MIPS: Eliminate hard-coded offsets in branches

The bulk of the change is in the assemblers and their

The main goal is to introduce "bare" branches to labels
(as opposed to the existing bare branches with relative
offsets, whose direct use we want to eliminate).
These branches' delay/forbidden slots are filled
manually and these branches do not promote to long (the
branch target must be within reach of the individual
branch instruction).

The secondary goal is to add more branch tests (mainly
for bare vs non-bare branches and a few extra) and
refactor and reorganize the branch test code a bit.

The third goal is to improve idiom recognition in the
disassembler, including branch idioms and a few others.

Further details:
- introduce bare branches (R2 and R6) to labels, making
  R2 branches available for use on R6
- make use of the above in the code generators
- align beqz/bnez with their GNU assembler encoding to
  simplify and shorten the test code
- update the CFI test because of the above
- add trivial tests for bare and non-bare branches
  (addressing existing debt as well)
- add MIPS32R6 tests for long beqc/beqzc/bc (debt)
- add MIPS64R6 long beqzc test (debt)
- group branch tests together
- group constant/literal/address-loading tests together
- make the disassembler recognize:
  - b/beqz/bnez (beq/bne with $zero reg)
  - nal (bltzal with $zero reg)
  - bal/bgezal (bal = bgezal with $zero reg)
  - move (or with $zero reg)
  - li (ori/addiu with $zero reg)
  - dli (daddiu with $zero reg)
- disassemble 16-bit immediate operands (in andi, ori,
  xori, li, dli) as signed or unsigned as appropriate
- drop unused instructions (bltzl, bltzall, addi) from
  the disassembler as there are no plans to use them

Test: test-art-host-gtest
Test: booted MIPS64 (with 2nd arch MIPS32R6) in QEMU
Test: test-art-target-gtest
Test: testrunner.py --target --optimizing
Test: same tests as above on CI20
Test: booted MIPS32R2 in QEMU

Change-Id: I62b74a6c00ce0651528114806ba24a59ba564a73
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h
index c39d120..023bcd6 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.h
@@ -563,7 +563,14 @@
   void Bnezc(GpuRegister rs, uint32_t imm21);
   void Bc1eqz(FpuRegister ft, uint16_t imm16);
   void Bc1nez(FpuRegister ft, uint16_t imm16);
-  void Beqz(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);
+  void Beq(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Bne(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Beqz(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Bnez(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Bltz(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Bgez(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Blez(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
+  void Bgtz(GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);  // R2
   void AddS(FpuRegister fd, FpuRegister fs, FpuRegister ft);
   void SubS(FpuRegister fd, FpuRegister fs, FpuRegister ft);
@@ -922,22 +929,57 @@
   // the table data) and should be loaded using LoadLabelAddress().
   JumpTable* CreateJumpTable(std::vector<Mips64Label*>&& labels);
-  void Bc(Mips64Label* label);
-  void Balc(Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bltc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bltzc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bgtzc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bgec(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bgezc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Blezc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bltuc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bgeuc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Beqc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bnec(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Beqzc(GpuRegister rs, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bnezc(GpuRegister rs, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bc1eqz(FpuRegister ft, Mips64Label* label);
-  void Bc1nez(FpuRegister ft, Mips64Label* label);
+  // When `is_bare` is false, the branches will promote to long (if the range
+  // of the individual branch instruction is insufficient) and the delay/
+  // forbidden slots will be taken care of.
+  // Use `is_bare = false` when the branch target may be out of reach of the
+  // individual branch instruction. IOW, this is for general purpose use.
+  //
+  // When `is_bare` is true, just the branch instructions will be generated
+  // leaving delay/forbidden slot filling up to the caller and the branches
+  // won't promote to long if the range is insufficient (you'll get a
+  // compilation error when the range is exceeded).
+  // Use `is_bare = true` when the branch target is known to be within reach
+  // of the individual branch instruction. This is intended for small local
+  // optimizations around delay/forbidden slots.
+  // Also prefer using `is_bare = true` if the code near the branch is to be
+  // patched or analyzed at run time (e.g. introspection) to
+  // - show the intent and
+  // - fail during compilation rather than during patching/execution if the
+  //   bare branch range is insufficent but the code size and layout are
+  //   expected to remain unchanged
+  //
+  // R6 compact branches without delay/forbidden slots.
+  void Bc(Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Balc(Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  // R6 compact branches with forbidden slots.
+  void Bltc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bltzc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bgtzc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bgec(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bgezc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Blezc(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bltuc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bgeuc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Beqc(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bnec(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Beqzc(GpuRegister rs, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bnezc(GpuRegister rs, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  // R6 branches with delay slots.
+  void Bc1eqz(FpuRegister ft, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  void Bc1nez(FpuRegister ft, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);
+  // R2 branches with delay slots that are also available on R6.
+  // The `is_bare` parameter exists and is checked in these branches only to
+  // prevent programming mistakes. These branches never promote to long, not
+  // even if `is_bare` is false.
+  void Bltz(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Bgtz(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Bgez(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Blez(GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Beq(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Bne(GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Beqz(GpuRegister rs, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
+  void Bnez(GpuRegister rs, Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare = false);  // R2
   void EmitLoad(ManagedRegister m_dst, GpuRegister src_register, int32_t src_offset, size_t size);
   void AdjustBaseAndOffset(GpuRegister& base, int32_t& offset, bool is_doubleword);
@@ -1379,10 +1421,16 @@
   class Branch {
     enum Type {
-      // Short branches.
+      // R6 short branches (can be promoted to long).
+      // R6 short branches (can't be promoted to long), forbidden/delay slots filled manually.
+      kBareUncondBranch,
+      kBareCondBranch,
+      kBareCall,
+      // R2 short branches (can't be promoted to long), delay slots filled manually.
+      kR2BareCondBranch,
       // Near label.
       // Near literals.
@@ -1425,8 +1473,8 @@
       // different origins, e.g. to PC or PC+4. Encode the origin distance (as a number of 4-byte
       // instructions) from the instruction containing the offset.
       uint32_t pc_org;
-      // How large (in bits) a PC-relative offset can be for a given type of branch (kCondBranch is
-      // an exception: use kOffset23 for beqzc/bnezc).
+      // How large (in bits) a PC-relative offset can be for a given type of branch (kCondBranch
+      // and kBareCondBranch are an exception: use kOffset23 for beqzc/bnezc).
       OffsetBits offset_size;
       // Some MIPS instructions with PC-relative offsets shift the offset by 2. Encode the shift
       // count.
@@ -1435,13 +1483,15 @@
     static const BranchInfo branch_info_[/* Type */];
     // Unconditional branch or call.
-    Branch(uint32_t location, uint32_t target, bool is_call);
+    Branch(uint32_t location, uint32_t target, bool is_call, bool is_bare);
     // Conditional branch.
-    Branch(uint32_t location,
+    Branch(bool is_r6,
+           uint32_t location,
            uint32_t target,
            BranchCondition condition,
            GpuRegister lhs_reg,
-           GpuRegister rhs_reg);
+           GpuRegister rhs_reg,
+           bool is_bare);
     // Label address (in literal area) or literal.
     Branch(uint32_t location, GpuRegister dest_reg, Type label_or_literal_type);
@@ -1467,6 +1517,7 @@
     uint32_t GetOldSize() const;
     uint32_t GetEndLocation() const;
     uint32_t GetOldEndLocation() const;
+    bool IsBare() const;
     bool IsLong() const;
     bool IsResolved() const;
@@ -1527,7 +1578,7 @@
     // Completes branch construction by determining and recording its type.
-    void InitializeType(Type initial_type);
+    void InitializeType(Type initial_type, bool is_r6);
     // Helper for the above.
     void InitShortOrLong(OffsetBits ofs_size, Type short_type, Type long_type);
@@ -1554,7 +1605,8 @@
   void EmitI26(int opcode, uint32_t imm26);
   void EmitFR(int opcode, int fmt, FpuRegister ft, FpuRegister fs, FpuRegister fd, int funct);
   void EmitFI(int opcode, int fmt, FpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm);
-  void EmitBcondc(BranchCondition cond, GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, uint32_t imm16_21);
+  void EmitBcondR6(BranchCondition cond, GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, uint32_t imm16_21);
+  void EmitBcondR2(BranchCondition cond, GpuRegister rs, GpuRegister rt, uint16_t imm16);
   void EmitMsa3R(int operation,
                  int df,
                  VectorRegister wt,
@@ -1568,12 +1620,14 @@
   void EmitMsa2R(int operation, int df, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wd, int minor_opcode);
   void EmitMsa2RF(int operation, int df, VectorRegister ws, VectorRegister wd, int minor_opcode);
-  void Buncond(Mips64Label* label);
+  void Buncond(Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare);
   void Bcond(Mips64Label* label,
+             bool is_r6,
+             bool is_bare,
              BranchCondition condition,
              GpuRegister lhs,
              GpuRegister rhs = ZERO);
-  void Call(Mips64Label* label);
+  void Call(Mips64Label* label, bool is_bare);
   void FinalizeLabeledBranch(Mips64Label* label);
   Branch* GetBranch(uint32_t branch_id);