Fix a bug when dumping locks from signal catcher

We dump the threads that are holding some important locks in the signal
catcher on a SIGQUIT. The check missed dumping them when a mutator lock
is exlcusively held but other locks aren't.

Test: art/
Change-Id: If87c2d74ba3244d038fbc5e3a88730d36debb1e0
diff --git a/runtime/ b/runtime/
index 6de4dda..401d66c 100644
--- a/runtime/
+++ b/runtime/
@@ -2348,11 +2348,11 @@
 void Runtime::DumpLockHolders(std::ostream& os) {
-  uint64_t mutator_lock_owner = Locks::mutator_lock_->GetExclusiveOwnerTid();
+  pid_t mutator_lock_owner = Locks::mutator_lock_->GetExclusiveOwnerTid();
   pid_t thread_list_lock_owner = GetThreadList()->GetLockOwner();
   pid_t classes_lock_owner = GetClassLinker()->GetClassesLockOwner();
   pid_t dex_lock_owner = GetClassLinker()->GetDexLockOwner();
-  if ((thread_list_lock_owner | classes_lock_owner | dex_lock_owner) != 0) {
+  if ((mutator_lock_owner | thread_list_lock_owner | classes_lock_owner | dex_lock_owner) != 0) {
     os << "Mutator lock exclusive owner tid: " << mutator_lock_owner << "\n"
        << "ThreadList lock owner tid: " << thread_list_lock_owner << "\n"
        << "ClassLinker classes lock owner tid: " << classes_lock_owner << "\n"