Host gtests: Use the apex boot image instead of
Closely mirror the behaviour of target tests.
Test: m test-art-host-gtest
Bug: 147817558
Change-Id: If9a1d34cef022fa93c9c09c8f31adc26ac71afdc
diff --git a/libartbase/base/ b/libartbase/base/
index 978f69c..a7675f4 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/
+++ b/libartbase/base/
@@ -338,14 +338,19 @@
static constexpr bool kVerifyChecksum = true;
const ArtDexFileLoader dex_file_loader;
- if (!dex_file_loader.Open(
- location, location, /* verify= */ true, kVerifyChecksum, &error_msg, &dex_files)) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "Could not open .dex file '" << location << "': " << error_msg << "\n";
+ std::string prefix = IsHost() ? GetAndroidRoot() : "";
+ std::string filename = prefix + location;
+ if (!dex_file_loader.Open(filename.c_str(),
+ std::string(location),
+ /* verify= */ true,
+ kVerifyChecksum,
+ &error_msg,
+ &dex_files)) {
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Could not open .dex file '" << filename << "': " << error_msg << "\n";
- } else {
- CHECK_EQ(1U, dex_files.size()) << "Expected only one dex file in " << location;
- return std::move(dex_files[0]);
+ CHECK_EQ(1U, dex_files.size()) << "Expected only one dex file in " << filename;
+ return std::move(dex_files[0]);
void CommonArtTestImpl::ClearDirectory(const char* dirpath, bool recursive) {
@@ -388,13 +393,11 @@
static std::string GetDexFileName(const std::string& jar_prefix, bool host) {
- if (host) {
- std::string path = GetAndroidRoot();
- return StringPrintf("%s/framework/%s-hostdex.jar", path.c_str(), jar_prefix.c_str());
- } else {
- const char* apex = (jar_prefix == "conscrypt") ? "" : "";
- return StringPrintf("/apex/%s/javalib/%s.jar", apex, jar_prefix.c_str());
- }
+ std::string prefix(host ? GetAndroidRoot() : "");
+ const char* apexPath = (jar_prefix == "conscrypt")
+ ? kAndroidConscryptApexDefaultPath
+ : kAndroidArtApexDefaultPath;
+ return StringPrintf("%s%s/javalib/%s.jar", prefix.c_str(), apexPath, jar_prefix.c_str());
std::vector<std::string> CommonArtTestImpl::GetLibCoreModuleNames() const {
@@ -433,14 +436,8 @@
const std::vector<std::string>& modules) const {
std::vector<std::string> result = GetLibCoreDexFileNames(modules);
if (IsHost()) {
- // Strip the ANDROID_BUILD_TOP directory including the directory separator '/'.
- const char* host_dir = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
- CHECK(host_dir != nullptr);
- std::string prefix = host_dir;
- CHECK(!prefix.empty());
- if (prefix.back() != '/') {
- prefix += '/';
- }
+ // Strip the build directory prefix (e.g. .../host/linux-x86)
+ std::string prefix = GetAndroidRoot();
for (std::string& location : result) {
CHECK_GT(location.size(), prefix.size());
CHECK_EQ(, prefix.size(), prefix), 0);
@@ -522,16 +519,8 @@
std::string CommonArtTestImpl::GetCoreFileLocation(const char* suffix) {
CHECK(suffix != nullptr);
- std::string location;
- if (IsHost()) {
- std::string host_dir = GetAndroidRoot();
- location = StringPrintf("%s/framework/core.%s", host_dir.c_str(), suffix);
- } else {
- location = StringPrintf("/apex/", suffix);
- }
- return location;
+ std::string prefix(IsHost() ? GetAndroidRoot() : "");
+ return StringPrintf("%s%s/javalib/boot.%s", prefix.c_str(), kAndroidArtApexDefaultPath, suffix);
std::string CommonArtTestImpl::CreateClassPath(