Quick compiler: allocate doubles as doubles
Significant refactoring of register handling to unify usage across
all targets & 32/64 backends.
Reworked RegStorage encoding to allow expanded use of
x86 xmm registers; removed vector registers as a separate
register type. Reworked RegisterInfo to describe aliased
physical registers. Eliminated quite a bit of target-specific code
and generalized common code.
Use of RegStorage instead of int for registers now propagated down
to the NewLIRx() level. In future CLs, the NewLIRx() routines will
be replaced with versions that are explicit about what kind of
operand they expect (RegStorage, displacement, etc.). The goal
is to eventually use RegStorage all the way to the assembly phase.
TBD: MIPS needs verification.
TBD: Re-enable liveness tracking.
Change-Id: I388c006d5fa9b3ea72db4e37a19ce257f2a15964
diff --git a/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h b/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h
index 11bec99..df5aa7b 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/reg_storage.h
@@ -21,77 +21,105 @@
namespace art {
- * Representation of the physical register, register pair or vector holding a Dalvik value.
- * The basic configuration of the storage (i.e. solo reg, pair, vector) is common across all
- * targets, but the encoding of the actual storage element is target independent.
+ * 16-bit representation of the physical register container holding a Dalvik value.
+ * The encoding allows up to 32 physical elements per storage class, and supports eight
+ * register container shapes.
- * The two most-significant bits describe the basic shape of the storage, while meaning of the
- * lower 14 bits depends on the shape:
+ * [V] [D] [HHHHH] [SSS] [F] [LLLLL]
- * [PW]
- * P: 0 -> pair, 1 -> solo (or vector)
- * W: 1 -> 64 bits, 0 -> 32 bits
+ * [LLLLL]
+ * Physical register number for the low or solo register.
+ * 0..31
- * [00] [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Invalid (typically all zeros)
- * [01] [HHHHHHH] [LLLLLLL] 64-bit storage, composed of 2 32-bit registers
- * [10] [0] [xxxxxx] [RRRRRRR] 32-bit solo register
- * [11] [0] [xxxxxx] [RRRRRRR] 64-bit solo register
- * [10] [1] [xxxxxx] [VVVVVVV] 32-bit vector storage
- * [11] [1] [xxxxxx] [VVVVVVV] 64-bit vector storage
+ * [F]
+ * Describes type of the [LLLLL] register.
+ * 0: Core
+ * 1: Floating point
- * x - don't care
- * L - low register number of a pair
- * H - high register number of a pair
- * R - register number of a solo reg
- * V - vector description
+ * [SSS]
+ * Shape of the register container.
+ * 000: Invalid
+ * 001: 32-bit solo register
+ * 010: 64-bit solo register
+ * 011: 64-bit pair consisting of two 32-bit solo registers
+ * 100: 128-bit solo register
+ * 101: 256-bit solo register
+ * 110: 512-bit solo register
+ * 111: 1024-bit solo register
- * Note that in all non-invalid cases, the low 7 bits must be sufficient to describe
- * whether the storage element is floating point (see IsFloatReg()).
+ * [HHHHH]
+ * Physical register number of the high register (valid only for register pair).
+ * 0..31
+ * [D]
+ * Describes type of the [HHHHH] register (valid only for register pair).
+ * 0: Core
+ * 1: Floating point
+ *
+ * [V]
+ * 0 -> Invalid
+ * 1 -> Valid
+ *
+ * Note that in all non-invalid cases, we can determine if the storage is floating point
+ * by testing bit 6. Though a mismatch appears to be permitted by the format, the [F][D] values
+ * from each half of a pair must match (this allows the high and low regs of a pair to be more
+ * easily individually manipulated).
+ *
+ * On some target architectures, the same underlying physical register container can be given
+ * different views. For example, Arm's 32-bit single-precision floating point registers
+ * s2 and s3 map to the low and high halves of double-precision d1. Similarly, X86's xmm3
+ * vector register can be viewed as 32-bit, 64-bit, 128-bit, etc. In these cases the use of
+ * one view will affect the other views. The RegStorage class does not concern itself
+ * with potential aliasing. That will be done using the associated RegisterInfo struct.
+ * Distinct RegStorage elements should be created for each view of a physical register
+ * container. The management of the aliased physical elements will be handled via RegisterInfo
+ * records.
class RegStorage {
enum RegStorageKind {
- kInvalid = 0x0000,
- k64BitPair = 0x4000,
- k32BitSolo = 0x8000,
- k64BitSolo = 0xc000,
- k32BitVector = 0xa000,
- k64BitVector = 0xe000,
- kPairMask = 0x8000,
- kPair = 0x0000,
- kSizeMask = 0x4000,
- k64Bit = 0x4000,
- k32Bit = 0x0000,
- kVectorMask = 0xa000,
- kVector = 0xa000,
- kSolo = 0x8000,
- kShapeMask = 0xc000,
- kKindMask = 0xe000
+ kValidMask = 0x8000,
+ kValid = 0x8000,
+ kInvalid = 0x0000,
+ kShapeMask = 0x01c0,
+ k32BitSolo = 0x0040,
+ k64BitSolo = 0x0080,
+ k64BitPair = 0x00c0,
+ k128BitSolo = 0x0100,
+ k256BitSolo = 0x0140,
+ k512BitSolo = 0x0180,
+ k1024BitSolo = 0x01c0,
+ k64BitMask = 0x0180,
+ k64Bits = 0x0080,
+ kShapeTypeMask = 0x01e0,
+ kFloatingPoint = 0x0020,
+ kCoreRegister = 0x0000,
- static const uint16_t kRegValMask = 0x007f;
- static const uint16_t kInvalidRegVal = 0x007f;
- static const uint16_t kHighRegShift = 7;
- static const uint16_t kHighRegMask = kRegValMask << kHighRegShift;
+ static const uint16_t kRegValMask = 0x01ff; // Num, type and shape.
+ static const uint16_t kRegTypeMask = 0x003f; // Num and type.
+ static const uint16_t kRegNumMask = 0x001f; // Num only.
+ static const uint16_t kMaxRegs = kRegValMask + 1;
+ // TODO: deprecate use of kInvalidRegVal and speed up GetReg().
+ static const uint16_t kInvalidRegVal = 0x01ff;
+ static const uint16_t kHighRegShift = 9;
+ static const uint16_t kShapeMaskShift = 6;
+ static const uint16_t kHighRegMask = (kRegTypeMask << kHighRegShift);
+ // Reg is [F][LLLLL], will override any existing shape and use rs_kind.
RegStorage(RegStorageKind rs_kind, int reg) {
- DCHECK_NE(rs_kind & kShapeMask, kInvalid);
- DCHECK_NE(rs_kind & kShapeMask, k64BitPair);
- DCHECK_EQ(rs_kind & ~kKindMask, 0);
- DCHECK_EQ(reg & ~kRegValMask, 0);
- reg_ = rs_kind | reg;
+ DCHECK_NE(rs_kind, k64BitPair);
+ DCHECK_EQ(rs_kind & ~kShapeMask, 0);
+ reg_ = kValid | rs_kind | (reg & kRegTypeMask);
RegStorage(RegStorageKind rs_kind, int low_reg, int high_reg) {
DCHECK_EQ(rs_kind, k64BitPair);
- DCHECK_EQ(low_reg & ~kRegValMask, 0);
- DCHECK_EQ(high_reg & ~kRegValMask, 0);
- reg_ = rs_kind | (high_reg << kHighRegShift) | low_reg;
+ DCHECK_EQ(low_reg & kFloatingPoint, high_reg & kFloatingPoint);
+ reg_ = kValid | rs_kind | ((high_reg & kRegTypeMask) << kHighRegShift) | (low_reg & kRegTypeMask);
- explicit RegStorage(uint16_t val) : reg_(val) {}
+ constexpr explicit RegStorage(uint16_t val) : reg_(val) {}
RegStorage() : reg_(kInvalid) {}
- ~RegStorage() {}
bool operator==(const RegStorage rhs) const {
return (reg_ == rhs.GetRawBits());
@@ -102,73 +130,127 @@
bool Valid() const {
- return ((reg_ & kShapeMask) != kInvalid);
+ return ((reg_ & kValidMask) == kValid);
bool Is32Bit() const {
- return ((reg_ & kSizeMask) == k32Bit);
+ return ((reg_ & kShapeMask) == k32BitSolo);
bool Is64Bit() const {
- return ((reg_ & kSizeMask) == k64Bit);
+ return ((reg_ & k64BitMask) == k64Bits);
bool IsPair() const {
- return ((reg_ & kPairMask) == kPair);
+ return ((reg_ & kShapeMask) == k64BitPair);
- bool IsSolo() const {
- return ((reg_ & kVectorMask) == kSolo);
+ bool IsFloat() const {
+ DCHECK(Valid());
+ return ((reg_ & kFloatingPoint) == kFloatingPoint);
- bool IsVector() const {
- return ((reg_ & kVectorMask) == kVector);
+ bool IsDouble() const {
+ DCHECK(Valid());
+ return (reg_ & (kFloatingPoint | k64BitMask)) == (kFloatingPoint | k64Bits);
+ }
+ bool IsSingle() const {
+ DCHECK(Valid());
+ return (reg_ & (kFloatingPoint | k64BitMask)) == kFloatingPoint;
+ }
+ static bool IsFloat(uint16_t reg) {
+ return ((reg & kFloatingPoint) == kFloatingPoint);
+ }
+ static bool IsDouble(uint16_t reg) {
+ return (reg & (kFloatingPoint | k64BitMask)) == (kFloatingPoint | k64Bits);
+ }
+ static bool IsSingle(uint16_t reg) {
+ return (reg & (kFloatingPoint | k64BitMask)) == kFloatingPoint;
// Used to retrieve either the low register of a pair, or the only register.
int GetReg() const {
- DCHECK(!IsPair());
+ DCHECK(!IsPair()) << "reg_ = 0x" << std::hex << reg_;
return Valid() ? (reg_ & kRegValMask) : kInvalidRegVal;
+ // Sets shape, type and num of solo.
void SetReg(int reg) {
+ DCHECK(!IsPair());
reg_ = (reg_ & ~kRegValMask) | reg;
+ // Set the reg number and type only, target remain 64-bit pair.
void SetLowReg(int reg) {
- reg_ = (reg_ & ~kRegValMask) | reg;
+ reg_ = (reg_ & ~kRegTypeMask) | (reg & kRegTypeMask);
- // Retrieve the least significant register of a pair.
+ // Retrieve the least significant register of a pair and return as 32-bit solo.
int GetLowReg() const {
- return (reg_ & kRegValMask);
+ return ((reg_ & kRegTypeMask) | k32BitSolo);
// Create a stand-alone RegStorage from the low reg of a pair.
RegStorage GetLow() const {
- return RegStorage(k32BitSolo, reg_ & kRegValMask);
+ return RegStorage(k32BitSolo, reg_ & kRegTypeMask);
// Retrieve the most significant register of a pair.
int GetHighReg() const {
- return (reg_ & kHighRegMask) >> kHighRegShift;
+ return k32BitSolo | ((reg_ & kHighRegMask) >> kHighRegShift);
// Create a stand-alone RegStorage from the high reg of a pair.
RegStorage GetHigh() const {
- return RegStorage(k32BitSolo, (reg_ & kHighRegMask) >> kHighRegShift);
+ return RegStorage(kValid | GetHighReg());
void SetHighReg(int reg) {
- reg_ = (reg_ & ~kHighRegMask) | (reg << kHighRegShift);
- DCHECK_EQ(GetHighReg(), reg);
+ reg_ = (reg_ & ~kHighRegMask) | ((reg & kRegTypeMask) << kHighRegShift);
+ }
+ // Return the register number of low or solo.
+ int GetRegNum() const {
+ return reg_ & kRegNumMask;
+ }
+ // Aliased double to low single.
+ RegStorage DoubleToLowSingle() const {
+ DCHECK(IsDouble());
+ return FloatSolo32(GetRegNum() << 1);
+ }
+ // Aliased double to high single.
+ RegStorage DoubleToHighSingle() const {
+ DCHECK(IsDouble());
+ return FloatSolo32((GetRegNum() << 1) + 1);
+ }
+ // Single to aliased double.
+ RegStorage SingleToDouble() const {
+ DCHECK(IsSingle());
+ return FloatSolo64(GetRegNum() >> 1);
+ }
+ // Is register number in 0..7?
+ bool Low8() const {
+ return GetRegNum() < 8;
+ }
+ // Is register number in 0..3?
+ bool Low4() const {
+ return GetRegNum() < 4;
// Combine 2 32-bit solo regs into a pair.
@@ -180,24 +262,61 @@
return RegStorage(k64BitPair, low.GetReg(), high.GetReg());
+ static bool SameRegType(RegStorage reg1, RegStorage reg2) {
+ return (reg1.IsDouble() == reg2.IsDouble()) && (reg1.IsSingle() == reg2.IsSingle());
+ }
+ static bool SameRegType(int reg1, int reg2) {
+ return (IsDouble(reg1) == IsDouble(reg2)) && (IsSingle(reg1) == IsSingle(reg2));
+ }
// Create a 32-bit solo.
static RegStorage Solo32(int reg_num) {
- return RegStorage(k32BitSolo, reg_num);
+ return RegStorage(k32BitSolo, reg_num & kRegTypeMask);
+ }
+ // Create a floating point 32-bit solo.
+ static RegStorage FloatSolo32(int reg_num) {
+ return RegStorage(k32BitSolo, (reg_num & kRegNumMask) | kFloatingPoint);
// Create a 64-bit solo.
static RegStorage Solo64(int reg_num) {
- return RegStorage(k64BitSolo, reg_num);
+ return RegStorage(k64BitSolo, reg_num & kRegTypeMask);
+ }
+ // Create a floating point 64-bit solo.
+ static RegStorage FloatSolo64(int reg_num) {
+ return RegStorage(k64BitSolo, (reg_num & kRegNumMask) | kFloatingPoint);
static RegStorage InvalidReg() {
return RegStorage(kInvalid);
+ static uint16_t RegNum(int raw_reg_bits) {
+ return raw_reg_bits & kRegNumMask;
+ }
int GetRawBits() const {
return reg_;
+ size_t StorageSize() {
+ switch (reg_ & kShapeMask) {
+ case kInvalid: return 0;
+ case k32BitSolo: return 4;
+ case k64BitSolo: return 8;
+ case k64BitPair: return 8; // Is this useful? Might want to disallow taking size of pair.
+ case k128BitSolo: return 16;
+ case k256BitSolo: return 32;
+ case k512BitSolo: return 64;
+ case k1024BitSolo: return 128;
+ default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected shap";
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
uint16_t reg_;