Quick compiler: allocate doubles as doubles
Significant refactoring of register handling to unify usage across
all targets & 32/64 backends.
Reworked RegStorage encoding to allow expanded use of
x86 xmm registers; removed vector registers as a separate
register type. Reworked RegisterInfo to describe aliased
physical registers. Eliminated quite a bit of target-specific code
and generalized common code.
Use of RegStorage instead of int for registers now propagated down
to the NewLIRx() level. In future CLs, the NewLIRx() routines will
be replaced with versions that are explicit about what kind of
operand they expect (RegStorage, displacement, etc.). The goal
is to eventually use RegStorage all the way to the assembly phase.
TBD: MIPS needs verification.
TBD: Re-enable liveness tracking.
Change-Id: I388c006d5fa9b3ea72db4e37a19ce257f2a15964
diff --git a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
index 9283a29..cb4396f 100644
--- a/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
+++ b/compiler/dex/quick/mir_to_lir.h
@@ -241,32 +241,151 @@
- * Data structure tracking the mapping between a Dalvik register (pair) and a
- * native register (pair). The idea is to reuse the previously loaded value
- * if possible, otherwise to keep the value in a native register as long as
- * possible.
+ * Data structure tracking the mapping detween a Dalvik value (32 or 64 bits)
+ * and native register storage. The primary purpose is to reuse previuosly
+ * loaded values, if possible, and otherwise to keep the value in register
+ * storage as long as possible.
+ *
+ * NOTE 1: wide_value refers to the width of the Dalvik value contained in
+ * this register (or pair). For example, a 64-bit register containing a 32-bit
+ * Dalvik value would have wide_value==false even though the storage container itself
+ * is wide. Similarly, a 32-bit register containing half of a 64-bit Dalvik value
+ * would have wide_value==true (and additionally would have its partner field set to the
+ * other half whose wide_value field would also be true.
+ *
+ * NOTE 2: In the case of a register pair, you can determine which of the partners
+ * is the low half by looking at the s_reg names. The high s_reg will equal low_sreg + 1.
+ *
+ * NOTE 3: In the case of a 64-bit register holding a Dalvik wide value, wide_value
+ * will be true and partner==self. s_reg refers to the low-order word of the Dalvik
+ * value, and the s_reg of the high word is implied (s_reg + 1).
+ *
+ * NOTE 4: The reg and is_temp fields should always be correct. If is_temp is false no
+ * other fields have meaning. [perhaps not true, wide should work for promoted regs?]
+ * If is_temp==true and live==false, no other fields have
+ * meaning. If is_temp==true and live==true, wide_value, partner, dirty, s_reg, def_start
+ * and def_end describe the relationship between the temp register/register pair and
+ * the Dalvik value[s] described by s_reg/s_reg+1.
+ *
+ * The fields used_storage, master_storage and storage_mask are used to track allocation
+ * in light of potential aliasing. For example, consider Arm's d2, which overlaps s4 & s5.
+ * d2's storage mask would be 0x00000003, the two low-order bits denoting 64 bits of
+ * storage use. For s4, it would be 0x0000001; for s5 0x00000002. These values should not
+ * change once initialized. The "used_storage" field tracks current allocation status.
+ * Although each record contains this field, only the field from the largest member of
+ * an aliased group is used. In our case, it would be d2's. The master_storage pointer
+ * of d2, s4 and s5 would all point to d2's used_storage field. Each bit in a used_storage
+ * represents 32 bits of storage. d2's used_storage would be initialized to 0xfffffffc.
+ * Then, if we wanted to determine whether s4 could be allocated, we would "and"
+ * s4's storage_mask with s4's *master_storage. If the result is zero, s4 is free and
+ * to allocate: *master_storage |= storage_mask. To free, *master_storage &= ~storage_mask.
+ *
+ * For an X86 vector register example, storage_mask would be:
+ * 0x00000001 for 32-bit view of xmm1
+ * 0x00000003 for 64-bit view of xmm1
+ * 0x0000000f for 128-bit view of xmm1
+ * 0x000000ff for 256-bit view of ymm1 // future expansion, if needed
+ * 0x0000ffff for 512-bit view of ymm1 // future expansion, if needed
+ * 0xffffffff for 1024-bit view of ymm1 // future expansion, if needed
+ *
+ * NOTE: the x86 usage is still somewhat in flux. There are competing notions of how
+ * to treat xmm registers:
+ * 1. Treat them all as 128-bits wide, but denote how much data used via bytes field.
+ * o This more closely matches reality, but means you'd need to be able to get
+ * to the associated RegisterInfo struct to figure out how it's being used.
+ * o This is how 64-bit core registers will be used - always 64 bits, but the
+ * "bytes" field will be 4 for 32-bit usage and 8 for 64-bit usage.
+ * 2. View the xmm registers based on contents.
+ * o A single in a xmm2 register would be k32BitVector, while a double in xmm2 would
+ * be a k64BitVector.
+ * o Note that the two uses above would be considered distinct registers (but with
+ * the aliasing mechanism, we could detect interference).
+ * o This is how aliased double and single float registers will be handled on
+ * Arm and MIPS.
+ * Working plan is, for all targets, to follow mechanism 1 for 64-bit core registers, and
+ * mechanism 2 for aliased float registers and x86 vector registers.
- struct RegisterInfo {
- int reg; // Reg number
- bool in_use; // Has it been allocated?
- bool is_temp; // Can allocate as temp?
- bool pair; // Part of a register pair?
- int partner; // If pair, other reg of pair.
- bool live; // Is there an associated SSA name?
- bool dirty; // If live, is it dirty?
- int s_reg; // Name of live value.
- LIR *def_start; // Starting inst in last def sequence.
- LIR *def_end; // Ending inst in last def sequence.
+ class RegisterInfo {
+ public:
+ RegisterInfo(RegStorage r, uint64_t mask = ENCODE_ALL);
+ ~RegisterInfo() {}
+ static void* operator new(size_t size, ArenaAllocator* arena) {
+ return arena->Alloc(size, kArenaAllocRegAlloc);
+ }
+ bool InUse() { return (storage_mask_ & master_->used_storage_) != 0; }
+ void MarkInUse() { master_->used_storage_ |= storage_mask_; }
+ void MarkFree() { master_->used_storage_ &= ~storage_mask_; }
+ RegStorage GetReg() { return reg_; }
+ void SetReg(RegStorage reg) { reg_ = reg; }
+ bool IsTemp() { return is_temp_; }
+ void SetIsTemp(bool val) { is_temp_ = val; }
+ bool IsWide() { return wide_value_; }
+ void SetIsWide(bool val) { wide_value_ = val; }
+ bool IsLive() { return live_; }
+ void SetIsLive(bool val) { live_ = val; }
+ bool IsDirty() { return dirty_; }
+ void SetIsDirty(bool val) { dirty_ = val; }
+ RegStorage Partner() { return partner_; }
+ void SetPartner(RegStorage partner) { partner_ = partner; }
+ int SReg() { return s_reg_; }
+ void SetSReg(int s_reg) { s_reg_ = s_reg; }
+ uint64_t DefUseMask() { return def_use_mask_; }
+ void SetDefUseMask(uint64_t def_use_mask) { def_use_mask_ = def_use_mask; }
+ RegisterInfo* Master() { return master_; }
+ void SetMaster(RegisterInfo* master) { master_ = master; }
+ uint32_t StorageMask() { return storage_mask_; }
+ void SetStorageMask(uint32_t storage_mask) { storage_mask_ = storage_mask; }
+ LIR* DefStart() { return def_start_; }
+ void SetDefStart(LIR* def_start) { def_start_ = def_start; }
+ LIR* DefEnd() { return def_end_; }
+ void SetDefEnd(LIR* def_end) { def_end_ = def_end; }
+ void ResetDefBody() { def_start_ = def_end_ = nullptr; }
+ private:
+ RegStorage reg_;
+ bool is_temp_; // Can allocate as temp?
+ bool wide_value_; // Holds a Dalvik wide value (either itself, or part of a pair).
+ bool live_; // Is there an associated SSA name?
+ bool dirty_; // If live, is it dirty?
+ RegStorage partner_; // If wide_value, other reg of pair or self if 64-bit register.
+ int s_reg_; // Name of live value.
+ uint64_t def_use_mask_; // Resources for this element.
+ uint32_t used_storage_; // 1 bit per 4 bytes of storage. Unused by aliases.
+ RegisterInfo* master_; // Pointer to controlling storage mask.
+ uint32_t storage_mask_; // Track allocation of sub-units.
+ LIR *def_start_; // Starting inst in last def sequence.
+ LIR *def_end_; // Ending inst in last def sequence.
- struct RegisterPool {
- int num_core_regs;
- RegisterInfo *core_regs;
- int next_core_reg;
- int num_fp_regs;
- RegisterInfo *FPRegs;
- int next_fp_reg;
- };
+ class RegisterPool {
+ public:
+ RegisterPool(Mir2Lir* m2l, ArenaAllocator* arena, const std::vector<RegStorage>& core_regs,
+ const std::vector<RegStorage>& sp_regs, const std::vector<RegStorage>& dp_regs,
+ const std::vector<RegStorage>& reserved_regs,
+ const std::vector<RegStorage>& core_temps,
+ const std::vector<RegStorage>& sp_temps,
+ const std::vector<RegStorage>& dp_temps);
+ ~RegisterPool() {}
+ static void* operator new(size_t size, ArenaAllocator* arena) {
+ return arena->Alloc(size, kArenaAllocRegAlloc);
+ }
+ void ResetNextTemp() {
+ next_core_reg_ = 0;
+ next_sp_reg_ = 0;
+ next_dp_reg_ = 0;
+ }
+ GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*> core_regs_;
+ int next_core_reg_;
+ GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*> sp_regs_; // Single precision float.
+ int next_sp_reg_;
+ GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*> dp_regs_; // Double precision float.
+ int next_dp_reg_;
+ private:
+ Mir2Lir* const m2l_;
+ };
struct PromotionMap {
RegLocationType core_location:3;
@@ -339,7 +458,14 @@
return *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(switch_data);
- RegisterClass oat_reg_class_by_size(OpSize size) {
+ /*
+ * TODO: this is a trace JIT vestige, and its use should be reconsidered. At the time
+ * it was introduced, it was intended to be a quick best guess of type without having to
+ * take the time to do type analysis. Currently, though, we have a much better idea of
+ * the types of Dalvik virtual registers. Instead of using this for a best guess, why not
+ * just use our knowledge of type to select the most appropriate register class?
+ */
+ RegisterClass RegClassBySize(OpSize size) {
return (size == kUnsignedHalf || size == kSignedHalf || size == kUnsignedByte ||
size == kSignedByte) ? kCoreReg : kAnyReg;
@@ -459,75 +585,63 @@
// Shared by all targets - implemented in ralloc_util.cc
int GetSRegHi(int lowSreg);
- bool oat_live_out(int s_reg);
- int oatSSASrc(MIR* mir, int num);
+ bool LiveOut(int s_reg);
void SimpleRegAlloc();
void ResetRegPool();
- void CompilerInitPool(RegisterInfo* regs, int* reg_nums, int num);
- void DumpRegPool(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs);
+ void CompilerInitPool(RegisterInfo* info, RegStorage* regs, int num);
+ void DumpRegPool(GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*>* regs);
void DumpCoreRegPool();
void DumpFpRegPool();
+ void DumpRegPools();
/* Mark a temp register as dead. Does not affect allocation state. */
- void Clobber(int reg) {
- ClobberBody(GetRegInfo(reg));
- }
void Clobber(RegStorage reg);
- void ClobberSRegBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int s_reg);
+ void ClobberSRegBody(GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*>* regs, int s_reg);
void ClobberSReg(int s_reg);
int SRegToPMap(int s_reg);
void RecordCorePromotion(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
RegStorage AllocPreservedCoreReg(int s_reg);
- void RecordFpPromotion(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
+ void RecordSinglePromotion(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
+ void RecordDoublePromotion(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
RegStorage AllocPreservedSingle(int s_reg);
- RegStorage AllocPreservedDouble(int s_reg);
- RegStorage AllocTempBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int* next_temp, bool required);
- virtual RegStorage AllocTempDouble();
+ virtual RegStorage AllocPreservedDouble(int s_reg);
+ RegStorage AllocTempBody(GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*> ®s, int* next_temp, bool required);
RegStorage AllocFreeTemp();
RegStorage AllocTemp();
- RegStorage AllocTempFloat();
- RegisterInfo* AllocLiveBody(RegisterInfo* p, int num_regs, int s_reg);
- RegisterInfo* AllocLive(int s_reg, int reg_class);
- void FreeTemp(int reg);
+ RegStorage AllocTempSingle();
+ RegStorage AllocTempDouble();
+ void FlushReg(RegStorage reg);
+ void FlushRegWide(RegStorage reg);
+ RegStorage AllocLiveReg(int s_reg, int reg_class, bool wide);
+ RegStorage FindLiveReg(GrowableArray<RegisterInfo*> ®s, int s_reg);
void FreeTemp(RegStorage reg);
- RegisterInfo* IsLive(int reg);
bool IsLive(RegStorage reg);
- RegisterInfo* IsTemp(int reg);
bool IsTemp(RegStorage reg);
- RegisterInfo* IsPromoted(int reg);
bool IsPromoted(RegStorage reg);
- bool IsDirty(int reg);
bool IsDirty(RegStorage reg);
- void LockTemp(int reg);
void LockTemp(RegStorage reg);
- void ResetDef(int reg);
void ResetDef(RegStorage reg);
- void NullifyRange(LIR *start, LIR *finish, int s_reg1, int s_reg2);
+ void NullifyRange(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
void MarkDef(RegLocation rl, LIR *start, LIR *finish);
void MarkDefWide(RegLocation rl, LIR *start, LIR *finish);
RegLocation WideToNarrow(RegLocation rl);
void ResetDefLoc(RegLocation rl);
- virtual void ResetDefLocWide(RegLocation rl);
+ void ResetDefLocWide(RegLocation rl);
void ResetDefTracking();
void ClobberAllRegs();
void FlushSpecificReg(RegisterInfo* info);
- void FlushAllRegsBody(RegisterInfo* info, int num_regs);
void FlushAllRegs();
bool RegClassMatches(int reg_class, RegStorage reg);
- void MarkLive(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
- void MarkTemp(int reg);
+ void MarkLive(RegLocation loc);
+ void MarkLiveReg(RegStorage reg, int s_reg);
void MarkTemp(RegStorage reg);
- void UnmarkTemp(int reg);
void UnmarkTemp(RegStorage reg);
- void MarkPair(int low_reg, int high_reg);
+ void MarkWide(RegStorage reg);
void MarkClean(RegLocation loc);
void MarkDirty(RegLocation loc);
- void MarkInUse(int reg);
void MarkInUse(RegStorage reg);
- void CopyRegInfo(int new_reg, int old_reg);
- void CopyRegInfo(RegStorage new_reg, RegStorage old_reg);
bool CheckCorePoolSanity();
RegLocation UpdateLoc(RegLocation loc);
- virtual RegLocation UpdateLocWide(RegLocation loc);
+ RegLocation UpdateLocWide(RegLocation loc);
RegLocation UpdateRawLoc(RegLocation loc);
@@ -538,7 +652,7 @@
* @param update Whether the liveness information should be updated.
* @return Returns the properly typed temporary in physical register pairs.
- virtual RegLocation EvalLocWide(RegLocation loc, int reg_class, bool update);
+ RegLocation EvalLocWide(RegLocation loc, int reg_class, bool update);
* @brief Used to load register location into a typed temporary.
@@ -547,7 +661,7 @@
* @param update Whether the liveness information should be updated.
* @return Returns the properly typed temporary in physical register.
- virtual RegLocation EvalLoc(RegLocation loc, int reg_class, bool update);
+ RegLocation EvalLoc(RegLocation loc, int reg_class, bool update);
void CountRefs(RefCounts* core_counts, RefCounts* fp_counts, size_t num_regs);
void DumpCounts(const RefCounts* arr, int size, const char* msg);
@@ -556,7 +670,7 @@
int SRegOffset(int s_reg);
RegLocation GetReturnWide(bool is_double);
RegLocation GetReturn(bool is_float);
- RegisterInfo* GetRegInfo(int reg);
+ RegisterInfo* GetRegInfo(RegStorage reg);
// Shared by all targets - implemented in gen_common.cc.
void AddIntrinsicSlowPath(CallInfo* info, LIR* branch, LIR* resume = nullptr);
@@ -868,8 +982,8 @@
virtual LIR* LoadBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_dest,
int scale, OpSize size) = 0;
virtual LIR* LoadBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
- int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, RegStorage r_dest_hi,
- OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
+ int displacement, RegStorage r_dest, OpSize size,
+ int s_reg) = 0;
virtual LIR* LoadConstantNoClobber(RegStorage r_dest, int value) = 0;
virtual LIR* LoadConstantWide(RegStorage r_dest, int64_t value) = 0;
virtual LIR* StoreBaseDisp(RegStorage r_base, int displacement, RegStorage r_src,
@@ -878,18 +992,13 @@
virtual LIR* StoreBaseIndexed(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, RegStorage r_src,
int scale, OpSize size) = 0;
virtual LIR* StoreBaseIndexedDisp(RegStorage r_base, RegStorage r_index, int scale,
- int displacement, RegStorage r_src, RegStorage r_src_hi,
- OpSize size, int s_reg) = 0;
+ int displacement, RegStorage r_src, OpSize size,
+ int s_reg) = 0;
virtual void MarkGCCard(RegStorage val_reg, RegStorage tgt_addr_reg) = 0;
// Required for target - register utilities.
- virtual bool IsFpReg(int reg) = 0;
- virtual bool IsFpReg(RegStorage reg) = 0;
- virtual bool SameRegType(int reg1, int reg2) = 0;
virtual RegStorage AllocTypedTemp(bool fp_hint, int reg_class) = 0;
virtual RegStorage AllocTypedTempWide(bool fp_hint, int reg_class) = 0;
- // TODO: elminate S2d.
- virtual int S2d(int low_reg, int high_reg) = 0;
virtual RegStorage TargetReg(SpecialTargetRegister reg) = 0;
virtual RegStorage GetArgMappingToPhysicalReg(int arg_num) = 0;
virtual RegLocation GetReturnAlt() = 0;
@@ -898,17 +1007,14 @@
virtual RegLocation LocCReturnDouble() = 0;
virtual RegLocation LocCReturnFloat() = 0;
virtual RegLocation LocCReturnWide() = 0;
- // TODO: use to reduce/eliminate xx_FPREG() macro use.
- virtual uint32_t FpRegMask() = 0;
- virtual uint64_t GetRegMaskCommon(int reg) = 0;
+ virtual uint64_t GetRegMaskCommon(RegStorage reg) = 0;
virtual void AdjustSpillMask() = 0;
virtual void ClobberCallerSave() = 0;
- virtual void FlushReg(RegStorage reg) = 0;
- virtual void FlushRegWide(RegStorage reg) = 0;
virtual void FreeCallTemps() = 0;
virtual void FreeRegLocTemps(RegLocation rl_keep, RegLocation rl_free) = 0;
virtual void LockCallTemps() = 0;
- virtual void MarkPreservedSingle(int v_reg, int reg) = 0;
+ virtual void MarkPreservedSingle(int v_reg, RegStorage reg) = 0;
+ virtual void MarkPreservedDouble(int v_reg, RegStorage reg) = 0;
virtual void CompilerInitializeRegAlloc() = 0;
// Required for target - miscellaneous.
@@ -1199,11 +1305,6 @@
void ClobberBody(RegisterInfo* p);
- void ResetDefBody(RegisterInfo* p) {
- p->def_start = NULL;
- p->def_end = NULL;
- }
void SetCurrentDexPc(DexOffset dexpc) {
current_dalvik_offset_ = dexpc;