Avoid compile time rewriting of dex code by verifier.

Compile time rewriting of dex code leads to dead code that is causing
issues with the LLVM compiler. Make instantiation and incompatible class
change errors be detected in slow path field and invoke logic so its
safe for the compile time verification just to softly fail the effected

This change places incompatible class change logic into the class
linkers ResolveMethod and consequently changes a number of APIs.

Change-Id: Ifb25f09accea348d15180f6ff041e38dfe0d536e
diff --git a/src/compiler.cc b/src/compiler.cc
index 466e2df..4dd3a09 100644
--- a/src/compiler.cc
+++ b/src/compiler.cc
@@ -506,7 +506,8 @@
   uint32_t method_idx = method->GetDexMethodIndex();
   const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = dex_file->GetCodeItem(method->GetCodeItemOffset());
-  CompileMethod(code_item, method->GetAccessFlags(), method_idx, class_loader, *dex_file);
+  CompileMethod(code_item, method->GetAccessFlags(), method->GetInvokeType(),
+                method_idx, class_loader, *dex_file);
   PostCompile(class_loader, dex_files);
@@ -644,8 +645,8 @@
   return result;
-static Class* ComputeReferrerClass(ScopedObjectAccess& soa,
-                                   OatCompilationUnit* mUnit)
+static Class* ComputeCompilingMethodsClass(ScopedObjectAccess& soa,
+                                           OatCompilationUnit* mUnit)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_) {
   DexCache* dex_cache = mUnit->class_linker_->FindDexCache(*mUnit->dex_file_);
   ClassLoader* class_loader = soa.Decode<ClassLoader*>(mUnit->class_loader_);
@@ -654,8 +655,9 @@
                                            dex_cache, class_loader);
-static Field* ComputeReferrerField(ScopedObjectAccess& soa,
-                                   OatCompilationUnit* mUnit, uint32_t field_idx)
+static Field* ComputeFieldReferencedFromCompilingMethod(ScopedObjectAccess& soa,
+                                                        OatCompilationUnit* mUnit,
+                                                        uint32_t field_idx)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_) {
   DexCache* dex_cache = mUnit->class_linker_->FindDexCache(*mUnit->dex_file_);
   ClassLoader* class_loader = soa.Decode<ClassLoader*>(mUnit->class_loader_);
@@ -663,25 +665,27 @@
                                             class_loader, false);
-static Method* ComputeReferrerMethod(ScopedObjectAccess& soa,
-                                     OatCompilationUnit* mUnit, uint32_t method_idx)
+static Method* ComputeMethodReferencedFromCompilingMethod(ScopedObjectAccess& soa,
+                                                          OatCompilationUnit* mUnit,
+                                                          uint32_t method_idx,
+                                                          InvokeType type)
     SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_) {
   DexCache* dex_cache = mUnit->class_linker_->FindDexCache(*mUnit->dex_file_);
   ClassLoader* class_loader = soa.Decode<ClassLoader*>(mUnit->class_loader_);
   return mUnit->class_linker_->ResolveMethod(*mUnit->dex_file_, method_idx, dex_cache,
-                                             class_loader, true);
+                                             class_loader, type);
 bool Compiler::ComputeInstanceFieldInfo(uint32_t field_idx, OatCompilationUnit* mUnit,
                                         int& field_offset, bool& is_volatile, bool is_put) {
   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
-  // Conservative defaults
+  // Conservative defaults.
   field_offset = -1;
   is_volatile = true;
-  // Try to resolve field
-  Field* resolved_field = ComputeReferrerField(soa, mUnit, field_idx);
-  if (resolved_field != NULL) {
-    Class* referrer_class = ComputeReferrerClass(soa, mUnit);
+  // Try to resolve field and ignore if an Incompatible Class Change Error (ie is static).
+  Field* resolved_field = ComputeFieldReferencedFromCompilingMethod(soa, mUnit, field_idx);
+  if (resolved_field != NULL && !resolved_field->IsStatic()) {
+    Class* referrer_class = ComputeCompilingMethodsClass(soa, mUnit);
     if (referrer_class != NULL) {
       Class* fields_class = resolved_field->GetDeclaringClass();
       bool access_ok = referrer_class->CanAccess(fields_class) &&
@@ -721,16 +725,15 @@
                                       int& field_offset, int& ssb_index,
                                       bool& is_referrers_class, bool& is_volatile, bool is_put) {
   ScopedObjectAccess soa(Thread::Current());
-  // Conservative defaults
+  // Conservative defaults.
   field_offset = -1;
   ssb_index = -1;
   is_referrers_class = false;
   is_volatile = true;
-  // Try to resolve field
-  Field* resolved_field = ComputeReferrerField(soa, mUnit, field_idx);
-  if (resolved_field != NULL) {
-    DCHECK(resolved_field->IsStatic());
-    Class* referrer_class = ComputeReferrerClass(soa, mUnit);
+  // Try to resolve field and ignore if an Incompatible Class Change Error (ie isn't static).
+  Field* resolved_field = ComputeFieldReferencedFromCompilingMethod(soa, mUnit, field_idx);
+  if (resolved_field != NULL && resolved_field->IsStatic()) {
+    Class* referrer_class = ComputeCompilingMethodsClass(soa, mUnit);
     if (referrer_class != NULL) {
       Class* fields_class = resolved_field->GetDeclaringClass();
       if (fields_class == referrer_class) {
@@ -846,17 +849,22 @@
   vtable_idx = -1;
   direct_code = 0;
   direct_method = 0;
-  Method* resolved_method = ComputeReferrerMethod(soa, mUnit, method_idx);
+  Method* resolved_method =
+      ComputeMethodReferencedFromCompilingMethod(soa, mUnit, method_idx, type);
   if (resolved_method != NULL) {
-    Class* referrer_class = ComputeReferrerClass(soa, mUnit);
-    if (referrer_class != NULL) {
+    // Don't try to fast-path if we don't understand the caller's class or this appears to be an
+    // Incompatible Class Change Error.
+    Class* referrer_class = ComputeCompilingMethodsClass(soa, mUnit);
+    bool icce = resolved_method->CheckIncompatibleClassChange(type);
+    if (referrer_class != NULL && !icce) {
       Class* methods_class = resolved_method->GetDeclaringClass();
       if (!referrer_class->CanAccess(methods_class) ||
                                            resolved_method->GetAccessFlags())) {
         // The referring class can't access the resolved method, this may occur as a result of a
         // protected method being made public by implementing an interface that re-declares the
-        // method public. Resort to the dex file to determine the correct class for the access check
+        // method public. Resort to the dex file to determine the correct class for the access
+        // check.
         const DexFile& dex_file = mUnit->class_linker_->FindDexFile(referrer_class->GetDexCache());
         methods_class =
@@ -870,24 +878,24 @@
         const bool kEnableSharpening = true;
         // Sharpen a virtual call into a direct call when the target is known.
         bool can_sharpen = type == kVirtual && (resolved_method->IsFinal() ||
-                                                methods_class->IsFinal());
-        // ensure the vtable index will be correct to dispatch in the vtable of the super class
+            methods_class->IsFinal());
+        // Ensure the vtable index will be correct to dispatch in the vtable of the super class.
         can_sharpen = can_sharpen || (type == kSuper && referrer_class != methods_class &&
-                                      referrer_class->IsSubClass(methods_class) &&
-                                      vtable_idx < methods_class->GetVTable()->GetLength() &&
-                                      methods_class->GetVTable()->Get(vtable_idx) == resolved_method);
+            referrer_class->IsSubClass(methods_class) &&
+            vtable_idx < methods_class->GetVTable()->GetLength() &&
+            methods_class->GetVTable()->Get(vtable_idx) == resolved_method);
         if (kEnableSharpening && can_sharpen) {
           // Sharpen a virtual call into a direct call. The method_idx is into referrer's
           // dex cache, check that this resolved method is where we expect it.
           CHECK(referrer_class->GetDexCache()->GetResolvedMethod(method_idx) == resolved_method)
-            << PrettyMethod(resolved_method);
+              << PrettyMethod(resolved_method);
           GetCodeAndMethodForDirectCall(type, kDirect, resolved_method, direct_code, direct_method);
           type = kDirect;
           return true;
         } else if (type == kSuper) {
-          // Unsharpened super calls are suspicious so go slowpath.
+          // Unsharpened super calls are suspicious so go slow-path.
         } else {
           GetCodeAndMethodForDirectCall(type, type, resolved_method, direct_code, direct_method);
@@ -906,30 +914,30 @@
 void Compiler::AddCodePatch(const DexFile* dex_file,
                             uint32_t referrer_method_idx,
-                            uint32_t referrer_access_flags,
+                            InvokeType referrer_invoke_type,
                             uint32_t target_method_idx,
-                            bool target_is_direct,
+                            InvokeType target_invoke_type,
                             size_t literal_offset) {
   MutexLock mu(compiled_methods_lock_);
   code_to_patch_.push_back(new PatchInformation(dex_file,
-                                                referrer_access_flags,
+                                                referrer_invoke_type,
-                                                target_is_direct,
+                                                target_invoke_type,
 void Compiler::AddMethodPatch(const DexFile* dex_file,
                               uint32_t referrer_method_idx,
-                              uint32_t referrer_access_flags,
+                              InvokeType referrer_invoke_type,
                               uint32_t target_method_idx,
-                              bool target_is_direct,
+                              InvokeType target_invoke_type,
                               size_t literal_offset) {
   MutexLock mu(compiled_methods_lock_);
   methods_to_patch_.push_back(new PatchInformation(dex_file,
-                                                   referrer_access_flags,
+                                                   referrer_invoke_type,
-                                                   target_is_direct,
+                                                   target_invoke_type,
@@ -1132,7 +1140,7 @@
   while (it.HasNextDirectMethod()) {
     Method* method = class_linker->ResolveMethod(dex_file, it.GetMemberIndex(), dex_cache,
-                                                 class_loader, true);
+                                                 class_loader, it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def));
     if (method == NULL) {
@@ -1141,7 +1149,7 @@
   while (it.HasNextVirtualMethod()) {
     Method* method = class_linker->ResolveMethod(dex_file, it.GetMemberIndex(), dex_cache,
-                                                 class_loader, false);
+                                                 class_loader, it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def));
     if (method == NULL) {
@@ -1507,7 +1515,8 @@
     previous_direct_method_idx = method_idx;
     context->GetCompiler()->CompileMethod(it.GetMethodCodeItem(), it.GetMemberAccessFlags(),
-                                          method_idx, class_loader, dex_file);
+                                          it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def), method_idx,
+                                          class_loader, dex_file);
   // Compile virtual methods
@@ -1522,7 +1531,8 @@
     previous_virtual_method_idx = method_idx;
     context->GetCompiler()->CompileMethod(it.GetMethodCodeItem(), it.GetMemberAccessFlags(),
-                                          method_idx, class_loader, dex_file);
+                                          it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def), method_idx,
+                                          class_loader, dex_file);
@@ -1542,7 +1552,7 @@
 void Compiler::CompileMethod(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, uint32_t access_flags,
-                             uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
+                             InvokeType invoke_type, uint32_t method_idx, jobject class_loader,
                              const DexFile& dex_file) {
   CompiledMethod* compiled_method = NULL;
   uint64_t start_ns = NanoTime();
@@ -1552,8 +1562,8 @@
     CHECK(compiled_method != NULL);
   } else if ((access_flags & kAccAbstract) != 0) {
   } else {
-    compiled_method = (*compiler_)(*this, code_item, access_flags, method_idx, class_loader,
-                                   dex_file);
+    compiled_method = (*compiler_)(*this, code_item, access_flags, invoke_type, method_idx,
+                                   class_loader, dex_file);
     CHECK(compiled_method != NULL) << PrettyMethod(method_idx, dex_file);
   uint64_t duration_ns = NanoTime() - start_ns;
@@ -1709,13 +1719,13 @@
     while (it.HasNextDirectMethod()) {
       Method* method = class_linker->ResolveMethod(dex_file, it.GetMemberIndex(), dex_cache,
-                                                   class_loader, true);
+                                                   class_loader, it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def));
       SetGcMapsMethod(dex_file, method);
     while (it.HasNextVirtualMethod()) {
       Method* method = class_linker->ResolveMethod(dex_file, it.GetMemberIndex(), dex_cache,
-                                                   class_loader, false);
+                                                   class_loader, it.GetMethodInvokeType(class_def));
       SetGcMapsMethod(dex_file, method);