Restorecon in two phases when creating files and dirs for artifacts.
Suggested by alanstokes@ in aosp/2388476. The reason for each phase is
stated in the comments.
Bug: 262230400
Test: -
1. Remove the "oat" directory of an app.
2. Dexopt the app using ART Service.
3. See no SELinux denials.
Ignore-AOSP-First: ART Services.
Change-Id: Id2b894cecbbf4ad7658339387c6e067b20536eaa
diff --git a/artd/ b/artd/
index b6304d2..e053504 100644
--- a/artd/
+++ b/artd/
@@ -788,6 +788,13 @@
std::string oat_dir_path; // For restorecon, can be empty if the artifacts are in dalvik-cache.
OR_RETURN_NON_FATAL(PrepareArtifactsDirs(in_outputArtifacts, &oat_dir_path));
+ // First-round restorecon. artd doesn't have the permission to create files with the
+ // `apk_data_file` label, so we need to restorecon the "oat" directory first so that files will
+ // inherit `dalvikcache_data_file` rather than `apk_data_file`.
+ if (!in_outputArtifacts.artifactsPath.isInDalvikCache) {
+ OR_RETURN_NON_FATAL(Restorecon(oat_dir_path, in_outputArtifacts.permissionSettings.seContext));
+ }
FdLogger fd_logger;
CmdlineBuilder art_exec_args;
@@ -904,12 +911,12 @@
// TODO(b/260228411): Check uid and gid.
- // Restorecon recursively after the output files are created, so that the SELinux context is
- // applied to all of them. The SELinux context of a file is mostly inherited from the parent
- // directory upon creation, but the MLS label is not inherited, so we need to restorecon every
- // file so that they have the right MLS label. If the files are in dalvik-cache, there's no need
- // to restorecon because they inherits the SELinux context of the dalvik-cache directory and they
- // don't need to have MLS labels.
+ // Second-round restorecon. Restorecon recursively after the output files are created, so that the
+ // SELinux context is applied to all of them. The SELinux context of a file is mostly inherited
+ // from the parent directory upon creation, but the MLS label is not inherited, so we need to
+ // restorecon every file so that they have the right MLS label. If the files are in dalvik-cache,
+ // there's no need to restorecon because they inherits the SELinux context of the dalvik-cache
+ // directory and they don't need to have MLS labels.
if (!in_outputArtifacts.artifactsPath.isInDalvikCache) {
OR_RETURN_NON_FATAL(Restorecon(oat_dir_path, in_outputArtifacts.permissionSettings.seContext));