out = out_.AsRegister<Register>();
+    DCHECK(locations->CanCall());
+    DCHECK(!locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(reg_out));
+    DCHECK(!instruction_->IsInvoke() ||
+           (instruction_->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect() &&
+            instruction_->GetLocations()->Intrinsified()));
+    __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
+    SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    // We may have to change the index's value, but as `index_` is a
+    // constant member (like other "inputs" of this slow path),
+    // introduce a copy of it, `index`.
+    Location index = index_;
+    if (index_.IsValid()) {
+      // Handle `index_` for HArrayGet and intrinsic UnsafeGetObject.
+      if (instruction_->IsArrayGet()) {
+        // Compute the actual memory offset and store it in `index`.
+        Register index_reg = index_.AsRegister<Register>();
+        DCHECK(locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(index_reg));
+        if (codegen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(index_reg)) {
+          // We are about to change the value of `index_reg` (see the
+          // calls to art::x86::X86Assembler::shll and
+          // art::x86::X86Assembler::AddImmediate below), but it has
+          // not been saved by the previous call to
+          // art::SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters, as it is a
+          // callee-save register --
+          // art::SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters does not consider
+          // callee-save registers, as it has been designed with the
+          // assumption that callee-save registers are supposed to be
+          // handled by the called function.  So, as a callee-save
+          // register, `index_reg` _would_ eventually be saved onto
+          // the stack, but it would be too late: we would have
+          // changed its value earlier.  Therefore, we manually save
+          // it here into another freely available register,
+          // `free_reg`, chosen of course among the caller-save
+          // registers (as a callee-save `free_reg` register would
+          // exhibit the same problem).
+          //
+          // Note we could have requested a temporary register from
+          // the register allocator instead; but we prefer not to, as
+          // this is a slow path, and we know we can find a
+          // caller-save register that is available.
+          Register free_reg = FindAvailableCallerSaveRegister(codegen);
+          __ movl(free_reg, index_reg);
+          index_reg = free_reg;
+          index = Location::RegisterLocation(index_reg);
+        } else {
+          // The initial register stored in `index_` has already been
+          // saved in the call to art::SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters
+          // (as it is not a callee-save register), so we can freely
+          // use it.
+        }
+        // Shifting the index value contained in `index_reg` by the scale
+        // factor (2) cannot overflow in practice, as the runtime is
+        // unable to allocate object arrays with a size larger than
+        // 2^26 - 1 (that is, 2^28 - 4 bytes).
+        __ shll(index_reg, Immediate(TIMES_4));
+        static_assert(
+            sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
+            "art::mirror::HeapReference<art::mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
+        __ AddImmediate(index_reg, Immediate(offset_));
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(instruction_->IsInvoke());
+        DCHECK(instruction_->GetLocations()->Intrinsified());
+        DCHECK((instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObject) ||
+               (instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObjectVolatile))
+            << instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic();
+        DCHECK_EQ(offset_, 0U);
+        DCHECK(index_.IsRegisterPair());
+        // UnsafeGet's offset location is a register pair, the low
+        // part contains the correct offset.
+        index = index_.ToLow();
+      }
+    }
+    // We're moving two or three locations to locations that could
+    // overlap, so we need a parallel move resolver.
+    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+    HParallelMove parallel_move(codegen->GetGraph()->GetArena());
+    parallel_move.AddMove(ref_,
+                          Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
+                          Primitive::kPrimNot,
+                          nullptr);
+    parallel_move.AddMove(obj_,
+                          Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)),
+                          Primitive::kPrimNot,
+                          nullptr);
+    if (index.IsValid()) {
+      parallel_move.AddMove(index,
+                            Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(2)),
+                            Primitive::kPrimInt,
+                            nullptr);
+      codegen->GetMoveResolver()->EmitNativeCode(&parallel_move);
+    } else {
+      codegen->GetMoveResolver()->EmitNativeCode(&parallel_move);
+      __ movl(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(2), Immediate(offset_));
+    }
+    x86_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pReadBarrierSlow),
+                               instruction_,
+                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                               this);
+    CheckEntrypointTypes<
+        kQuickReadBarrierSlow, mirror::Object*, mirror::Object*, mirror::Object*, uint32_t>();
+    x86_codegen->Move32(out_, Location::RegisterLocation(EAX));
+    RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    __ jmp(GetExitLabel());
+  }
+  const char* GetDescription() const OVERRIDE { return "ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86"; }
+ private:
+  Register FindAvailableCallerSaveRegister(CodeGenerator* codegen) {
+    size_t ref = static_cast<int>(ref_.AsRegister<Register>());
+    size_t obj = static_cast<int>(obj_.AsRegister<Register>());
+    for (size_t i = 0, e = codegen->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); i < e; ++i) {
+      if (i != ref && i != obj && !codegen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
+        return static_cast<Register>(i);
+      }
+    }
+    // We shall never fail to find a free caller-save register, as
+    // there are more than two core caller-save registers on x86
+    // (meaning it is possible to find one which is different from
+    // `ref` and `obj`).
+    DCHECK_GT(codegen->GetNumberOfCoreCallerSaveRegisters(), 2u);
+    LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find a free caller-save register";
+  }
+  HInstruction* const instruction_;
+  const Location out_;
+  const Location ref_;
+  const Location obj_;
+  const uint32_t offset_;
+  // An additional location containing an index to an array.
+  // Only used for HArrayGet and the UnsafeGetObject &
+  // UnsafeGetObjectVolatile intrinsics.
+  const Location index_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86);
+// Slow path generating a read barrier for a GC root.
+class ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86 : public SlowPathCode {
+ public:
+  ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86(HInstruction* instruction, Location out, Location root)
+      : instruction_(instruction), out_(out), root_(root) {}
+  void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
+    LocationSummary* locations = instruction_->GetLocations();
+    Register reg_out = out_.AsRegister<Register>();
+    DCHECK(locations->CanCall());
+    DCHECK(!locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(reg_out));
+    DCHECK(instruction_->IsLoadClass() || instruction_->IsLoadString());
+    __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
+    SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+    CodeGeneratorX86* x86_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86*>(codegen);
+    x86_codegen->Move32(Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)), root_);
+    x86_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pReadBarrierForRootSlow),
+                               instruction_,
+                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                               this);
+    CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickReadBarrierForRootSlow, mirror::Object*, GcRoot<mirror::Object>*>();
+    x86_codegen->Move32(out_, Location::RegisterLocation(EAX));
+    RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    __ jmp(GetExitLabel());
+  }
+  const char* GetDescription() const OVERRIDE { return "ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86"; }
+ private:
+  HInstruction* const instruction_;
+  const Location out_;
+  const Location root_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86);
 #undef __
 #define __ down_cast<X86Assembler*>(GetAssembler())->
@@ -513,9 +725,9 @@
 CodeGeneratorX86::CodeGeneratorX86(HGraph* graph,
-                   const X86InstructionSetFeatures& isa_features,
-                   const CompilerOptions& compiler_options,
-                   OptimizingCompilerStats* stats)
+                                   const X86InstructionSetFeatures& isa_features,
+                                   const CompilerOptions& compiler_options,
+                                   OptimizingCompilerStats* stats)
     : CodeGenerator(graph,
@@ -582,7 +794,7 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable type " << type;
-  return Location();
+  return Location::NoLocation();
 void CodeGeneratorX86::SetupBlockedRegisters(bool is_baseline) const {
@@ -783,7 +995,7 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected parameter type " << type;
-  return Location();
+  return Location::NoLocation();
 void CodeGeneratorX86::Move32(Location destination, Location source) {
@@ -1767,6 +1979,9 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitInvokeInterface(HInvokeInterface* invoke) {
+  // This call to HandleInvoke allocates a temporary (core) register
+  // which is also used to transfer the hidden argument from FP to
+  // core register.
   // Add the hidden argument.
@@ -1774,31 +1989,42 @@
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitInvokeInterface(HInvokeInterface* invoke) {
   // TODO: b/18116999, our IMTs can miss an IncompatibleClassChangeError.
-  Register temp = invoke->GetLocations()->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
+  Register temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  XmmRegister hidden_reg = locations->GetTemp(1).AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>();
   uint32_t method_offset = mirror::Class::EmbeddedImTableEntryOffset(
       invoke->GetImtIndex() % mirror::Class::kImtSize, kX86PointerSize).Uint32Value();
-  LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
   Location receiver = locations->InAt(0);
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
-  // Set the hidden argument.
+  // Set the hidden argument. This is safe to do this here, as XMM7
+  // won't be modified thereafter, before the `call` instruction.
+  DCHECK_EQ(XMM7, hidden_reg);
   __ movl(temp, Immediate(invoke->GetDexMethodIndex()));
-  __ movd(invoke->GetLocations()->GetTemp(1).AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>(), temp);
+  __ movd(hidden_reg, temp);
-  // temp = object->GetClass();
   if (receiver.IsStackSlot()) {
     __ movl(temp, Address(ESP, receiver.GetStackIndex()));
+    // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->klass_
     __ movl(temp, Address(temp, class_offset));
   } else {
+    // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = receiver->klass_
     __ movl(temp, Address(receiver.AsRegister<Register>(), class_offset));
+  // Instead of simply (possibly) unpoisoning `temp` here, we should
+  // emit a read barrier for the previous class reference load.
+  // However this is not required in practice, as this is an
+  // intermediate/temporary reference and because the current
+  // concurrent copying collector keeps the from-space memory
+  // intact/accessible until the end of the marking phase (the
+  // concurrent copying collector may not in the future).
   __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
   // temp = temp->GetImtEntryAt(method_offset);
   __ movl(temp, Address(temp, method_offset));
   // call temp->GetEntryPoint();
-  __ call(Address(temp, ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(
-      kX86WordSize).Int32Value()));
+  __ call(Address(temp,
+                  ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kX86WordSize).Int32Value()));
   codegen_->RecordPcInfo(invoke, invoke->GetDexPc());
@@ -3871,7 +4097,7 @@
         method_reg = reg;
         __ movl(reg, Address(ESP, kCurrentMethodStackOffset));
-      // temp = temp->dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
+      // /* ArtMethod*[] */ temp = temp.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
       __ movl(reg, Address(method_reg,
       // temp = temp[index_in_cache]
@@ -3915,10 +4141,17 @@
   LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
   Location receiver = locations->InAt(0);
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
-  // temp = object->GetClass();
+  // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = receiver->klass_
   __ movl(temp, Address(receiver.AsRegister<Register>(), class_offset));
+  // Instead of simply (possibly) unpoisoning `temp` here, we should
+  // emit a read barrier for the previous class reference load.
+  // However this is not required in practice, as this is an
+  // intermediate/temporary reference and because the current
+  // concurrent copying collector keeps the from-space memory
+  // intact/accessible until the end of the marking phase (the
+  // concurrent copying collector may not in the future).
   __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
   // temp = temp->GetMethodAt(method_offset);
   __ movl(temp, Address(temp, method_offset));
@@ -3980,18 +4213,29 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86::HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info) {
   DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
+  bool object_field_get_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot);
   LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction,
+                                                   kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ?
+                                                       LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                       LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
   if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(instruction->GetType())) {
   } else {
-    // The output overlaps in case of long: we don't want the low move to overwrite
-    // the object's location.
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(),
-        (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) ? Location::kOutputOverlap
-                                                         : Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+    // The output overlaps in case of long: we don't want the low move
+    // to overwrite the object's location.  Likewise, in the case of
+    // an object field get with read barriers enabled, we do not want
+    // the move to overwrite the object's location, as we need it to emit
+    // the read barrier.
+    locations->SetOut(
+        Location::RequiresRegister(),
+        (object_field_get_with_read_barrier || instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) ?
+            Location::kOutputOverlap :
+            Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
   if (field_info.IsVolatile() && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimLong)) {
@@ -4007,7 +4251,8 @@
   DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  Register base = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location base_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Register base = base_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Location out = locations->Out();
   bool is_volatile = field_info.IsVolatile();
   Primitive::Type field_type = field_info.GetFieldType();
@@ -4082,7 +4327,7 @@
   if (field_type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out.AsRegister<Register>());
+    codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, out, base_loc, offset);
@@ -4410,24 +4655,35 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) {
+  bool object_array_get_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot);
   LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction,
+                                                   object_array_get_with_read_barrier ?
+                                                       LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                       LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
   locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(1)));
   if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(instruction->GetType())) {
     locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresFpuRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
   } else {
-    // The output overlaps in case of long: we don't want the low move to overwrite
-    // the array's location.
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(),
-        (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong) ? Location::kOutputOverlap
-                                                         : Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+    // The output overlaps in case of long: we don't want the low move
+    // to overwrite the array's location.  Likewise, in the case of an
+    // object array get with read barriers enabled, we do not want the
+    // move to overwrite the array's location, as we need it to emit
+    // the read barrier.
+    locations->SetOut(
+        Location::RequiresRegister(),
+        (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimLong || object_array_get_with_read_barrier) ?
+            Location::kOutputOverlap :
+            Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  Register obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location obj_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Register obj = obj_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Location index = locations->InAt(1);
   Primitive::Type type = instruction->GetType();
@@ -4482,6 +4738,9 @@
     case Primitive::kPrimInt:
     case Primitive::kPrimNot: {
+      static_assert(
+          sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
+          "art::mirror::HeapReference<art::mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
       uint32_t data_offset = mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(int32_t)).Uint32Value();
       Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
       if (index.IsConstant()) {
@@ -4546,8 +4805,17 @@
   if (type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-    Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+    static_assert(
+        sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
+        "art::mirror::HeapReference<art::mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
+    uint32_t data_offset = mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(int32_t)).Uint32Value();
+    Location out = locations->Out();
+    if (index.IsConstant()) {
+      uint32_t offset = (index.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() << TIMES_4) + data_offset;
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, out, obj_loc, offset);
+    } else {
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, out, obj_loc, data_offset, index);
+    }
@@ -4558,14 +4826,18 @@
   // optimization.
   Primitive::Type value_type = instruction->GetComponentType();
   bool needs_write_barrier =
       CodeGenerator::StoreNeedsWriteBarrier(value_type, instruction->GetValue());
-  bool may_need_runtime_call = instruction->NeedsTypeCheck();
+  bool may_need_runtime_call_for_type_check = instruction->NeedsTypeCheck();
+  bool object_array_set_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (value_type == Primitive::kPrimNot);
   LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(
-      may_need_runtime_call ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath : LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      (may_need_runtime_call_for_type_check || object_array_set_with_read_barrier) ?
+          LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+          LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   bool is_byte_type = (value_type == Primitive::kPrimBoolean)
       || (value_type == Primitive::kPrimByte);
@@ -4586,20 +4858,21 @@
     // Temporary registers for the write barrier.
     locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());  // Possibly used for ref. poisoning too.
     // Ensure the card is in a byte register.
-    locations->AddTemp(Location::RegisterLocation(ECX));
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RegisterLocation(ECX));  // Possibly used for read barrier too.
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  Register array = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location array_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Register array = array_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Location index = locations->InAt(1);
   Location value = locations->InAt(2);
   Primitive::Type value_type = instruction->GetComponentType();
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t super_offset = mirror::Class::SuperClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t component_offset = mirror::Class::ComponentTypeOffset().Int32Value();
-  bool may_need_runtime_call = locations->CanCall();
+  bool may_need_runtime_call_for_type_check = instruction->NeedsTypeCheck();
   bool needs_write_barrier =
       CodeGenerator::StoreNeedsWriteBarrier(value_type, instruction->GetValue());
@@ -4639,6 +4912,7 @@
       Address address = index.IsConstant()
           ? Address(array, (index.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() << TIMES_4) + offset)
           : Address(array, index.AsRegister<Register>(), TIMES_4, offset);
       if (!value.IsRegister()) {
         // Just setting null.
@@ -4646,7 +4920,7 @@
         __ movl(address, Immediate(0));
-        DCHECK(!may_need_runtime_call);
+        DCHECK(!may_need_runtime_call_for_type_check);
@@ -4655,7 +4929,7 @@
       NearLabel done, not_null, do_put;
       SlowPathCode* slow_path = nullptr;
       Register temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
-      if (may_need_runtime_call) {
+      if (may_need_runtime_call_for_type_check) {
         slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) ArraySetSlowPathX86(instruction);
         if (instruction->GetValueCanBeNull()) {
@@ -4667,22 +4941,62 @@
           __ Bind(&not_null);
-        __ movl(temp, Address(array, class_offset));
-        codegen_->MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instruction);
-        __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-        __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
-        // No need to poison/unpoison, we're comparing two poisoned references.
-        __ cmpl(temp, Address(register_value, class_offset));
-        if (instruction->StaticTypeOfArrayIsObjectArray()) {
-          __ j(kEqual, &do_put);
-          __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-          __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
-          // No need to unpoison, we're comparing against null..
-          __ testl(temp, temp);
-          __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
-          __ Bind(&do_put);
+        if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+          // When read barriers are enabled, the type checking
+          // instrumentation requires two read barriers:
+          //
+          //   __ movl(temp2, temp);
+          //   // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->component_type_
+          //   __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
+          //   codegen_->GenerateReadBarrier(
+          //       instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, component_offset);
+          //
+          //   // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp2 = register_value->klass_
+          //   __ movl(temp2, Address(register_value, class_offset));
+          //   codegen_->GenerateReadBarrier(
+          //       instruction, temp2_loc, temp2_loc, value, class_offset, temp_loc);
+          //
+          //   __ cmpl(temp, temp2);
+          //
+          // However, the second read barrier may trash `temp`, as it
+          // is a temporary register, and as such would not be saved
+          // along with live registers before calling the runtime (nor
+          // restored afterwards).  So in this case, we bail out and
+          // delegate the work to the array set slow path.
+          //
+          // TODO: Extend the register allocator to support a new
+          // "(locally) live temp" location so as to avoid always
+          // going into the slow path when read barriers are enabled.
+          __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
         } else {
-          __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+          // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = array->klass_
+          __ movl(temp, Address(array, class_offset));
+          codegen_->MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instruction);
+          __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+          // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->component_type_
+          __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
+          // If heap poisoning is enabled, no need to unpoison `temp`
+          // nor the object reference in `register_value->klass`, as
+          // we are comparing two poisoned references.
+          __ cmpl(temp, Address(register_value, class_offset));
+          if (instruction->StaticTypeOfArrayIsObjectArray()) {
+            __ j(kEqual, &do_put);
+            // If heap poisoning is enabled, the `temp` reference has
+            // not been unpoisoned yet; unpoison it now.
+            __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+            // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->super_class_
+            __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
+            // If heap poisoning is enabled, no need to unpoison
+            // `temp`, as we are comparing against null below.
+            __ testl(temp, temp);
+            __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+            __ Bind(&do_put);
+          } else {
+            __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+          }
@@ -4693,7 +5007,7 @@
       } else {
         __ movl(address, register_value);
-      if (!may_need_runtime_call) {
+      if (!may_need_runtime_call_for_type_check) {
@@ -4708,6 +5022,7 @@
     case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
       uint32_t offset = mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(int32_t)).Uint32Value();
       Address address = index.IsConstant()
@@ -5178,7 +5493,8 @@
-      Location::RegisterLocation(EAX));
+      Location::RegisterLocation(EAX),
+      /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
@@ -5192,18 +5508,40 @@
-  Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  Register out = out_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
   if (cls->IsReferrersClass()) {
-    __ movl(out, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
+    uint32_t declaring_class_offset = ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value();
+    if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>* */ out = &(current_method->declaring_class_)
+      __ leal(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+      // /* mirror::Class* */ out = out->Read()
+      codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(cls, out_loc, out_loc);
+    } else {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+      __ movl(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+    }
   } else {
-    __ movl(out, Address(
-        current_method, ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86PointerSize).Int32Value()));
-    __ movl(out, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex())));
-    // TODO: We will need a read barrier here.
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
+    //        current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
+    __ movl(out, Address(current_method,
+                         ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86PointerSize).Int32Value()));
+    size_t cache_offset = CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex());
+    if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>* */ out = &out[type_index]
+      __ leal(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+      // /* mirror::Class* */ out = out->Read()
+      codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(cls, out_loc, out_loc);
+    } else {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
+      __ movl(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+    }
     SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathX86(
         cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
@@ -5257,12 +5595,35 @@
   LocationSummary* locations = load->GetLocations();
-  Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  Register out = out_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Register current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
-  __ movl(out, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
+  uint32_t declaring_class_offset = ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value();
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>* */ out = &(current_method->declaring_class_)
+    __ leal(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+    // /* mirror::Class* */ out = out->Read()
+    codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(load, out_loc, out_loc);
+  } else {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+    __ movl(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+  }
+  // /* GcRoot<mirror::String>[] */ out = out->dex_cache_strings_
   __ movl(out, Address(out, mirror::Class::DexCacheStringsOffset().Int32Value()));
-  __ movl(out, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(load->GetStringIndex())));
-  // TODO: We will need a read barrier here.
+  size_t cache_offset = CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(load->GetStringIndex());
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::String>* */ out = &out[string_index]
+    __ leal(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+    // /* mirror::String* */ out = out->Read()
+    codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(load, out_loc, out_loc);
+  } else {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = out[string_index]
+    __ movl(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+  }
   __ testl(out, out);
   __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
   __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
@@ -5306,40 +5667,44 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitInstanceOf(HInstanceOf* instruction) {
   LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-  switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
+  TypeCheckKind type_check_kind = instruction->GetTypeCheckKind();
+  switch (type_check_kind) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck:
-      call_kind = LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-      break;
-    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
-    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-      call_kind = LocationSummary::kCall;
+      call_kind =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
       call_kind = LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath;
   LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, call_kind);
-  if (call_kind != LocationSummary::kCall) {
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
-    // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86 uses this register too.
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
-  } else {
-    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RegisterLocation(EAX));
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
+  // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86 uses this "out" register too.
+  locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  // When read barriers are enabled, we need a temporary register for
+  // some cases.
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      (type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck)) {
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitInstanceOf(HInstanceOf* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  Register obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location obj_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Register obj = obj_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Location cls = locations->InAt(1);
-  Register out = locations->Out().AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  Register out = out_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t super_offset = mirror::Class::SuperClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t component_offset = mirror::Class::ComponentTypeOffset().Int32Value();
@@ -5354,15 +5719,9 @@
     __ j(kEqual, &zero);
-  // In case of an interface/unresolved check, we put the object class into the object register.
-  // This is safe, as the register is caller-save, and the object must be in another
-  // register if it survives the runtime call.
-  Register target = (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind() == TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck) ||
-      (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind() == TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck)
-      ? obj
-      : out;
-  __ movl(target, Address(obj, class_offset));
-  __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(target);
+  // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = obj->klass_
+  __ movl(out, Address(obj, class_offset));
+  codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
   switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck: {
@@ -5379,13 +5738,23 @@
       __ jmp(&done);
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck: {
       // If the class is abstract, we eagerly fetch the super class of the
       // object to avoid doing a comparison we know will fail.
       NearLabel loop;
       __ Bind(&loop);
+      Location temp_loc = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(0) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `out` into `temp` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        Register temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+        __ movl(temp, out);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = out->super_class_
       __ movl(out, Address(out, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, temp_loc, super_offset);
       __ testl(out, out);
       // If `out` is null, we use it for the result, and jump to `done`.
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
@@ -5402,6 +5771,7 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck: {
       // Walk over the class hierarchy to find a match.
       NearLabel loop, success;
@@ -5413,8 +5783,17 @@
         __ cmpl(out, Address(ESP, cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &success);
+      Location temp_loc = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(0) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `out` into `temp` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        Register temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+        __ movl(temp, out);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = out->super_class_
       __ movl(out, Address(out, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, temp_loc, super_offset);
       __ testl(out, out);
       __ j(kNotEqual, &loop);
       // If `out` is null, we use it for the result, and jump to `done`.
@@ -5426,6 +5805,7 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck: {
       // Do an exact check.
       NearLabel exact_check;
@@ -5436,9 +5816,18 @@
         __ cmpl(out, Address(ESP, cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &exact_check);
-      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non primitive array.
+      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non-primitive array.
+      Location temp_loc = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(0) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `out` into `temp` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        Register temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+        __ movl(temp, out);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = out->component_type_
       __ movl(out, Address(out, component_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, temp_loc, component_offset);
       __ testl(out, out);
       // If `out` is null, we use it for the result, and jump to `done`.
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
@@ -5449,6 +5838,7 @@
       __ jmp(&done);
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck: {
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
         __ cmpl(out, cls.AsRegister<Register>());
@@ -5457,8 +5847,8 @@
         __ cmpl(out, Address(ESP, cls.GetStackIndex()));
-      slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86(
-          instruction, /* is_fatal */ false);
+      slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86(instruction,
+                                                                    /* is_fatal */ false);
       __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
       __ movl(out, Immediate(1));
@@ -5467,13 +5857,25 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
-    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-    default: {
-      codegen_->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInstanceofNonTrivial),
-                              instruction,
-                              instruction->GetDexPc(),
-                              nullptr);
+    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck: {
+      // Note that we indeed only call on slow path, but we always go
+      // into the slow path for the unresolved & interface check
+      // cases.
+      //
+      // We cannot directly call the InstanceofNonTrivial runtime
+      // entry point without resorting to a type checking slow path
+      // here (i.e. by calling InvokeRuntime directly), as it would
+      // require to assign fixed registers for the inputs of this
+      // HInstanceOf instruction (following the runtime calling
+      // convention), which might be cluttered by the potential first
+      // read barrier emission at the beginning of this method.
+      DCHECK(locations->OnlyCallsOnSlowPath());
+      slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86(instruction,
+                                                                    /* is_fatal */ false);
+      codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+      __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
       if (zero.IsLinked()) {
         __ jmp(&done);
@@ -5498,75 +5900,73 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitCheckCast(HCheckCast* instruction) {
   LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = LocationSummary::kNoCall;
   bool throws_into_catch = instruction->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock();
-  switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
+  TypeCheckKind type_check_kind = instruction->GetTypeCheckKind();
+  switch (type_check_kind) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck:
-      call_kind = throws_into_catch
-          ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
-          : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-      break;
-    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
-      call_kind = LocationSummary::kCall;
+      call_kind = (throws_into_catch || kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) ?
+          LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+          LocationSummary::kNoCall;  // In fact, call on a fatal (non-returning) slow path.
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
       call_kind = LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath;
-  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(
-      instruction, call_kind);
-  if (call_kind != LocationSummary::kCall) {
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
-    // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86 uses this register too.
+  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, call_kind);
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
+  // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86 uses this "temp" register too.
+  locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  // When read barriers are enabled, we need an additional temporary
+  // register for some cases.
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      (type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck)) {
-  } else {
-    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86::VisitCheckCast(HCheckCast* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  Register obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location obj_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  Register obj = obj_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   Location cls = locations->InAt(1);
-  Register temp = locations->WillCall()
-      ? kNoRegister
-      : locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location temp_loc = locations->GetTemp(0);
+  Register temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t super_offset = mirror::Class::SuperClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t component_offset = mirror::Class::ComponentTypeOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t primitive_offset = mirror::Class::PrimitiveTypeOffset().Int32Value();
-  SlowPathCode* slow_path = nullptr;
-  if (!locations->WillCall()) {
-    slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86(
-        instruction, !locations->CanCall());
-    codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
-  }
+  TypeCheckKind type_check_kind = instruction->GetTypeCheckKind();
+  bool is_type_check_slow_path_fatal =
+      (type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck) &&
+      !instruction->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock();
+  SlowPathCode* type_check_slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86(instruction,
+                                                        is_type_check_slow_path_fatal);
+  codegen_->AddSlowPath(type_check_slow_path);
-  NearLabel done, abstract_entry;
+  NearLabel done;
   // Avoid null check if we know obj is not null.
   if (instruction->MustDoNullCheck()) {
     __ testl(obj, obj);
     __ j(kEqual, &done);
-  if (locations->WillCall()) {
-    __ movl(obj, Address(obj, class_offset));
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(obj);
-  } else {
-    __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-  }
+  // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+  __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+  codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
-  switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
+  switch (type_check_kind) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck: {
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
@@ -5577,19 +5977,44 @@
       // Jump to slow path for throwing the exception or doing a
       // more involved array check.
-      __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kNotEqual, type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck: {
       // If the class is abstract, we eagerly fetch the super class of the
       // object to avoid doing a comparison we know will fail.
-      NearLabel loop, success;
+      NearLabel loop, compare_classes;
       __ Bind(&loop);
+      Location temp2_loc =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(1) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `temp` into `temp2` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        Register temp2 = temp2_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+        __ movl(temp2, temp);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->super_class_
       __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, super_offset);
+      // If the class reference currently in `temp` is not null, jump
+      // to the `compare_classes` label to compare it with the checked
+      // class.
       __ testl(temp, temp);
-      // Jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
-      __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kNotEqual, &compare_classes);
+      // Otherwise, jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
+      //
+      // But before, move back the object's class into `temp` before
+      // going into the slow path, as it has been overwritten in the
+      // meantime.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ Bind(&compare_classes);
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
         __ cmpl(temp, cls.AsRegister<Register>());
       } else {
@@ -5599,6 +6024,7 @@
       __ j(kNotEqual, &loop);
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck: {
       // Walk over the class hierarchy to find a match.
       NearLabel loop;
@@ -5610,16 +6036,39 @@
         __ cmpl(temp, Address(ESP, cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
+      Location temp2_loc =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(1) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `temp` into `temp2` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        Register temp2 = temp2_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+        __ movl(temp2, temp);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->super_class_
       __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, super_offset);
+      // If the class reference currently in `temp` is not null, jump
+      // back at the beginning of the loop.
       __ testl(temp, temp);
       __ j(kNotEqual, &loop);
-      // Jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
-      __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      // Otherwise, jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
+      //
+      // But before, move back the object's class into `temp` before
+      // going into the slow path, as it has been overwritten in the
+      // meantime.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck: {
       // Do an exact check.
+      NearLabel check_non_primitive_component_type;
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
         __ cmpl(temp, cls.AsRegister<Register>());
       } else {
@@ -5627,29 +6076,67 @@
         __ cmpl(temp, Address(ESP, cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
-      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non primitive array.
+      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non-primitive array.
+      Location temp2_loc =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(1) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `temp` into `temp2` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        Register temp2 = temp2_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+        __ movl(temp2, temp);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->component_type_
       __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(
+          instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, component_offset);
+      // If the component type is not null (i.e. the object is indeed
+      // an array), jump to label `check_non_primitive_component_type`
+      // to further check that this component type is not a primitive
+      // type.
       __ testl(temp, temp);
-      __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kNotEqual, &check_non_primitive_component_type);
+      // Otherwise, jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
+      //
+      // But before, move back the object's class into `temp` before
+      // going into the slow path, as it has been overwritten in the
+      // meantime.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ Bind(&check_non_primitive_component_type);
       __ cmpw(Address(temp, primitive_offset), Immediate(Primitive::kPrimNot));
-      __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kEqual, &done);
+      // Same comment as above regarding `temp` and the slow path.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
     case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-    default:
-      codegen_->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCheckCast),
-                              instruction,
-                              instruction->GetDexPc(),
-                              nullptr);
+      // We always go into the type check slow path for the unresolved &
+      // interface check cases.
+      //
+      // We cannot directly call the CheckCast runtime entry point
+      // without resorting to a type checking slow path here (i.e. by
+      // calling InvokeRuntime directly), as it would require to
+      // assign fixed registers for the inputs of this HInstanceOf
+      // instruction (following the runtime calling convention), which
+      // might be cluttered by the potential first read barrier
+      // emission at the beginning of this method.
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
   __ Bind(&done);
-  if (slow_path != nullptr) {
-    __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
-  }
+  __ Bind(type_check_slow_path->GetExitLabel());
 void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitMonitorOperation(HMonitorOperation* instruction) {
@@ -5800,6 +6287,82 @@
+void CodeGeneratorX86::GenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                           Location out,
+                                           Location ref,
+                                           Location obj,
+                                           uint32_t offset,
+                                           Location index) {
+  DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+  // If heap poisoning is enabled, the unpoisoning of the loaded
+  // reference will be carried out by the runtime within the slow
+  // path.
+  //
+  // Note that `ref` currently does not get unpoisoned (when heap
+  // poisoning is enabled), which is alright as the `ref` argument is
+  // not used by the artReadBarrierSlow entry point.
+  //
+  // TODO: Unpoison `ref` when it is used by artReadBarrierSlow.
+  SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena())
+      ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86(instruction, out, ref, obj, offset, index);
+  AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+  // TODO: When read barrier has a fast path, add it here.
+  /* Currently the read barrier call is inserted after the original load.
+   * However, if we have a fast path, we need to perform the load of obj.LockWord *before* the
+   * original load. This load-load ordering is required by the read barrier.
+   * The fast path/slow path (for Baker's algorithm) should look like:
+   *
+   * bool isGray = obj.LockWord & kReadBarrierMask;
+   * lfence;  // load fence or artificial data dependence to prevent load-load reordering
+   * ref = obj.field;    // this is the original load
+   * if (isGray) {
+   *   ref = Mark(ref);  // ideally the slow path just does Mark(ref)
+   * }
+   */
+  __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+void CodeGeneratorX86::MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                                Location out,
+                                                Location ref,
+                                                Location obj,
+                                                uint32_t offset,
+                                                Location index) {
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    // If heap poisoning is enabled, unpoisoning will be taken care of
+    // by the runtime within the slow path.
+    GenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, ref, obj, offset, index);
+  } else if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
+    __ UnpoisonHeapReference(out.AsRegister<Register>());
+  }
+void CodeGeneratorX86::GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                                  Location out,
+                                                  Location root) {
+  DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+  // Note that GC roots are not affected by heap poisoning, so we do
+  // not need to do anything special for this here.
+  SlowPathCode* slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86(instruction, out, root);
+  AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+  // TODO: Implement a fast path for ReadBarrierForRoot, performing
+  // the following operation (for Baker's algorithm):
+  //
+  //   if (thread.tls32_.is_gc_marking) {
+  //     root = Mark(root);
+  //   }
+  __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
 void LocationsBuilderX86::VisitBoundType(HBoundType* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   // Nothing to do, this should be removed during prepare for register allocator.
   LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
index 177a059..cd606f6 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86.h
@@ -397,6 +397,51 @@
   void Finalize(CodeAllocator* allocator) OVERRIDE;
+  // Generate a read barrier for a heap reference within `instruction`.
+  //
+  // A read barrier for an object reference read from the heap is
+  // implemented as a call to the artReadBarrierSlow runtime entry
+  // point, which is passed the values in locations `ref`, `obj`, and
+  // `offset`:
+  //
+  //   mirror::Object* artReadBarrierSlow(mirror::Object* ref,
+  //                                      mirror::Object* obj,
+  //                                      uint32_t offset);
+  //
+  // The `out` location contains the value returned by
+  // artReadBarrierSlow.
+  //
+  // When `index` is provided (i.e. for array accesses), the offset
+  // value passed to artReadBarrierSlow is adjusted to take `index`
+  // into account.
+  void GenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                           Location out,
+                           Location ref,
+                           Location obj,
+                           uint32_t offset,
+                           Location index = Location::NoLocation());
+  // If read barriers are enabled, generate a read barrier for a heap reference.
+  // If heap poisoning is enabled, also unpoison the reference in `out`.
+  void MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                Location out,
+                                Location ref,
+                                Location obj,
+                                uint32_t offset,
+                                Location index = Location::NoLocation());
+  // Generate a read barrier for a GC root within `instruction`.
+  //
+  // A read barrier for an object reference GC root is implemented as
+  // a call to the artReadBarrierForRootSlow runtime entry point,
+  // which is passed the value in location `root`:
+  //
+  //   mirror::Object* artReadBarrierForRootSlow(GcRoot<mirror::Object>* root);
+  //
+  // The `out` location contains the value returned by
+  // artReadBarrierForRootSlow.
+  void GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(HInstruction* instruction, Location out, Location root);
   Register GetInvokeStaticOrDirectExtraParameter(HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke, Register temp);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.cc b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.cc
index e2ad667..d55c084 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.cc
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
 namespace art {
+template<class MirrorType>
+class GcRoot;
 namespace x86_64 {
 static constexpr int kCurrentMethodStackOffset = 0;
@@ -52,16 +55,16 @@
   explicit NullCheckSlowPathX86_64(HNullCheck* instruction) : instruction_(instruction) {}
   void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     if (instruction_->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock()) {
       // Live registers will be restored in the catch block if caught.
       SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, instruction_->GetLocations());
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pThrowNullPointer),
-                               instruction_,
-                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
-                               this);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pThrowNullPointer),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
   bool IsFatal() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
@@ -78,16 +81,16 @@
   explicit DivZeroCheckSlowPathX86_64(HDivZeroCheck* instruction) : instruction_(instruction) {}
   void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     if (instruction_->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock()) {
       // Live registers will be restored in the catch block if caught.
       SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, instruction_->GetLocations());
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pThrowDivZero),
-                               instruction_,
-                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
-                               this);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pThrowDivZero),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
   bool IsFatal() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
@@ -139,18 +142,18 @@
       : instruction_(instruction), successor_(successor) {}
   void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, instruction_->GetLocations());
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pTestSuspend),
-                               instruction_,
-                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
-                               this);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pTestSuspend),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
     RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, instruction_->GetLocations());
     if (successor_ == nullptr) {
       __ jmp(GetReturnLabel());
     } else {
-      __ jmp(x64_codegen->GetLabelOf(successor_));
+      __ jmp(x86_64_codegen->GetLabelOf(successor_));
@@ -180,7 +183,7 @@
   void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
     LocationSummary* locations = instruction_->GetLocations();
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     if (instruction_->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock()) {
       // Live registers will be restored in the catch block if caught.
@@ -196,8 +199,10 @@
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pThrowArrayBounds),
-                               instruction_, instruction_->GetDexPc(), this);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pThrowArrayBounds),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
   bool IsFatal() const OVERRIDE { return true; }
@@ -222,22 +227,25 @@
   void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
     LocationSummary* locations = at_->GetLocations();
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
     InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
     __ movl(CpuRegister(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)), Immediate(cls_->GetTypeIndex()));
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(do_clinit_ ? QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInitializeStaticStorage)
-                                          : QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInitializeType),
-                                          at_, dex_pc_, this);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(do_clinit_ ?
+                                      QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInitializeStaticStorage) :
+                                      QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInitializeType),
+                                  at_,
+                                  dex_pc_,
+                                  this);
     Location out = locations->Out();
     // Move the class to the desired location.
     if (out.IsValid()) {
       DCHECK(out.IsRegister() && !locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(out.reg()));
-      x64_codegen->Move(out, Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+      x86_64_codegen->Move(out, Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
     RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
@@ -271,18 +279,18 @@
     LocationSummary* locations = instruction_->GetLocations();
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
     InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
     __ movl(CpuRegister(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pResolveString),
-                               instruction_,
-                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
-                               this);
-    x64_codegen->Move(locations->Out(), Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pResolveString),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
+    x86_64_codegen->Move(locations->Out(), Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
     RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
     __ jmp(GetExitLabel());
@@ -308,18 +316,9 @@
            || !locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(locations->Out().reg()));
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
-    if (instruction_->IsCheckCast()) {
-      // The codegen for the instruction overwrites `temp`, so put it back in place.
-      CpuRegister obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
-      CpuRegister temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
-      uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
-      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-    }
     if (!is_fatal_) {
       SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
@@ -336,21 +335,24 @@
     if (instruction_->IsInstanceOf()) {
-      x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInstanceofNonTrivial),
-                                 instruction_,
-                                 dex_pc,
-                                 this);
+      x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInstanceofNonTrivial),
+                                    instruction_,
+                                    dex_pc,
+                                    this);
+      CheckEntrypointTypes<
+          kQuickInstanceofNonTrivial, uint32_t, const mirror::Class*, const mirror::Class*>();
     } else {
-      x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCheckCast),
-                                 instruction_,
-                                 dex_pc,
-                                 this);
+      x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCheckCast),
+                                    instruction_,
+                                    dex_pc,
+                                    this);
+      CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickCheckCast, void, const mirror::Class*, const mirror::Class*>();
     if (!is_fatal_) {
       if (instruction_->IsInstanceOf()) {
-        x64_codegen->Move(locations->Out(), Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+        x86_64_codegen->Move(locations->Out(), Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
       RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
@@ -375,15 +377,15 @@
       : instruction_(instruction) {}
   void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
     __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
     SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, instruction_->GetLocations());
     HDeoptimize* deoptimize = instruction_->AsDeoptimize();
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pDeoptimize),
-                               deoptimize,
-                               deoptimize->GetDexPc(),
-                               this);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pDeoptimize),
+                                  deoptimize,
+                                  deoptimize->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
   const char* GetDescription() const OVERRIDE { return "DeoptimizationSlowPathX86_64"; }
@@ -421,11 +423,11 @@
-    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
-    x64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pAputObject),
-                               instruction_,
-                               instruction_->GetDexPc(),
-                               this);
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pAputObject),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
     RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
     __ jmp(GetExitLabel());
@@ -438,6 +440,219 @@
+// Slow path generating a read barrier for a heap reference.
+class ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86_64 : public SlowPathCode {
+ public:
+  ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86_64(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                            Location out,
+                                            Location ref,
+                                            Location obj,
+                                            uint32_t offset,
+                                            Location index)
+      : instruction_(instruction),
+        out_(out),
+        ref_(ref),
+        obj_(obj),
+        offset_(offset),
+        index_(index) {
+    DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+    // If `obj` is equal to `out` or `ref`, it means the initial
+    // object has been overwritten by (or after) the heap object
+    // reference load to be instrumented, e.g.:
+    //
+    //   __ movl(out, Address(out, offset));
+    //   codegen_->GenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, out_loc, offset);
+    //
+    // In that case, we have lost the information about the original
+    // object, and the emitted read barrier cannot work properly.
+    DCHECK(!obj.Equals(out)) << "obj=" << obj << " out=" << out;
+    DCHECK(!obj.Equals(ref)) << "obj=" << obj << " ref=" << ref;
+  void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    LocationSummary* locations = instruction_->GetLocations();
+    CpuRegister reg_out = out_.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+    DCHECK(locations->CanCall());
+    DCHECK(!locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(reg_out.AsRegister())) << out_;
+    DCHECK(!instruction_->IsInvoke() ||
+           (instruction_->IsInvokeStaticOrDirect() &&
+            instruction_->GetLocations()->Intrinsified()));
+    __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
+    SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    // We may have to change the index's value, but as `index_` is a
+    // constant member (like other "inputs" of this slow path),
+    // introduce a copy of it, `index`.
+    Location index = index_;
+    if (index_.IsValid()) {
+      // Handle `index_` for HArrayGet and intrinsic UnsafeGetObject.
+      if (instruction_->IsArrayGet()) {
+        // Compute real offset and store it in index_.
+        Register index_reg = index_.AsRegister<CpuRegister>().AsRegister();
+        DCHECK(locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(index_reg));
+        if (codegen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(index_reg)) {
+          // We are about to change the value of `index_reg` (see the
+          // calls to art::x86_64::X86_64Assembler::shll and
+          // art::x86_64::X86_64Assembler::AddImmediate below), but it
+          // has not been saved by the previous call to
+          // art::SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters, as it is a
+          // callee-save register --
+          // art::SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters does not consider
+          // callee-save registers, as it has been designed with the
+          // assumption that callee-save registers are supposed to be
+          // handled by the called function.  So, as a callee-save
+          // register, `index_reg` _would_ eventually be saved onto
+          // the stack, but it would be too late: we would have
+          // changed its value earlier.  Therefore, we manually save
+          // it here into another freely available register,
+          // `free_reg`, chosen of course among the caller-save
+          // registers (as a callee-save `free_reg` register would
+          // exhibit the same problem).
+          //
+          // Note we could have requested a temporary register from
+          // the register allocator instead; but we prefer not to, as
+          // this is a slow path, and we know we can find a
+          // caller-save register that is available.
+          Register free_reg = FindAvailableCallerSaveRegister(codegen).AsRegister();
+          __ movl(CpuRegister(free_reg), CpuRegister(index_reg));
+          index_reg = free_reg;
+          index = Location::RegisterLocation(index_reg);
+        } else {
+          // The initial register stored in `index_` has already been
+          // saved in the call to art::SlowPathCode::SaveLiveRegisters
+          // (as it is not a callee-save register), so we can freely
+          // use it.
+        }
+        // Shifting the index value contained in `index_reg` by the
+        // scale factor (2) cannot overflow in practice, as the
+        // runtime is unable to allocate object arrays with a size
+        // larger than 2^26 - 1 (that is, 2^28 - 4 bytes).
+        __ shll(CpuRegister(index_reg), Immediate(TIMES_4));
+        static_assert(
+            sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
+            "art::mirror::HeapReference<art::mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
+        __ AddImmediate(CpuRegister(index_reg), Immediate(offset_));
+      } else {
+        DCHECK(instruction_->IsInvoke());
+        DCHECK(instruction_->GetLocations()->Intrinsified());
+        DCHECK((instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObject) ||
+               (instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObjectVolatile))
+            << instruction_->AsInvoke()->GetIntrinsic();
+        DCHECK_EQ(offset_, 0U);
+        DCHECK(index_.IsRegister());
+      }
+    }
+    // We're moving two or three locations to locations that could
+    // overlap, so we need a parallel move resolver.
+    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+    HParallelMove parallel_move(codegen->GetGraph()->GetArena());
+    parallel_move.AddMove(ref_,
+                          Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)),
+                          Primitive::kPrimNot,
+                          nullptr);
+    parallel_move.AddMove(obj_,
+                          Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)),
+                          Primitive::kPrimNot,
+                          nullptr);
+    if (index.IsValid()) {
+      parallel_move.AddMove(index,
+                            Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(2)),
+                            Primitive::kPrimInt,
+                            nullptr);
+      codegen->GetMoveResolver()->EmitNativeCode(&parallel_move);
+    } else {
+      codegen->GetMoveResolver()->EmitNativeCode(&parallel_move);
+      __ movl(CpuRegister(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(2)), Immediate(offset_));
+    }
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pReadBarrierSlow),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
+    CheckEntrypointTypes<
+        kQuickReadBarrierSlow, mirror::Object*, mirror::Object*, mirror::Object*, uint32_t>();
+    x86_64_codegen->Move(out_, Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+    RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    __ jmp(GetExitLabel());
+  }
+  const char* GetDescription() const OVERRIDE {
+    return "ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86_64";
+  }
+ private:
+  CpuRegister FindAvailableCallerSaveRegister(CodeGenerator* codegen) {
+    size_t ref = static_cast<int>(ref_.AsRegister<CpuRegister>().AsRegister());
+    size_t obj = static_cast<int>(obj_.AsRegister<CpuRegister>().AsRegister());
+    for (size_t i = 0, e = codegen->GetNumberOfCoreRegisters(); i < e; ++i) {
+      if (i != ref && i != obj && !codegen->IsCoreCalleeSaveRegister(i)) {
+        return static_cast<CpuRegister>(i);
+      }
+    }
+    // We shall never fail to find a free caller-save register, as
+    // there are more than two core caller-save registers on x86-64
+    // (meaning it is possible to find one which is different from
+    // `ref` and `obj`).
+    DCHECK_GT(codegen->GetNumberOfCoreCallerSaveRegisters(), 2u);
+    LOG(FATAL) << "Could not find a free caller-save register";
+  }
+  HInstruction* const instruction_;
+  const Location out_;
+  const Location ref_;
+  const Location obj_;
+  const uint32_t offset_;
+  // An additional location containing an index to an array.
+  // Only used for HArrayGet and the UnsafeGetObject &
+  // UnsafeGetObjectVolatile intrinsics.
+  const Location index_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86_64);
+// Slow path generating a read barrier for a GC root.
+class ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86_64 : public SlowPathCode {
+ public:
+  ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86_64(HInstruction* instruction, Location out, Location root)
+      : instruction_(instruction), out_(out), root_(root) {}
+  void EmitNativeCode(CodeGenerator* codegen) OVERRIDE {
+    LocationSummary* locations = instruction_->GetLocations();
+    DCHECK(locations->CanCall());
+    DCHECK(!locations->GetLiveRegisters()->ContainsCoreRegister(out_.reg()));
+    DCHECK(instruction_->IsLoadClass() || instruction_->IsLoadString());
+    __ Bind(GetEntryLabel());
+    SaveLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
+    CodeGeneratorX86_64* x86_64_codegen = down_cast<CodeGeneratorX86_64*>(codegen);
+    x86_64_codegen->Move(Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)), root_);
+    x86_64_codegen->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pReadBarrierForRootSlow),
+                                  instruction_,
+                                  instruction_->GetDexPc(),
+                                  this);
+    CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickReadBarrierForRootSlow, mirror::Object*, GcRoot<mirror::Object>*>();
+    x86_64_codegen->Move(out_, Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+    RestoreLiveRegisters(codegen, locations);
+    __ jmp(GetExitLabel());
+  }
+  const char* GetDescription() const OVERRIDE { return "ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86_64"; }
+ private:
+  HInstruction* const instruction_;
+  const Location out_;
+  const Location root_;
+  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86_64);
 #undef __
 #define __ down_cast<X86_64Assembler*>(GetAssembler())->
@@ -533,7 +748,7 @@
         method_reg = reg.AsRegister();
         __ movq(reg, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), kCurrentMethodStackOffset));
-      // temp = temp->dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
+      // /* ArtMethod*[] */ temp = temp.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_methods_;
       __ movq(reg,
@@ -578,10 +793,17 @@
   LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
   Location receiver = locations->InAt(0);
   size_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().SizeValue();
-  // temp = object->GetClass();
+  // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = receiver->klass_
   __ movl(temp, Address(receiver.AsRegister<CpuRegister>(), class_offset));
+  // Instead of simply (possibly) unpoisoning `temp` here, we should
+  // emit a read barrier for the previous class reference load.
+  // However this is not required in practice, as this is an
+  // intermediate/temporary reference and because the current
+  // concurrent copying collector keeps the from-space memory
+  // intact/accessible until the end of the marking phase (the
+  // concurrent copying collector may not in the future).
   __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
   // temp = temp->GetMethodAt(method_offset);
   __ movq(temp, Address(temp, method_offset));
@@ -672,9 +894,9 @@
 // Use a fake return address register to mimic Quick.
 static constexpr Register kFakeReturnRegister = Register(kLastCpuRegister + 1);
 CodeGeneratorX86_64::CodeGeneratorX86_64(HGraph* graph,
-                const X86_64InstructionSetFeatures& isa_features,
-                const CompilerOptions& compiler_options,
-                OptimizingCompilerStats* stats)
+                                         const X86_64InstructionSetFeatures& isa_features,
+                                         const CompilerOptions& compiler_options,
+                                         OptimizingCompilerStats* stats)
       : CodeGenerator(graph,
@@ -728,7 +950,7 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable type " << type;
-  return Location();
+  return Location::NoLocation();
 void CodeGeneratorX86_64::SetupBlockedRegisters(bool is_baseline) const {
@@ -1836,7 +2058,7 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected parameter type " << type;
-  return Location();
+  return Location::NoLocation();
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitInvokeUnresolved(HInvokeUnresolved* invoke) {
@@ -1907,7 +2129,6 @@
   codegen_->GenerateVirtualCall(invoke, invoke->GetLocations()->GetTemp(0));
   codegen_->RecordPcInfo(invoke, invoke->GetDexPc());
@@ -1920,31 +2141,41 @@
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitInvokeInterface(HInvokeInterface* invoke) {
   // TODO: b/18116999, our IMTs can miss an IncompatibleClassChangeError.
-  CpuRegister temp = invoke->GetLocations()->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
+  CpuRegister temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  CpuRegister hidden_reg = locations->GetTemp(1).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   uint32_t method_offset = mirror::Class::EmbeddedImTableEntryOffset(
       invoke->GetImtIndex() % mirror::Class::kImtSize, kX86_64PointerSize).Uint32Value();
-  LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
   Location receiver = locations->InAt(0);
   size_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().SizeValue();
-  // Set the hidden argument.
-  CpuRegister hidden_reg = invoke->GetLocations()->GetTemp(1).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  // Set the hidden argument. This is safe to do this here, as RAX
+  // won't be modified thereafter, before the `call` instruction.
+  DCHECK_EQ(RAX, hidden_reg.AsRegister());
   codegen_->Load64BitValue(hidden_reg, invoke->GetDexMethodIndex());
-  // temp = object->GetClass();
   if (receiver.IsStackSlot()) {
     __ movl(temp, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), receiver.GetStackIndex()));
+    // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->klass_
     __ movl(temp, Address(temp, class_offset));
   } else {
+    // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = receiver->klass_
     __ movl(temp, Address(receiver.AsRegister<CpuRegister>(), class_offset));
+  // Instead of simply (possibly) unpoisoning `temp` here, we should
+  // emit a read barrier for the previous class reference load.
+  // However this is not required in practice, as this is an
+  // intermediate/temporary reference and because the current
+  // concurrent copying collector keeps the from-space memory
+  // intact/accessible until the end of the marking phase (the
+  // concurrent copying collector may not in the future).
   __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
   // temp = temp->GetImtEntryAt(method_offset);
   __ movq(temp, Address(temp, method_offset));
   // call temp->GetEntryPoint();
-  __ call(Address(temp, ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(
-      kX86_64WordSize).SizeValue()));
+  __ call(Address(temp,
+                  ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kX86_64WordSize).SizeValue()));
   codegen_->RecordPcInfo(invoke, invoke->GetDexPc());
@@ -3686,13 +3917,23 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction) {
   DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
+  bool object_field_get_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot);
   LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction,
+                                                   object_field_get_with_read_barrier ?
+                                                       LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                       LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
   if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(instruction->GetType())) {
   } else {
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+    // The output overlaps for an object field get when read barriers
+    // are enabled: we do not want the move to overwrite the object's
+    // location, as we need it to emit the read barrier.
+    locations->SetOut(
+        Location::RequiresRegister(),
+        object_field_get_with_read_barrier ? Location::kOutputOverlap : Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
@@ -3701,7 +3942,8 @@
   DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  CpuRegister base = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location base_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  CpuRegister base = base_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   Location out = locations->Out();
   bool is_volatile = field_info.IsVolatile();
   Primitive::Type field_type = field_info.GetFieldType();
@@ -3761,7 +4003,7 @@
   if (field_type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
+    codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, out, base_loc, offset);
@@ -4079,20 +4321,31 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) {
+  bool object_array_get_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (instruction->GetType() == Primitive::kPrimNot);
   LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction,
+                                                   object_array_get_with_read_barrier ?
+                                                       LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                       LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
   locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(1)));
   if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(instruction->GetType())) {
     locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresFpuRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
   } else {
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+    // The output overlaps for an object array get when read barriers
+    // are enabled: we do not want the move to overwrite the array's
+    // location, as we need it to emit the read barrier.
+    locations->SetOut(
+        Location::RequiresRegister(),
+        object_array_get_with_read_barrier ? Location::kOutputOverlap : Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitArrayGet(HArrayGet* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  CpuRegister obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location obj_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  CpuRegister obj = obj_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   Location index = locations->InAt(1);
   Primitive::Type type = instruction->GetType();
@@ -4147,8 +4400,9 @@
     case Primitive::kPrimInt:
     case Primitive::kPrimNot: {
-      static_assert(sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
-                    "art::mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
+      static_assert(
+          sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
+          "art::mirror::HeapReference<art::mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
       uint32_t data_offset = mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(int32_t)).Uint32Value();
       CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
       if (index.IsConstant()) {
@@ -4203,8 +4457,17 @@
   if (type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-    CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+    static_assert(
+        sizeof(mirror::HeapReference<mirror::Object>) == sizeof(int32_t),
+        "art::mirror::HeapReference<art::mirror::Object> and int32_t have different sizes.");
+    uint32_t data_offset = mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(int32_t)).Uint32Value();
+    Location out = locations->Out();
+    if (index.IsConstant()) {
+      uint32_t offset = (index.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() << TIMES_4) + data_offset;
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, out, obj_loc, offset);
+    } else {
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, out, obj_loc, data_offset, index);
+    }
@@ -4214,10 +4477,14 @@
   bool needs_write_barrier =
       CodeGenerator::StoreNeedsWriteBarrier(value_type, instruction->GetValue());
   bool may_need_runtime_call = instruction->NeedsTypeCheck();
+  bool object_array_set_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (value_type == Primitive::kPrimNot);
   LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(
-      may_need_runtime_call ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath : LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+      (may_need_runtime_call || object_array_set_with_read_barrier) ?
+          LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+          LocationSummary::kNoCall);
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
   locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterOrConstant(instruction->InputAt(1)));
@@ -4229,18 +4496,24 @@
   if (needs_write_barrier) {
     // Temporary registers for the write barrier.
-    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());  // Possibly used for ref. poisoning too.
+    // This first temporary register is possibly used for heap
+    // reference poisoning and/or read barrier emission too.
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+    // This second temporary register is possibly used for read
+    // barrier emission too.
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitArraySet(HArraySet* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  CpuRegister array = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location array_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  CpuRegister array = array_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   Location index = locations->InAt(1);
   Location value = locations->InAt(2);
   Primitive::Type value_type = instruction->GetComponentType();
-  bool may_need_runtime_call = locations->CanCall();
+  bool may_need_runtime_call = instruction->NeedsTypeCheck();
   bool needs_write_barrier =
       CodeGenerator::StoreNeedsWriteBarrier(value_type, instruction->GetValue());
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
@@ -4284,6 +4557,7 @@
       Address address = index.IsConstant()
           ? Address(array, (index.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue() << TIMES_4) + offset)
           : Address(array, index.AsRegister<CpuRegister>(), TIMES_4, offset);
       if (!value.IsRegister()) {
         // Just setting null.
@@ -4312,22 +4586,62 @@
           __ Bind(&not_null);
-        __ movl(temp, Address(array, class_offset));
-        codegen_->MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instruction);
-        __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-        __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
-        // No need to poison/unpoison, we're comparing two poisoned references.
-        __ cmpl(temp, Address(register_value, class_offset));
-        if (instruction->StaticTypeOfArrayIsObjectArray()) {
-          __ j(kEqual, &do_put);
-          __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-          __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
-          // No need to unpoison the result, we're comparing against null.
-          __ testl(temp, temp);
-          __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
-          __ Bind(&do_put);
+        if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+          // When read barriers are enabled, the type checking
+          // instrumentation requires two read barriers:
+          //
+          //   __ movl(temp2, temp);
+          //   // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->component_type_
+          //   __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
+          //   codegen_->GenerateReadBarrier(
+          //       instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, component_offset);
+          //
+          //   // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp2 = register_value->klass_
+          //   __ movl(temp2, Address(register_value, class_offset));
+          //   codegen_->GenerateReadBarrier(
+          //       instruction, temp2_loc, temp2_loc, value, class_offset, temp_loc);
+          //
+          //   __ cmpl(temp, temp2);
+          //
+          // However, the second read barrier may trash `temp`, as it
+          // is a temporary register, and as such would not be saved
+          // along with live registers before calling the runtime (nor
+          // restored afterwards).  So in this case, we bail out and
+          // delegate the work to the array set slow path.
+          //
+          // TODO: Extend the register allocator to support a new
+          // "(locally) live temp" location so as to avoid always
+          // going into the slow path when read barriers are enabled.
+          __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
         } else {
-          __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+          // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = array->klass_
+          __ movl(temp, Address(array, class_offset));
+          codegen_->MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instruction);
+          __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+          // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->component_type_
+          __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
+          // If heap poisoning is enabled, no need to unpoison `temp`
+          // nor the object reference in `register_value->klass`, as
+          // we are comparing two poisoned references.
+          __ cmpl(temp, Address(register_value, class_offset));
+          if (instruction->StaticTypeOfArrayIsObjectArray()) {
+            __ j(kEqual, &do_put);
+            // If heap poisoning is enabled, the `temp` reference has
+            // not been unpoisoned yet; unpoison it now.
+            __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+            // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->super_class_
+            __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
+            // If heap poisoning is enabled, no need to unpoison
+            // `temp`, as we are comparing against null below.
+            __ testl(temp, temp);
+            __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+            __ Bind(&do_put);
+          } else {
+            __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+          }
@@ -4353,6 +4667,7 @@
     case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
       uint32_t offset = mirror::Array::DataOffset(sizeof(int32_t)).Uint32Value();
       Address address = index.IsConstant()
@@ -4802,7 +5117,8 @@
-      Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+      Location::RegisterLocation(RAX),
+      /* code_generator_supports_read_barrier */ true);
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
@@ -4816,18 +5132,40 @@
-  CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  CpuRegister out = out_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   CpuRegister current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   if (cls->IsReferrersClass()) {
-    __ movl(out, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
+    uint32_t declaring_class_offset = ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value();
+    if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>* */ out = &(current_method->declaring_class_)
+      __ leaq(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+      // /* mirror::Class* */ out = out->Read()
+      codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(cls, out_loc, out_loc);
+    } else {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+      __ movl(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+    }
   } else {
-    __ movq(out, Address(
-        current_method, ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86_64PointerSize).Int32Value()));
-    __ movl(out, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex())));
-    // TODO: We will need a read barrier here.
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>[] */ out =
+    //        current_method.ptr_sized_fields_->dex_cache_resolved_types_
+    __ movq(out, Address(current_method,
+                         ArtMethod::DexCacheResolvedTypesOffset(kX86_64PointerSize).Int32Value()));
+    size_t cache_offset = CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(cls->GetTypeIndex());
+    if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>* */ out = &out[type_index]
+      __ leaq(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+      // /* mirror::Class* */ out = out->Read()
+      codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(cls, out_loc, out_loc);
+    } else {
+      // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = out[type_index]
+      __ movl(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+    }
     SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathX86_64(
         cls, cls, cls->GetDexPc(), cls->MustGenerateClinitCheck());
@@ -4872,12 +5210,35 @@
   LocationSummary* locations = load->GetLocations();
-  CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location out_loc = locations->Out();
+  CpuRegister out = out_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   CpuRegister current_method = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
-  __ movl(out, Address(current_method, ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value()));
-  __ movq(out, Address(out, mirror::Class::DexCacheStringsOffset().Int32Value()));
-  __ movl(out, Address(out, CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(load->GetStringIndex())));
-  // TODO: We will need a read barrier here.
+  uint32_t declaring_class_offset = ArtMethod::DeclaringClassOffset().Int32Value();
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class>* */ out = &(current_method->declaring_class_)
+    __ leaq(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+    // /* mirror::Class* */ out = out->Read()
+    codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(load, out_loc, out_loc);
+  } else {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::Class> */ out = current_method->declaring_class_
+    __ movl(out, Address(current_method, declaring_class_offset));
+  }
+  // /* GcRoot<mirror::String>[] */ out = out->dex_cache_strings_
+  __ movq(out, Address(out, mirror::Class::DexCacheStringsOffset().Uint32Value()));
+  size_t cache_offset = CodeGenerator::GetCacheOffset(load->GetStringIndex());
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::String>* */ out = &out[string_index]
+    __ leaq(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+    // /* mirror::String* */ out = out->Read()
+    codegen_->GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(load, out_loc, out_loc);
+  } else {
+    // /* GcRoot<mirror::String> */ out = out[string_index]
+    __ movl(out, Address(out, cache_offset));
+  }
   __ testl(out, out);
   __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
   __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
@@ -4921,40 +5282,44 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitInstanceOf(HInstanceOf* instruction) {
   LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-  switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
+  TypeCheckKind type_check_kind = instruction->GetTypeCheckKind();
+  switch (type_check_kind) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck:
-      call_kind = LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-      break;
-    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
-    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-      call_kind = LocationSummary::kCall;
+      call_kind =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
       call_kind = LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath;
   LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, call_kind);
-  if (call_kind != LocationSummary::kCall) {
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
-    // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64 uses this register too.
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
-  } else {
-    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RegisterLocation(RAX));
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
+  // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64 uses this "out" register too.
+  locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  // When read barriers are enabled, we need a temporary register for
+  // some cases.
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      (type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck)) {
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitInstanceOf(HInstanceOf* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  CpuRegister obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location obj_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  CpuRegister obj = obj_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   Location cls = locations->InAt(1);
-  CpuRegister out = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location out_loc =  locations->Out();
+  CpuRegister out = out_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t super_offset = mirror::Class::SuperClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t component_offset = mirror::Class::ComponentTypeOffset().Int32Value();
@@ -4969,15 +5334,9 @@
     __ j(kEqual, &zero);
-  // In case of an interface/unresolved check, we put the object class into the object register.
-  // This is safe, as the register is caller-save, and the object must be in another
-  // register if it survives the runtime call.
-  CpuRegister target = (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind() == TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck) ||
-      (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind() == TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck)
-      ? obj
-      : out;
-  __ movl(target, Address(obj, class_offset));
-  __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(target);
+  // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = obj->klass_
+  __ movl(out, Address(obj, class_offset));
+  codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
   switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck: {
@@ -4999,13 +5358,23 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck: {
       // If the class is abstract, we eagerly fetch the super class of the
       // object to avoid doing a comparison we know will fail.
       NearLabel loop, success;
       __ Bind(&loop);
+      Location temp_loc = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(0) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `out` into `temp` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        CpuRegister temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+        __ movl(temp, out);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = out->super_class_
       __ movl(out, Address(out, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, temp_loc, super_offset);
       __ testl(out, out);
       // If `out` is null, we use it for the result, and jump to `done`.
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
@@ -5022,6 +5391,7 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck: {
       // Walk over the class hierarchy to find a match.
       NearLabel loop, success;
@@ -5033,8 +5403,17 @@
         __ cmpl(out, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &success);
+      Location temp_loc = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(0) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `out` into `temp` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        CpuRegister temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+        __ movl(temp, out);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = out->super_class_
       __ movl(out, Address(out, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, temp_loc, super_offset);
       __ testl(out, out);
       __ j(kNotEqual, &loop);
       // If `out` is null, we use it for the result, and jump to `done`.
@@ -5046,6 +5425,7 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck: {
       // Do an exact check.
       NearLabel exact_check;
@@ -5056,9 +5436,18 @@
         __ cmpl(out, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &exact_check);
-      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non primitive array.
+      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non-primitive array.
+      Location temp_loc = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(0) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `out` into `temp` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        CpuRegister temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+        __ movl(temp, out);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ out = out->component_type_
       __ movl(out, Address(out, component_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(out);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out_loc, out_loc, temp_loc, component_offset);
       __ testl(out, out);
       // If `out` is null, we use it for the result, and jump to `done`.
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
@@ -5069,6 +5458,7 @@
       __ jmp(&done);
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck: {
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
         __ cmpl(out, cls.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
@@ -5077,8 +5467,8 @@
         __ cmpl(out, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), cls.GetStackIndex()));
-      slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64(
-          instruction, /* is_fatal */ false);
+      slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64(instruction,
+                                                                       /* is_fatal */ false);
       __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
       __ movl(out, Immediate(1));
@@ -5087,13 +5477,25 @@
     case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
-    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-    default: {
-      codegen_->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pInstanceofNonTrivial),
-                              instruction,
-                              instruction->GetDexPc(),
-                              nullptr);
+    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck: {
+      // Note that we indeed only call on slow path, but we always go
+      // into the slow path for the unresolved & interface check
+      // cases.
+      //
+      // We cannot directly call the InstanceofNonTrivial runtime
+      // entry point without resorting to a type checking slow path
+      // here (i.e. by calling InvokeRuntime directly), as it would
+      // require to assign fixed registers for the inputs of this
+      // HInstanceOf instruction (following the runtime calling
+      // convention), which might be cluttered by the potential first
+      // read barrier emission at the beginning of this method.
+      DCHECK(locations->OnlyCallsOnSlowPath());
+      slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64(instruction,
+                                                                       /* is_fatal */ false);
+      codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+      __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
       if (zero.IsLinked()) {
         __ jmp(&done);
@@ -5118,58 +5520,60 @@
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitCheckCast(HCheckCast* instruction) {
   LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = LocationSummary::kNoCall;
   bool throws_into_catch = instruction->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock();
-  switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
+  TypeCheckKind type_check_kind = instruction->GetTypeCheckKind();
+  switch (type_check_kind) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck:
-      call_kind = throws_into_catch
-          ? LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath
-          : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-      break;
-    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
-    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-      call_kind = LocationSummary::kCall;
+      call_kind = (throws_into_catch || kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) ?
+          LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+          LocationSummary::kNoCall;  // In fact, call on a fatal (non-returning) slow path.
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
+    case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
       call_kind = LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath;
-  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(
-      instruction, call_kind);
-  if (call_kind != LocationSummary::kCall) {
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
-    // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64 uses this register too.
+  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, call_kind);
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  locations->SetInAt(1, Location::Any());
+  // Note that TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64 uses this "temp" register too.
+  locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  // When read barriers are enabled, we need an additional temporary
+  // register for some cases.
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      (type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck)) {
-  } else {
-    InvokeRuntimeCallingConvention calling_convention;
-    locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RegisterLocation(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitCheckCast(HCheckCast* instruction) {
   LocationSummary* locations = instruction->GetLocations();
-  CpuRegister obj = locations->InAt(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location obj_loc = locations->InAt(0);
+  CpuRegister obj = obj_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   Location cls = locations->InAt(1);
-  CpuRegister temp = locations->WillCall()
-      ? CpuRegister(kNoRegister)
-      : locations->GetTemp(0).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location temp_loc = locations->GetTemp(0);
+  CpuRegister temp = temp_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   uint32_t class_offset = mirror::Object::ClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t super_offset = mirror::Class::SuperClassOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t component_offset = mirror::Class::ComponentTypeOffset().Int32Value();
   uint32_t primitive_offset = mirror::Class::PrimitiveTypeOffset().Int32Value();
-  SlowPathCode* slow_path = nullptr;
-  if (!locations->WillCall()) {
-    slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64(
-        instruction, !locations->CanCall());
-    codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
-  }
+  TypeCheckKind type_check_kind = instruction->GetTypeCheckKind();
+  bool is_type_check_slow_path_fatal =
+      (type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck ||
+       type_check_kind == TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck) &&
+      !instruction->CanThrowIntoCatchBlock();
+  SlowPathCode* type_check_slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) TypeCheckSlowPathX86_64(instruction,
+                                                           is_type_check_slow_path_fatal);
+  codegen_->AddSlowPath(type_check_slow_path);
   NearLabel done;
   // Avoid null check if we know obj is not null.
@@ -5178,15 +5582,11 @@
     __ j(kEqual, &done);
-  if (locations->WillCall()) {
-    __ movl(obj, Address(obj, class_offset));
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(obj);
-  } else {
-    __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
-    __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
-  }
+  // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+  __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+  codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
-  switch (instruction->GetTypeCheckKind()) {
+  switch (type_check_kind) {
     case TypeCheckKind::kExactCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayCheck: {
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
@@ -5197,19 +5597,44 @@
       // Jump to slow path for throwing the exception or doing a
       // more involved array check.
-      __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kNotEqual, type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
     case TypeCheckKind::kAbstractClassCheck: {
       // If the class is abstract, we eagerly fetch the super class of the
       // object to avoid doing a comparison we know will fail.
-      NearLabel loop;
+      NearLabel loop, compare_classes;
       __ Bind(&loop);
+      Location temp2_loc =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(1) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `temp` into `temp2` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        CpuRegister temp2 = temp2_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+        __ movl(temp2, temp);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->super_class_
       __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, super_offset);
+      // If the class reference currently in `temp` is not null, jump
+      // to the `compare_classes` label to compare it with the checked
+      // class.
       __ testl(temp, temp);
-      // Jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
-      __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kNotEqual, &compare_classes);
+      // Otherwise, jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
+      //
+      // But before, move back the object's class into `temp` before
+      // going into the slow path, as it has been overwritten in the
+      // meantime.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ Bind(&compare_classes);
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
         __ cmpl(temp, cls.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
       } else {
@@ -5219,6 +5644,7 @@
       __ j(kNotEqual, &loop);
     case TypeCheckKind::kClassHierarchyCheck: {
       // Walk over the class hierarchy to find a match.
       NearLabel loop;
@@ -5230,16 +5656,39 @@
         __ cmpl(temp, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
+      Location temp2_loc =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(1) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `temp` into `temp2` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        CpuRegister temp2 = temp2_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+        __ movl(temp2, temp);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->super_class_
       __ movl(temp, Address(temp, super_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, super_offset);
+      // If the class reference currently in `temp` is not null, jump
+      // back at the beginning of the loop.
       __ testl(temp, temp);
       __ j(kNotEqual, &loop);
-      // Jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
-      __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      // Otherwise, jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
+      //
+      // But before, move back the object's class into `temp` before
+      // going into the slow path, as it has been overwritten in the
+      // meantime.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
     case TypeCheckKind::kArrayObjectCheck: {
       // Do an exact check.
+      NearLabel check_non_primitive_component_type;
       if (cls.IsRegister()) {
         __ cmpl(temp, cls.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
       } else {
@@ -5247,29 +5696,67 @@
         __ cmpl(temp, Address(CpuRegister(RSP), cls.GetStackIndex()));
       __ j(kEqual, &done);
-      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non primitive array.
+      // Otherwise, we need to check that the object's class is a non-primitive array.
+      Location temp2_loc =
+          kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ? locations->GetTemp(1) : Location::NoLocation();
+      if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+        // Save the value of `temp` into `temp2` before overwriting it
+        // in the following move operation, as we will need it for the
+        // read barrier below.
+        CpuRegister temp2 = temp2_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+        __ movl(temp2, temp);
+      }
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = temp->component_type_
       __ movl(temp, Address(temp, component_offset));
-      __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(temp);
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(
+          instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, temp2_loc, component_offset);
+      // If the component type is not null (i.e. the object is indeed
+      // an array), jump to label `check_non_primitive_component_type`
+      // to further check that this component type is not a primitive
+      // type.
       __ testl(temp, temp);
-      __ j(kEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kNotEqual, &check_non_primitive_component_type);
+      // Otherwise, jump to the slow path to throw the exception.
+      //
+      // But before, move back the object's class into `temp` before
+      // going into the slow path, as it has been overwritten in the
+      // meantime.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ Bind(&check_non_primitive_component_type);
       __ cmpw(Address(temp, primitive_offset), Immediate(Primitive::kPrimNot));
-      __ j(kNotEqual, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+      __ j(kEqual, &done);
+      // Same comment as above regarding `temp` and the slow path.
+      // /* HeapReference<Class> */ temp = obj->klass_
+      __ movl(temp, Address(obj, class_offset));
+      codegen_->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(instruction, temp_loc, temp_loc, obj_loc, class_offset);
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
     case TypeCheckKind::kUnresolvedCheck:
     case TypeCheckKind::kInterfaceCheck:
-    default:
-      codegen_->InvokeRuntime(QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pCheckCast),
-                              instruction,
-                              instruction->GetDexPc(),
-                              nullptr);
+      // We always go into the type check slow path for the unresolved &
+      // interface check cases.
+      //
+      // We cannot directly call the CheckCast runtime entry point
+      // without resorting to a type checking slow path here (i.e. by
+      // calling InvokeRuntime directly), as it would require to
+      // assign fixed registers for the inputs of this HInstanceOf
+      // instruction (following the runtime calling convention), which
+      // might be cluttered by the potential first read barrier
+      // emission at the beginning of this method.
+      __ jmp(type_check_slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
   __ Bind(&done);
-  if (slow_path != nullptr) {
-    __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
-  }
+  __ Bind(type_check_slow_path->GetExitLabel());
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitMonitorOperation(HMonitorOperation* instruction) {
@@ -5402,6 +5889,82 @@
+void CodeGeneratorX86_64::GenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                              Location out,
+                                              Location ref,
+                                              Location obj,
+                                              uint32_t offset,
+                                              Location index) {
+  DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+  // If heap poisoning is enabled, the unpoisoning of the loaded
+  // reference will be carried out by the runtime within the slow
+  // path.
+  //
+  // Note that `ref` currently does not get unpoisoned (when heap
+  // poisoning is enabled), which is alright as the `ref` argument is
+  // not used by the artReadBarrierSlow entry point.
+  //
+  // TODO: Unpoison `ref` when it is used by artReadBarrierSlow.
+  SlowPathCode* slow_path = new (GetGraph()->GetArena())
+      ReadBarrierForHeapReferenceSlowPathX86_64(instruction, out, ref, obj, offset, index);
+  AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+  // TODO: When read barrier has a fast path, add it here.
+  /* Currently the read barrier call is inserted after the original load.
+   * However, if we have a fast path, we need to perform the load of obj.LockWord *before* the
+   * original load. This load-load ordering is required by the read barrier.
+   * The fast path/slow path (for Baker's algorithm) should look like:
+   *
+   * bool isGray = obj.LockWord & kReadBarrierMask;
+   * lfence;  // load fence or artificial data dependence to prevent load-load reordering
+   * ref = obj.field;    // this is the original load
+   * if (isGray) {
+   *   ref = Mark(ref);  // ideally the slow path just does Mark(ref)
+   * }
+   */
+  __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+void CodeGeneratorX86_64::MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                                   Location out,
+                                                   Location ref,
+                                                   Location obj,
+                                                   uint32_t offset,
+                                                   Location index) {
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    // If heap poisoning is enabled, unpoisoning will be taken care of
+    // by the runtime within the slow path.
+    GenerateReadBarrier(instruction, out, ref, obj, offset, index);
+  } else if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
+    __ UnpoisonHeapReference(out.AsRegister<CpuRegister>());
+  }
+void CodeGeneratorX86_64::GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                                     Location out,
+                                                     Location root) {
+  DCHECK(kEmitCompilerReadBarrier);
+  // Note that GC roots are not affected by heap poisoning, so we do
+  // not need to do anything special for this here.
+  SlowPathCode* slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86_64(instruction, out, root);
+  AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+  // TODO: Implement a fast path for ReadBarrierForRoot, performing
+  // the following operation (for Baker's algorithm):
+  //
+  //   if (thread.tls32_.is_gc_marking) {
+  //     root = Mark(root);
+  //   }
+  __ jmp(slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
 void LocationsBuilderX86_64::VisitBoundType(HBoundType* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
   // Nothing to do, this should be removed during prepare for register allocator.
   LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
index 7084508..5791fcd 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/code_generator_x86_64.h
@@ -352,6 +352,51 @@
     return isa_features_;
+  // Generate a read barrier for a heap reference within `instruction`.
+  //
+  // A read barrier for an object reference read from the heap is
+  // implemented as a call to the artReadBarrierSlow runtime entry
+  // point, which is passed the values in locations `ref`, `obj`, and
+  // `offset`:
+  //
+  //   mirror::Object* artReadBarrierSlow(mirror::Object* ref,
+  //                                      mirror::Object* obj,
+  //                                      uint32_t offset);
+  //
+  // The `out` location contains the value returned by
+  // artReadBarrierSlow.
+  //
+  // When `index` provided (i.e., when it is different from
+  // Location::NoLocation()), the offset value passed to
+  // artReadBarrierSlow is adjusted to take `index` into account.
+  void GenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                           Location out,
+                           Location ref,
+                           Location obj,
+                           uint32_t offset,
+                           Location index = Location::NoLocation());
+  // If read barriers are enabled, generate a read barrier for a heap reference.
+  // If heap poisoning is enabled, also unpoison the reference in `out`.
+  void MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                Location out,
+                                Location ref,
+                                Location obj,
+                                uint32_t offset,
+                                Location index = Location::NoLocation());
+  // Generate a read barrier for a GC root within `instruction`.
+  //
+  // A read barrier for an object reference GC root is implemented as
+  // a call to the artReadBarrierForRootSlow runtime entry point,
+  // which is passed the value in location `root`:
+  //
+  //   mirror::Object* artReadBarrierForRootSlow(GcRoot<mirror::Object>* root);
+  //
+  // The `out` location contains the value returned by
+  // artReadBarrierForRootSlow.
+  void GenerateReadBarrierForRoot(HInstruction* instruction, Location out, Location root);
   int ConstantAreaStart() const {
     return constant_area_start_;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86.cc b/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86.cc
index 040bf6a..371588f 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86.cc
@@ -55,7 +55,23 @@
 bool IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86::TryDispatch(HInvoke* invoke) {
   LocationSummary* res = invoke->GetLocations();
-  return res != nullptr && res->Intrinsified();
+  if (res == nullptr) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && res->CanCall()) {
+    // Generating an intrinsic for this HInvoke may produce an
+    // IntrinsicSlowPathX86 slow path.  Currently this approach
+    // does not work when using read barriers, as the emitted
+    // calling sequence will make use of another slow path
+    // (ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86 for HInvokeStaticOrDirect,
+    // ReadBarrierSlowPathX86 for HInvokeVirtual).  So we bail
+    // out in this case.
+    //
+    // TODO: Find a way to have intrinsics work with read barriers.
+    invoke->SetLocations(nullptr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return res->Intrinsified();
 static void MoveArguments(HInvoke* invoke, CodeGeneratorX86* codegen) {
@@ -1571,26 +1587,32 @@
   GetAssembler()->fs()->movl(out, Address::Absolute(Thread::PeerOffset<kX86WordSize>()));
-static void GenUnsafeGet(LocationSummary* locations, Primitive::Type type,
-                         bool is_volatile, X86Assembler* assembler) {
-  Register base = locations->InAt(1).AsRegister<Register>();
-  Register offset = locations->InAt(2).AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
-  Location output = locations->Out();
+static void GenUnsafeGet(HInvoke* invoke,
+                         Primitive::Type type,
+                         bool is_volatile,
+                         CodeGeneratorX86* codegen) {
+  X86Assembler* assembler = down_cast<X86Assembler*>(codegen->GetAssembler());
+  LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
+  Location base_loc = locations->InAt(1);
+  Register base = base_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+  Location offset_loc = locations->InAt(2);
+  Register offset = offset_loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+  Location output_loc = locations->Out();
   switch (type) {
     case Primitive::kPrimInt:
     case Primitive::kPrimNot: {
-      Register output_reg = output.AsRegister<Register>();
-      __ movl(output_reg, Address(base, offset, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
+      Register output = output_loc.AsRegister<Register>();
+      __ movl(output, Address(base, offset, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
       if (type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-        __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(output_reg);
+        codegen->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(invoke, output_loc, output_loc, base_loc, 0U, offset_loc);
     case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
-        Register output_lo = output.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
-        Register output_hi = output.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
+        Register output_lo = output_loc.AsRegisterPairLow<Register>();
+        Register output_hi = output_loc.AsRegisterPairHigh<Register>();
         if (is_volatile) {
           // Need to use a XMM to read atomically.
           XmmRegister temp = locations->GetTemp(0).AsFpuRegister<XmmRegister>();
@@ -1613,8 +1635,13 @@
 static void CreateIntIntIntToIntLocations(ArenaAllocator* arena, HInvoke* invoke,
                                           bool is_long, bool is_volatile) {
+  bool can_call = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      (invoke->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObject ||
+       invoke->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObjectVolatile);
   LocationSummary* locations = new (arena) LocationSummary(invoke,
-                                                           LocationSummary::kNoCall,
+                                                           can_call ?
+                                                               LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                               LocationSummary::kNoCall,
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::NoLocation());        // Unused receiver.
   locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
@@ -1653,22 +1680,22 @@
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86::VisitUnsafeGet(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimInt, false, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimInt, false, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86::VisitUnsafeGetVolatile(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimInt, true, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimInt, true, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86::VisitUnsafeGetLong(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimLong, false, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimLong, false, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86::VisitUnsafeGetLongVolatile(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimLong, true, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimLong, true, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86::VisitUnsafeGetObject(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimNot, false, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimNot, false, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86::VisitUnsafeGetObjectVolatile(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimNot, true, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimNot, true, codegen_);
@@ -1890,13 +1917,18 @@
     __ LockCmpxchgl(Address(base, offset, TIMES_1, 0), value);
-    // locked cmpxchg has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
+    // LOCK CMPXCHG has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
     // scheduling barriers at this time.
     // Convert ZF into the boolean result.
     __ setb(kZero, out.AsRegister<Register>());
     __ movzxb(out.AsRegister<Register>(), out.AsRegister<ByteRegister>());
+    // In the case of the `UnsafeCASObject` intrinsic, accessing an
+    // object in the heap with LOCK CMPXCHG does not require a read
+    // barrier, as we do not keep a reference to this heap location.
+    // However, if heap poisoning is enabled, we need to unpoison the
+    // values that were poisoned earlier.
     if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
       if (base_equals_value) {
         // `value` has been moved to a temporary register, no need to
@@ -1929,8 +1961,8 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected CAS type " << type;
-    // locked cmpxchg has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
-    // scheduling barriers at this time.
+    // LOCK CMPXCHG/LOCK CMPXCHG8B have full barrier semantics, and we
+    // don't need scheduling barriers at this time.
     // Convert ZF into the boolean result.
     __ setb(kZero, out.AsRegister<Register>());
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86_64.cc b/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86_64.cc
index a29f3ef..2d9f01b 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86_64.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/intrinsics_x86_64.cc
@@ -50,8 +50,24 @@
 bool IntrinsicLocationsBuilderX86_64::TryDispatch(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  const LocationSummary* res = invoke->GetLocations();
-  return res != nullptr && res->Intrinsified();
+  LocationSummary* res = invoke->GetLocations();
+  if (res == nullptr) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && res->CanCall()) {
+    // Generating an intrinsic for this HInvoke may produce an
+    // IntrinsicSlowPathX86_64 slow path.  Currently this approach
+    // does not work when using read barriers, as the emitted
+    // calling sequence will make use of another slow path
+    // (ReadBarrierForRootSlowPathX86_64 for HInvokeStaticOrDirect,
+    // ReadBarrierSlowPathX86_64 for HInvokeVirtual).  So we bail
+    // out in this case.
+    //
+    // TODO: Find a way to have intrinsics work with read barriers.
+    invoke->SetLocations(nullptr);
+    return false;
+  }
+  return res->Intrinsified();
 static void MoveArguments(HInvoke* invoke, CodeGeneratorX86_64* codegen) {
@@ -917,6 +933,10 @@
+// TODO: Implement read barriers in the SystemArrayCopy intrinsic.
+// Note that this code path is not used (yet) because we do not
+// intrinsify methods that can go into the IntrinsicSlowPathX86_64
+// slow path.
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitSystemArrayCopy(HInvoke* invoke) {
   X86_64Assembler* assembler = GetAssembler();
   LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
@@ -1698,23 +1718,30 @@
   GetAssembler()->gs()->movl(out, Address::Absolute(Thread::PeerOffset<kX86_64WordSize>(), true));
-static void GenUnsafeGet(LocationSummary* locations, Primitive::Type type,
-                         bool is_volatile ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, X86_64Assembler* assembler) {
-  CpuRegister base = locations->InAt(1).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
-  CpuRegister offset = locations->InAt(2).AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
-  CpuRegister trg = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+static void GenUnsafeGet(HInvoke* invoke,
+                         Primitive::Type type,
+                         bool is_volatile ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                         CodeGeneratorX86_64* codegen) {
+  X86_64Assembler* assembler = down_cast<X86_64Assembler*>(codegen->GetAssembler());
+  LocationSummary* locations = invoke->GetLocations();
+  Location base_loc = locations->InAt(1);
+  CpuRegister base = base_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location offset_loc = locations->InAt(2);
+  CpuRegister offset = offset_loc.AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
+  Location output_loc = locations->Out();
+  CpuRegister output = locations->Out().AsRegister<CpuRegister>();
   switch (type) {
     case Primitive::kPrimInt:
     case Primitive::kPrimNot:
-      __ movl(trg, Address(base, offset, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
+      __ movl(output, Address(base, offset, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
       if (type == Primitive::kPrimNot) {
-        __ MaybeUnpoisonHeapReference(trg);
+        codegen->MaybeGenerateReadBarrier(invoke, output_loc, output_loc, base_loc, 0U, offset_loc);
     case Primitive::kPrimLong:
-      __ movq(trg, Address(base, offset, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
+      __ movq(output, Address(base, offset, ScaleFactor::TIMES_1, 0));
@@ -1724,8 +1751,13 @@
 static void CreateIntIntIntToIntLocations(ArenaAllocator* arena, HInvoke* invoke) {
+  bool can_call = kEmitCompilerReadBarrier &&
+      (invoke->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObject ||
+       invoke->GetIntrinsic() == Intrinsics::kUnsafeGetObjectVolatile);
   LocationSummary* locations = new (arena) LocationSummary(invoke,
-                                                           LocationSummary::kNoCall,
+                                                           can_call ?
+                                                               LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                               LocationSummary::kNoCall,
   locations->SetInAt(0, Location::NoLocation());        // Unused receiver.
   locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
@@ -1754,22 +1786,22 @@
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitUnsafeGet(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimInt, false, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimInt, false, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitUnsafeGetVolatile(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimInt, true, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimInt, true, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitUnsafeGetLong(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimLong, false, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimLong, false, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitUnsafeGetLongVolatile(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimLong, true, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimLong, true, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitUnsafeGetObject(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimNot, false, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimNot, false, codegen_);
 void IntrinsicCodeGeneratorX86_64::VisitUnsafeGetObjectVolatile(HInvoke* invoke) {
-  GenUnsafeGet(invoke->GetLocations(), Primitive::kPrimNot, true, GetAssembler());
+  GenUnsafeGet(invoke, Primitive::kPrimNot, true, codegen_);
@@ -1961,13 +1993,18 @@
     __ LockCmpxchgl(Address(base, offset, TIMES_1, 0), CpuRegister(value_reg));
-    // locked cmpxchg has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
+    // LOCK CMPXCHG has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
     // scheduling barriers at this time.
     // Convert ZF into the boolean result.
     __ setcc(kZero, out);
     __ movzxb(out, out);
+    // In the case of the `UnsafeCASObject` intrinsic, accessing an
+    // object in the heap with LOCK CMPXCHG does not require a read
+    // barrier, as we do not keep a reference to this heap location.
+    // However, if heap poisoning is enabled, we need to unpoison the
+    // values that were poisoned earlier.
     if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
       if (base_equals_value) {
         // `value_reg` has been moved to a temporary register, no need
@@ -1992,7 +2029,7 @@
       LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected CAS type " << type;
-    // locked cmpxchg has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
+    // LOCK CMPXCHG has full barrier semantics, and we don't need
     // scheduling barriers at this time.
     // Convert ZF into the boolean result.
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/locations.h b/compiler/optimizing/locations.h
index 1181007..63bbc2c 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/locations.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/locations.h
@@ -594,6 +594,10 @@
     return intrinsified_;
+  void SetIntrinsified(bool intrinsified) {
+    intrinsified_ = intrinsified;
+  }
   ArenaVector<Location> inputs_;
   ArenaVector<Location> temps_;
@@ -613,7 +617,7 @@
   RegisterSet live_registers_;
   // Whether these are locations for an intrinsified call.
-  const bool intrinsified_;
+  bool intrinsified_;
   ART_FRIEND_TEST(RegisterAllocatorTest, ExpectedInRegisterHint);
   ART_FRIEND_TEST(RegisterAllocatorTest, SameAsFirstInputHint);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
index 2878ac9..1da2a1d 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/nodes.h
@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@
     return flags_ == (kAllChangeBits | kAllDependOnBits);
-  // Returns true if this may read something written by other.
+  // Returns true if `this` may read something written by `other`.
   bool MayDependOn(SideEffects other) const {
     const uint64_t depends_on_flags = (flags_ & kAllDependOnBits) >> kChangeBits;
     return (other.flags_ & depends_on_flags);
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler.cc b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler.cc
index 2be0680..27ee472 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/optimizing_compiler.cc
@@ -383,6 +383,13 @@
       || instruction_set == kX86_64;
+// Read barrier are supported only on x86 and x86-64 at the moment.
+// TODO: Add support for other architectures and remove this function
+static bool InstructionSetSupportsReadBarrier(InstructionSet instruction_set) {
+  return instruction_set == kX86
+      || instruction_set == kX86_64;
 static void RunOptimizations(HOptimization* optimizations[],
                              size_t length,
                              PassObserver* pass_observer) {
@@ -673,6 +680,12 @@
     return nullptr;
+  // When read barriers are enabled, do not attempt to compile for
+  // instruction sets that have no read barrier support.
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && !InstructionSetSupportsReadBarrier(instruction_set)) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
   if (Compiler::IsPathologicalCase(*code_item, method_idx, dex_file)) {
     return nullptr;
@@ -841,9 +854,14 @@
   if (kIsDebugBuild &&
       IsCompilingWithCoreImage() &&
-      IsInstructionSetSupported(compiler_driver->GetInstructionSet())) {
-    // For testing purposes, we put a special marker on method names that should be compiled
-    // with this compiler. This makes sure we're not regressing.
+      IsInstructionSetSupported(compiler_driver->GetInstructionSet()) &&
+      (!kEmitCompilerReadBarrier ||
+       InstructionSetSupportsReadBarrier(compiler_driver->GetInstructionSet()))) {
+    // For testing purposes, we put a special marker on method names
+    // that should be compiled with this compiler (when the the
+    // instruction set is supported -- and has support for read
+    // barriers, if they are enabled). This makes sure we're not
+    // regressing.
     std::string method_name = PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);
     bool shouldCompile = method_name.find("$opt$") != std::string::npos;
     DCHECK((method != nullptr) || !shouldCompile) << "Didn't compile " << method_name;
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/side_effects_test.cc b/compiler/optimizing/side_effects_test.cc
index ec45d6b..9bbc354 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/side_effects_test.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/side_effects_test.cc
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
 TEST(SideEffectsTest, VolatileDependences) {
   SideEffects volatile_write =
-      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, true);
+      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, /* is_volatile */ true);
   SideEffects any_write =
-      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, false);
+      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, /* is_volatile */ false);
   SideEffects volatile_read =
-      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimByte, true);
+      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimByte, /* is_volatile */ true);
   SideEffects any_read =
-      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimByte, false);
+      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimByte, /* is_volatile */ false);
@@ -151,15 +151,15 @@
 TEST(SideEffectsTest, SameWidthTypes) {
   // Type I/F.
-      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, false),
-      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimFloat, false));
+      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, /* is_volatile */ false),
+      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimFloat, /* is_volatile */ false));
   // Type L/D.
-      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimLong, false),
-      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimDouble, false));
+      SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimLong, /* is_volatile */ false),
+      SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimDouble, /* is_volatile */ false));
@@ -171,9 +171,9 @@
   for (Primitive::Type type = Primitive::kPrimNot;
         type < Primitive::kPrimVoid;
         type = Primitive::Type(type + 1)) {
-    s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(type, false));
+    s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(type, /* is_volatile */ false));
     s = s.Union(SideEffects::ArrayWriteOfType(type));
-    s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(type, false));
+    s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(type, /* is_volatile */ false));
     s = s.Union(SideEffects::ArrayReadOfType(type));
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@
       "||DJ|||||",  // note: DJ alias
   SideEffects s = SideEffects::None();
-  s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimChar, false));
-  s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimLong, false));
+  s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimChar, /* is_volatile */ false));
+  s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimLong, /* is_volatile */ false));
   s = s.Union(SideEffects::ArrayWriteOfType(Primitive::kPrimShort));
-  s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, false));
+  s = s.Union(SideEffects::FieldReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimInt, /* is_volatile */ false));
   s = s.Union(SideEffects::ArrayReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimFloat));
   s = s.Union(SideEffects::ArrayReadOfType(Primitive::kPrimDouble));