Revert "Support running of host gtests in eng-prod"
This reverts commit 22872da653053bb4b86fbef67163a9f6b7aee25b.
Reason for revert: Checking if this CL is cause of b/160132136
Bug: 147817558
Bug: 160132136
Change-Id: Ifb6f2292292a7f69fbd0f2e9204fd37dbca84277
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 7331033..083bb9e 100644
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -25,13 +25,12 @@
# Manually add system libraries that we need to run the host ART tools.
my_files += \
- $(foreach lib, libbacktrace libbase libc++ libicu_jni liblog libsigchain libunwindstack \
- libziparchive libjavacore libandroidio libopenjdkd, \
- $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),HOST)/$(lib).so:lib64/$(lib).so \
- $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),HOST,,2ND)/$(lib).so:lib/$(lib).so) \
- $(foreach lib, libcrypto libz libicuuc libicui18n libandroidicu libexpat, \
- $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),HOST)/$(lib).so:lib64/$(lib) \
- $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),HOST,,2ND)/$(lib).so:lib/$(lib)
+ $(foreach lib, \
+ libbacktrace libbase libc++ libicu_jni liblog libsigchain libunwindstack libziparchive, \
+ $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),HOST)/$(lib).so:lib64/$(lib).so) \
+ $(foreach lib, \
+ libcrypto libz, \
+ $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),HOST)/$(lib).so:lib64/$(lib)
# Add apex directories for art, conscrypt and i18n.
my_files += $(foreach infix,_ _VDEX_,$(foreach suffix,$(HOST_ARCH) $(HOST_2ND_ARCH), \
@@ -40,8 +39,7 @@
$(foreach jar,$(CORE_IMG_JARS),\
$(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/$(jar)-hostdex.jar:apex/$(jar).jar) \
- $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/core-icu4j-hostdex.jar:apex/ \
- $(HOST_OUT)/
+ $(HOST_OUT_JAVA_LIBRARIES)/core-icu4j-hostdex.jar:apex/
# Create dummy module that will copy all the data files into testcases directory.
# For now, this copies everything to "out/host/linux-x86/" subdirectory, since it
@@ -53,7 +51,7 @@
$(foreach f,$(my_files),$(call word-colon,1,$f):out/host/linux-x86/$(call word-colon,2,$f))
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/
diff --git a/build/art.go b/build/art.go
index af2a5de..8deea23 100644
--- a/build/art.go
+++ b/build/art.go
@@ -291,11 +291,10 @@
defer artTestMutex.Unlock()
if ctx.Os().Class == android.Host {
- src := ctx.SrcPath().String()
- path := strings.Split(ctx.Path().ToMakePath().String(), "/")
- // Keep last two parts of the install path (e.g. bin/dex2oat).
- dst := strings.Join(path[len(path)-2:], "/")
- testcasesContent[dst] = src
+ path := ctx.Path().ToMakePath().String()
+ parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
+ // Keep last two parts of the path (e.g. bin/dex2oat).
+ testcasesContent[strings.Join(parts[len(parts)-2:], "/")] = path
diff --git a/build/makevars.go b/build/makevars.go
index 22ef205..6e66966 100644
--- a/build/makevars.go
+++ b/build/makevars.go
@@ -15,22 +15,18 @@
package art
import (
- "path/filepath"
- "android/soong/cc/config"
var (
- pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/art")
- prebuiltToolsForTests = []string{"as", "addr2line", "objdump"}
+ pctx = android.NewPackageContext("android/soong/art")
func init() {
android.RegisterMakeVarsProvider(pctx, makeVarsProvider)
- pctx.Import("android/soong/cc/config")
func makeVarsProvider(ctx android.MakeVarsContext) {
@@ -56,25 +52,4 @@
copy_cmds = append(copy_cmds, testcasesContent[key]+":"+key)
ctx.Strict("ART_TESTCASES_CONTENT", strings.Join(copy_cmds, " "))
- // Add prebuilt tools.
- copy_cmds = []string{}
- for _, cmd := range prebuiltToolsForTests {
- target := ctx.Config().Targets[android.BuildOs][0]
- toolchain := config.FindToolchain(target.Os, target.Arch)
- gccRoot, gccTriple := toolchain.GccRoot(), toolchain.GccTriple()
- eval := func(path ...string) string {
- result, err := ctx.Eval(filepath.Join(path...))
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- return result
- }
- src := eval(gccRoot, "bin", gccTriple+"-"+cmd)
- // Different tests use different paths, so we need to copy to two locations.
- // TODO: Unify the test code so that this is no longer necessary.
- copy_cmds = append(copy_cmds, src+":"+eval(gccRoot, "bin", gccTriple+"-"+cmd))
- copy_cmds = append(copy_cmds, src+":"+eval(gccRoot, gccTriple, "bin", cmd))
- }
- ctx.Strict("ART_TESTCASES_PREBUILT_CONTENT", strings.Join(copy_cmds, " "))
diff --git a/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h b/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
index 268befb..9e23d11 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
+++ b/compiler/utils/assembler_test.h
@@ -738,7 +738,6 @@
AssemblerTest() {}
void SetUp() override {
- CommonArtTest::SetUpAndroidRootEnvVars();
allocator_.reset(new ArenaAllocator(&pool_));
diff --git a/libartbase/base/ b/libartbase/base/
index e327832..2497e77 100644
--- a/libartbase/base/
+++ b/libartbase/base/
@@ -141,40 +141,53 @@
void CommonArtTestImpl::SetUpAndroidRootEnvVars() {
if (IsHost()) {
- // Look at how we were invoked to extract reasonable default paths.
- std::string argv;
- if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/cmdline", &argv)) {
- // /proc/self/cmdline is the programs 'argv' with elements delimited by '\0'.
- std::filesystem::path path(argv.substr(0, argv.find('\0')));
- path = std::filesystem::absolute(path);
- // Walk up until we find the one of the well-known directories.
- for (; path.parent_path() != path; path = path.parent_path()) {
- // We are running tests from out/host/linux-x86 on developer machine.
- if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("linux-x86")) {
- char* cwd = getcwd(nullptr, 0);
- setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", cwd, /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- free(cwd);
- setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", path.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- break;
+ // Make sure that ANDROID_BUILD_TOP is set. If not, set it from CWD.
+ const char* android_build_top_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
+ if (android_build_top_from_env == nullptr) {
+ // Not set by build server, so default to current directory.
+ char* cwd = getcwd(nullptr, 0);
+ setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", cwd, 1);
+ free(cwd);
+ android_build_top_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
+ }
+ const char* android_host_out_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
+ if (android_host_out_from_env == nullptr) {
+ // Not set by build server, so default to the usual value of
+ std::string android_host_out;
+#if defined(__linux__)
+ // Fallback
+ android_host_out = std::string(android_build_top_from_env) + "/out/host/linux-x86";
+ // Look at how we were invoked
+ std::string argv;
+ if (android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/self/cmdline", &argv)) {
+ // /proc/self/cmdline is the programs 'argv' with elements delimited by '\0'.
+ std::string cmdpath(argv.substr(0, argv.find('\0')));
+ std::filesystem::path path(cmdpath);
+ // If the path is relative then prepend the android_build_top_from_env to it
+ if (path.is_relative()) {
+ path = std::filesystem::path(android_build_top_from_env).append(cmdpath);
+ DCHECK(path.is_absolute()) << path;
- // We are running tests from testcases (extracted from zip) on tradefed.
- if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("testcases")) {
- path.append("art_common");
- bool ok = chdir(path.c_str()) == 0;
- CHECK(ok);
- setenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP", path.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- path.append("out/host/linux-x86");
- setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", path.c_str(), /*overwrite=*/ 0); // No-op if already set.
- break;
+ // Walk up until we find the linux-x86 directory or we hit the root directory.
+ while (path.has_parent_path() && path.parent_path() != path &&
+ path.filename() != std::filesystem::path("linux-x86")) {
+ path = path.parent_path();
+ }
+ // If we found a linux-x86 directory path is now android_host_out
+ if (path.filename() == std::filesystem::path("linux-x86")) {
+ android_host_out = path.string();
+#elif defined(__APPLE__)
+ android_host_out = std::string(android_build_top_from_env) + "/out/host/darwin-x86";
+#error unsupported OS
+ setenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT", android_host_out.c_str(), 1);
+ android_host_out_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
- const char* android_build_top_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP");
- DCHECK(android_build_top_from_env != nullptr);
- DCHECK(std::filesystem::exists(android_build_top_from_env)) << android_build_top_from_env;
- const char* android_host_out_from_env = getenv("ANDROID_HOST_OUT");
- DCHECK(android_host_out_from_env != nullptr);
- DCHECK(std::filesystem::exists(android_host_out_from_env)) << android_host_out_from_env;
// Environment variable ANDROID_ROOT is set on the device, but not
// necessarily on the host.
diff --git a/libnativeloader/Android.bp b/libnativeloader/Android.bp
index 33a2c8f..5f29b4d 100644
--- a/libnativeloader/Android.bp
+++ b/libnativeloader/Android.bp
@@ -35,19 +35,6 @@
target: {
- // Library search path needed for running host tests remotely (from testcases directory).
- linux_glibc_x86: {
- ldflags: [
- "-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/../art_common/out/host/linux-x86/lib",
- "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags",
- ],
- },
- linux_glibc_x86_64: {
- ldflags: [
- "-Wl,-rpath,$ORIGIN/../art_common/out/host/linux-x86/lib64",
- "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags",
- ],
- },
android: {
srcs: [
diff --git a/test/Android.bp b/test/Android.bp
index 6be4562..021a70f 100644
--- a/test/Android.bp
+++ b/test/Android.bp
@@ -54,11 +54,6 @@
- test_suites: ["general-tests"],
- test_options: {
- test_suite_tag: ["art-host-gtest"],
- },
shared_libs: [