More store/allocation elimination for singletons in case of loops

For a store into a singleton's location, if it happens inside a loop, it
means the singleton's location value may be killed by loop side effects.
However if the singleton is defined inside that loop, that loop should
be skipped since its loop side effects kill values at loop header where
the singleton's location doesn't exist yet.

Test: test-art-host

Bug: 31716107
Change-Id: Iae2494ea93295977f90d1463ee136a7e2e09ba9b
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 7347686..820fa29 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -168,7 +168,9 @@
   const int16_t declaring_class_def_index_;  // declaring class's def's dex index.
   bool value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_;   // value of this location may be killed by loop
                                              // side effects because this location is stored
-                                             // into inside a loop.
+                                             // into inside a loop. This gives
+                                             // better info on whether a singleton's location
+                                             // value may be killed by loop side effects.
@@ -420,8 +422,26 @@
   void VisitInstanceFieldSet(HInstanceFieldSet* instruction) OVERRIDE {
     HeapLocation* location = VisitFieldAccess(instruction->InputAt(0), instruction->GetFieldInfo());
     has_heap_stores_ = true;
-    if (instruction->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation() != nullptr) {
-      location->SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(true);
+    if (location->GetReferenceInfo()->IsSingleton()) {
+      // A singleton's location value may be killed by loop side effects if it's
+      // defined before that loop, and it's stored into inside that loop.
+      HLoopInformation* loop_info = instruction->GetBlock()->GetLoopInformation();
+      if (loop_info != nullptr) {
+        HInstruction* ref = location->GetReferenceInfo()->GetReference();
+        DCHECK(ref->IsNewInstance());
+        if (loop_info->IsDefinedOutOfTheLoop(ref)) {
+          // ref's location value may be killed by this loop's side effects.
+          location->SetValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(true);
+        } else {
+          // ref is defined inside this loop so this loop's side effects cannot
+          // kill its location value at the loop header since ref/its location doesn't
+          // exist yet at the loop header.
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // For non-singletons, value_killed_by_loop_side_effects_ is inited to
+      // true.
+      DCHECK_EQ(location->IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects(), true);
@@ -810,9 +830,6 @@
         if (loop_info != nullptr) {
           // instruction is a store in the loop so the loop must does write.
-          // If it's a singleton, IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects() must be true.
-          DCHECK(!ref_info->IsSingleton() ||
-                 heap_location_collector_.GetHeapLocation(idx)->IsValueKilledByLoopSideEffects());
           if (loop_info->IsDefinedOutOfTheLoop(original_ref)) {