Integrate bisection search with javafuzz

This CL makes javafuzz call bisection search on failing tests.

Three switches were added to bisection_search, --logfile which can be
used to provide custom logfile destination, --never-clean which
disables automatic cleanup of bisection directory and --timeout
which allows user to specify maximum time in seconds to wait for
a single test run.

ITestEnv subclasses were updated to integrate with javafuzz. is now reusing code from bisection_search
module. It also better matches python style guidelines.

Change-Id: Ie41653b045469f2ceb352fd35fb4099842bb5bc3
diff --git a/tools/bisection_search/ b/tools/bisection_search/
index 110ef82..0d36aa4 100755
--- a/tools/bisection_search/
+++ b/tools/bisection_search/
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
 from common import FatalError
 from common import GetEnvVariableOrError
 from common import HostTestEnv
+from common import RetCode
 # Passes that are never disabled during search process because disabling them
@@ -51,6 +52,10 @@
 NON_PASSES = ['builder', 'prepare_for_register_allocation',
               'liveness', 'register']
+# If present in raw cmd, this tag will be replaced with runtime arguments
+# controlling the bisection search. Otherwise arguments will be placed on second
+# position in the command.
 class Dex2OatWrapperTestable(object):
   """Class representing a testable compilation.
@@ -58,21 +63,29 @@
   Accepts filters on compiled methods and optimization passes.
-  def __init__(self, base_cmd, test_env, output_checker=None, verbose=False):
+  def __init__(self, base_cmd, test_env, expected_retcode=None,
+               output_checker=None, verbose=False):
       base_cmd: list of strings, base command to run.
       test_env: ITestEnv.
+      expected_retcode: RetCode, expected normalized return code.
       output_checker: IOutputCheck, output checker.
       verbose: bool, enable verbose output.
     self._base_cmd = base_cmd
     self._test_env = test_env
+    self._expected_retcode = expected_retcode
     self._output_checker = output_checker
     self._compiled_methods_path = self._test_env.CreateFile('compiled_methods')
     self._passes_to_run_path = self._test_env.CreateFile('run_passes')
     self._verbose = verbose
+    if RAW_CMD_RUNTIME_ARGS_TAG in self._base_cmd:
+      self._arguments_position = self._base_cmd.index(RAW_CMD_RUNTIME_ARGS_TAG)
+      self._base_cmd.pop(self._arguments_position)
+    else:
+      self._arguments_position = 1
   def Test(self, compiled_methods, passes_to_run=None):
     """Tests compilation with compiled_methods and run_passes switches active.
@@ -95,8 +108,11 @@
     (output, ret_code) = self._test_env.RunCommand(
         cmd, {'ANDROID_LOG_TAGS': '*:e'})
-    res = ((self._output_checker is None and ret_code == 0)
-           or self._output_checker.Check(output))
+    res = True
+    if self._expected_retcode:
+      res = self._expected_retcode == ret_code
+    if self._output_checker:
+      res = res and self._output_checker.Check(output)
     if self._verbose:
       print('Test passed: {0}.'.format(res))
     return res
@@ -142,8 +158,8 @@
   def _PrepareCmd(self, compiled_methods=None, passes_to_run=None,
     """Prepare command to run."""
-    cmd = [self._base_cmd[0]]
-    # insert additional arguments
+    cmd = self._base_cmd[0:self._arguments_position]
+    # insert additional arguments before the first argument
     if compiled_methods is not None:
       self._test_env.WriteLines(self._compiled_methods_path, compiled_methods)
       cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--compiled-methods={0}'.format(
@@ -155,7 +171,7 @@
     if verbose_compiler:
       cmd += ['-Xcompiler-option', '--runtime-arg', '-Xcompiler-option',
               '-verbose:compiler', '-Xcompiler-option', '-j1']
-    cmd += self._base_cmd[1:]
+    cmd += self._base_cmd[self._arguments_position:]
     return cmd
@@ -299,7 +315,7 @@
   command_opts.add_argument('-cp', '--classpath', type=str, help='classpath')
   command_opts.add_argument('--class', dest='classname', type=str,
                             help='name of main class')
-  command_opts.add_argument('--lib', dest='lib', type=str, default='',
+  command_opts.add_argument('--lib', type=str, default='',
                             help='lib to use, default:')
   command_opts.add_argument('--dalvikvm-option', dest='dalvikvm_opts',
                             metavar='OPT', nargs='*', default=[],
@@ -307,7 +323,7 @@
   command_opts.add_argument('--arg', dest='test_args', nargs='*', default=[],
                             metavar='ARG', help='argument passed to test')
   command_opts.add_argument('--image', type=str, help='path to image')
-  command_opts.add_argument('--raw-cmd', dest='raw_cmd', type=str,
+  command_opts.add_argument('--raw-cmd', type=str,
                             help='bisect with this command, ignore other '
                                  'command options')
   bisection_opts = parser.add_argument_group('bisection options')
@@ -315,11 +331,22 @@
                               default=False, help='x64 mode')
       '--device', action='store_true', default=False, help='run on device')
+  bisection_opts.add_argument(
+      '--device-serial', help='device serial number, implies --device')
   bisection_opts.add_argument('--expected-output', type=str,
                               help='file containing expected output')
-      '--check-script', dest='check_script', type=str,
+      '--expected-retcode', type=str, help='expected normalized return code',
+      choices=[,,])
+  bisection_opts.add_argument(
+      '--check-script', type=str,
       help='script comparing output and expected output')
+  bisection_opts.add_argument(
+      '--logfile', type=str, help='custom logfile location')
+  bisection_opts.add_argument('--cleanup', action='store_true',
+                              default=False, help='clean up after bisecting')
+  bisection_opts.add_argument('--timeout', type=int, default=60,
+                              help='if timeout seconds pass assume test failed')
   bisection_opts.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true',
                               default=False, help='enable verbose output')
   return parser
@@ -351,15 +378,24 @@
   args = parser.parse_args()
   if not args.raw_cmd and (not args.classpath or not args.classname):
     parser.error('Either --raw-cmd or both -cp and --class are required')
+  if args.device_serial:
+    args.device = True
+  if args.expected_retcode:
+    args.expected_retcode = RetCode[args.expected_retcode]
+  if not args.expected_retcode and not args.check_script:
+    args.expected_retcode = RetCode.SUCCESS
   # Prepare environment
   classpath = args.classpath
   if args.device:
-    test_env = DeviceTestEnv()
+    test_env = DeviceTestEnv(
+        'bisection_search_', args.cleanup, args.logfile, args.timeout,
+        args.device_serial)
     if classpath:
       classpath = test_env.PushClasspath(classpath)
-    test_env = HostTestEnv(args.x64)
+    test_env = HostTestEnv(
+        'bisection_search_', args.cleanup, args.logfile, args.timeout, args.x64)
   base_cmd = PrepareBaseCommand(args, classpath)
   output_checker = None
   if args.expected_output:
@@ -372,11 +408,11 @@
   # Perform the search
-    testable = Dex2OatWrapperTestable(base_cmd, test_env, output_checker,
-                                      args.verbose)
+    testable = Dex2OatWrapperTestable(base_cmd, test_env, args.expected_retcode,
+                                      output_checker, args.verbose)
     (method, opt_pass) = BugSearch(testable)
   except Exception as e:
-    print('Error. Refer to logfile: {0}'.format(
+    print('Error occurred.\nLogfile: {0}'.format(
     test_env.logfile.write('Exception: {0}\n'.format(e))