Un-disable redefinition tests on JIT.

We no longer have any problems with racing JIT threads.

Test: ART_TEST_JIT=true mma -j40 test-art-host
Test: ./test/testrunner/testrunner.py --host --jit -j40
Change-Id: Ie88d0a891fbdd906641c0f7561406390db208b09
diff --git a/test/Android.run-test.mk b/test/Android.run-test.mk
index dbf516a..b937c93 100644
--- a/test/Android.run-test.mk
+++ b/test/Android.run-test.mk
@@ -533,26 +533,14 @@
 # also uses Generic JNI instead of the JNI compiler.
 # Test 906 iterates the heap filtering with different options. No instances should be created
 # between those runs to be able to have precise checks.
-# Test 902 hits races with the JIT compiler. b/32821077
 # Test 629 requires compilation.
-# Test 914, 915, 917, & 919 are very sensitive to the exact state of the stack,
-# including the jit-inserted runtime frames. This causes them to be somewhat
-# flaky as JIT tests. This should be fixed once b/33630159 or b/33616143 are
-# resolved but until then just disable them. Test 916 already checks this
-# feature for JIT use cases in a way that is resilient to the jit frames.
 # 912: b/34655682
   137-cfi \
   629-vdex-speed \
-  902-hello-transformation \
   904-object-allocation \
   906-iterate-heap \
   912-classes \
-  914-hello-obsolescence \
-  915-obsolete-2 \
-  917-fields-transformation \
-  919-obsolete-fields \
-  926-multi-obsolescence \
 ifneq (,$(filter jit,$(COMPILER_TYPES)))
   ART_TEST_KNOWN_BROKEN += $(call all-run-test-names,$(TARGET_TYPES),$(RUN_TYPES),$(PREBUILD_TYPES), \
diff --git a/test/knownfailures.json b/test/knownfailures.json
index 98d56d4..84df924 100644
--- a/test/knownfailures.json
+++ b/test/knownfailures.json
@@ -241,12 +241,6 @@
         "variant": "interpreter | jit"
-        "test": "902-hello-transformation",
-        "description": "Test 902 hits races with the JIT compiler.",
-        "bug": "http://b/32821077",
-        "variant": "jit"
-    },
-    {
         "test": "906-iterate-heap",
         "description": ["Test 906 iterates the heap filtering with different",
                         "options. No instances should be created between those",
@@ -254,23 +248,7 @@
         "variant": "jit"
-        "tests": ["914-hello-obsolescence",
-                  "915-obsolete-2",
-                  "917-fields-transformation",
-                  "919-obsolete-fields"],
-        "description": ["Test 914, 915, 917, & 919 are very sensitive to the",
-                        "exact state of the stack, including the jit-inserted",
-                        "runtime frames. This causes them to be somewhat flaky",
-                        "as JIT tests. This should be fixed once b/33630159 or",
-                        "b/33616143 are resolved but until then just disable",
-                        "them. Test 916 already checks this feature for JIT",
-                        "use cases in a way that is resilient to the jit",
-                        "frames."],
-        "variant": "jit"
-    },
-    {
-        "tests": ["926-multi-obsolescence",
-                  "904-object-allocation"],
+        "tests": ["904-object-allocation"],
         "variant": "jit"