MIPS64: Implement table-based packed switch
Test: booted MIPS64 (with 2nd arch MIPS32R6) in QEMU
Test: test-art-target-run-test-optimizing (MIPS64R6) in QEMU
Test: test-art-host-gtest
Change-Id: I333dca43fca57ae7e6021bb84585487c889417c3
diff --git a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.cc b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.cc
index 04430b1..2419b6b 100644
--- a/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.cc
+++ b/compiler/utils/mips64/assembler_mips64.cc
@@ -35,12 +35,14 @@
for (auto& exception_block : exception_blocks_) {
+ ReserveJumpTableSpace();
void Mips64Assembler::FinalizeInstructions(const MemoryRegion& region) {
+ EmitJumpTables();
@@ -470,6 +472,10 @@
EmitI(0xf, static_cast<GpuRegister>(0), rt, imm16);
+void Mips64Assembler::Aui(GpuRegister rt, GpuRegister rs, uint16_t imm16) {
+ EmitI(0xf, rs, rt, imm16);
void Mips64Assembler::Dahi(GpuRegister rs, uint16_t imm16) {
EmitI(1, rs, static_cast<GpuRegister>(6), imm16);
@@ -1069,6 +1075,20 @@
TemplateLoadConst64(this, rd, value);
+void Mips64Assembler::Addiu32(GpuRegister rt, GpuRegister rs, int32_t value) {
+ if (IsInt<16>(value)) {
+ Addiu(rt, rs, value);
+ } else {
+ int16_t high = High16Bits(value);
+ int16_t low = Low16Bits(value);
+ high += (low < 0) ? 1 : 0; // Account for sign extension in addiu.
+ Aui(rt, rs, high);
+ if (low != 0) {
+ Addiu(rt, rt, low);
+ }
+ }
void Mips64Assembler::Daddiu64(GpuRegister rt, GpuRegister rs, int64_t value, GpuRegister rtmp) {
if (IsInt<16>(value)) {
Daddiu(rt, rs, value);
@@ -1641,6 +1661,67 @@
+JumpTable* Mips64Assembler::CreateJumpTable(std::vector<Mips64Label*>&& labels) {
+ jump_tables_.emplace_back(std::move(labels));
+ JumpTable* table = &jump_tables_.back();
+ DCHECK(!table->GetLabel()->IsBound());
+ return table;
+void Mips64Assembler::ReserveJumpTableSpace() {
+ if (!jump_tables_.empty()) {
+ for (JumpTable& table : jump_tables_) {
+ Mips64Label* label = table.GetLabel();
+ Bind(label);
+ // Bulk ensure capacity, as this may be large.
+ size_t orig_size = buffer_.Size();
+ size_t required_capacity = orig_size + table.GetSize();
+ if (required_capacity > buffer_.Capacity()) {
+ buffer_.ExtendCapacity(required_capacity);
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ buffer_.has_ensured_capacity_ = true;
+ // Fill the space with dummy data as the data is not final
+ // until the branches have been promoted. And we shouldn't
+ // be moving uninitialized data during branch promotion.
+ for (size_t cnt = table.GetData().size(), i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+ buffer_.Emit<uint32_t>(0x1abe1234u);
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ buffer_.has_ensured_capacity_ = false;
+ }
+ }
+void Mips64Assembler::EmitJumpTables() {
+ if (!jump_tables_.empty()) {
+ CHECK(!overwriting_);
+ // Switch from appending instructions at the end of the buffer to overwriting
+ // existing instructions (here, jump tables) in the buffer.
+ overwriting_ = true;
+ for (JumpTable& table : jump_tables_) {
+ Mips64Label* table_label = table.GetLabel();
+ uint32_t start = GetLabelLocation(table_label);
+ overwrite_location_ = start;
+ for (Mips64Label* target : table.GetData()) {
+ CHECK_EQ(buffer_.Load<uint32_t>(overwrite_location_), 0x1abe1234u);
+ // The table will contain target addresses relative to the table start.
+ uint32_t offset = GetLabelLocation(target) - start;
+ Emit(offset);
+ }
+ }
+ overwriting_ = false;
+ }
void Mips64Assembler::EmitLiterals() {
if (!literals_.empty()) {
for (Literal& literal : literals_) {