Revert "Revert "Record post startup methods in profile""

Test: test/run-test 595-profile-saving

This reverts commit a867f7ab437dd6c1458088964986d0fe7275625c.

Change-Id: I2826bdddda446925856991de4b0b786c8c05831e
diff --git a/runtime/class_linker.h b/runtime/class_linker.h
index de1fefd..00ae758 100644
--- a/runtime/class_linker.h
+++ b/runtime/class_linker.h
@@ -671,6 +671,10 @@
+  // Visit all of the class loaders in the class linker.
+  void VisitClassLoaders(ClassLoaderVisitor* visitor) const
+      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
   struct DexCacheData {
     // Construct an invalid data object.
@@ -720,9 +724,6 @@
   static void DeleteClassLoader(Thread* self, const ClassLoaderData& data)
-  void VisitClassLoaders(ClassLoaderVisitor* visitor) const
-      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
   void VisitClassesInternal(ClassVisitor* visitor)
       REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
diff --git a/runtime/jit/ b/runtime/jit/
index 10dddae..2539876 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/
+++ b/runtime/jit/
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "base/stl_util.h"
 #include "base/systrace.h"
 #include "base/time_utils.h"
+#include "class_table-inl.h"
 #include "compiler_filter.h"
 #include "dex_reference_collection.h"
 #include "gc/collector_type.h"
@@ -121,7 +122,7 @@
     total_ms_of_sleep_ += options_.GetSaveResolvedClassesDelayMs();
-  FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods();
+  FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods(/*startup*/ true);
   // Loop for the profiled methods.
   while (!ShuttingDown(self)) {
@@ -210,64 +211,6 @@
-using MethodReferenceCollection = DexReferenceCollection<uint16_t, ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter>;
-using TypeReferenceCollection = DexReferenceCollection<dex::TypeIndex,
-                                                       ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter>;
-// Get resolved methods that have a profile info or more than kStartupMethodSamples samples.
-// Excludes native methods and classes in the boot image.
-class GetClassesAndMethodsVisitor : public ClassVisitor {
- public:
-  GetClassesAndMethodsVisitor(MethodReferenceCollection* hot_methods,
-                              MethodReferenceCollection* sampled_methods,
-                              TypeReferenceCollection* resolved_classes,
-                              uint32_t hot_method_sample_threshold,
-                              bool profile_boot_class_path)
-    : hot_methods_(hot_methods),
-      sampled_methods_(sampled_methods),
-      resolved_classes_(resolved_classes),
-      hot_method_sample_threshold_(hot_method_sample_threshold),
-      profile_boot_class_path_(profile_boot_class_path) {}
-  virtual bool operator()(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
-    if (klass->IsProxyClass() ||
-        klass->IsArrayClass() ||
-        klass->IsPrimitive() ||
-        !klass->IsResolved() ||
-        klass->IsErroneousResolved() ||
-        (!profile_boot_class_path_ && klass->GetClassLoader() == nullptr)) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    CHECK(klass->GetDexCache() != nullptr) << klass->PrettyClass();
-    resolved_classes_->AddReference(&klass->GetDexFile(), klass->GetDexTypeIndex());
-    for (ArtMethod& method : klass->GetMethods(kRuntimePointerSize)) {
-      if (!method.IsNative()) {
-        DCHECK(!method.IsProxyMethod());
-        const uint16_t counter = method.GetCounter();
-        // Mark startup methods as hot if they have more than hot_method_sample_threshold_ samples.
-        // This means they will get compiled by the compiler driver.
-        if (method.GetProfilingInfo(kRuntimePointerSize) != nullptr ||
-            (method.GetAccessFlags() & kAccPreviouslyWarm) != 0 ||
-            counter >= hot_method_sample_threshold_) {
-          hot_methods_->AddReference(method.GetDexFile(), method.GetDexMethodIndex());
-        } else if (counter != 0) {
-          sampled_methods_->AddReference(method.GetDexFile(), method.GetDexMethodIndex());
-        }
-      } else {
-        CHECK_EQ(method.GetCounter(), 0u);
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
- private:
-  MethodReferenceCollection* const hot_methods_;
-  MethodReferenceCollection* const sampled_methods_;
-  TypeReferenceCollection* const resolved_classes_;
-  uint32_t hot_method_sample_threshold_;
-  const bool profile_boot_class_path_;
 class ScopedDefaultPriority {
   explicit ScopedDefaultPriority(pthread_t thread) : thread_(thread) {
@@ -282,7 +225,146 @@
   const pthread_t thread_;
-void ProfileSaver::FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods() {
+// GetClassLoadersVisitor takes a snapshot of the class loaders and stores them in the out
+// class_loaders argument. Not affected by class unloading since there are no suspend points in
+// the caller.
+class GetClassLoadersVisitor : public ClassLoaderVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit GetClassLoadersVisitor(VariableSizedHandleScope* hs,
+                                  std::vector<Handle<mirror::ClassLoader>>* class_loaders)
+      : hs_(hs),
+        class_loaders_(class_loaders) {}
+  void Visit(ObjPtr<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader)
+      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) OVERRIDE {
+    class_loaders_->push_back(hs_->NewHandle(class_loader));
+  }
+ private:
+  VariableSizedHandleScope* const hs_;
+  std::vector<Handle<mirror::ClassLoader>>* const class_loaders_;
+// GetClassesVisitor takes a snapshot of the loaded classes that we may want to visit and stores
+// them in the out argument. Not affected by class unloading since there are no suspend points in
+// the caller.
+class GetClassesVisitor : public ClassVisitor {
+ public:
+  explicit GetClassesVisitor(bool profile_boot_class_path,
+                             ScopedArenaVector<ObjPtr<mirror::Class>>* out)
+      : profile_boot_class_path_(profile_boot_class_path),
+        out_(out) {}
+  virtual bool operator()(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass) REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
+    if (klass->IsProxyClass() ||
+        klass->IsArrayClass() ||
+        klass->IsPrimitive() ||
+        !klass->IsResolved() ||
+        klass->IsErroneousResolved() ||
+        (!profile_boot_class_path_ && klass->GetClassLoader() == nullptr)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    out_->push_back(klass);
+    return true;
+  }
+ private:
+  const bool profile_boot_class_path_;
+  ScopedArenaVector<ObjPtr<mirror::Class>>* const out_;
+using MethodReferenceCollection = DexReferenceCollection<uint16_t, ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter>;
+using TypeReferenceCollection = DexReferenceCollection<dex::TypeIndex,
+                                                       ScopedArenaAllocatorAdapter>;
+// Iterate over all of the loaded classes and visit each one. For each class, add it to the
+// resolved_classes out argument if startup is true.
+// Add methods to the hot_methods out argument if the number of samples is greater or equal to
+// hot_method_sample_threshold, add it to sampled_methods if it has at least one sample.
+static void SampleClassesAndExecutedMethods(pthread_t profiler_pthread,
+                                            bool profile_boot_class_path,
+                                            ScopedArenaAllocator* allocator,
+                                            uint32_t hot_method_sample_threshold,
+                                            bool startup,
+                                            TypeReferenceCollection* resolved_classes,
+                                            MethodReferenceCollection* hot_methods,
+                                            MethodReferenceCollection* sampled_methods) {
+  Thread* const self = Thread::Current();
+  ClassLinker* const class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker();
+  // Restore profile saver thread priority during the GC critical section. This helps prevent
+  // priority inversions blocking the GC for long periods of time.
+  std::unique_ptr<ScopedDefaultPriority> sdp;
+  // Only restore default priority if we are the profile saver thread. Other threads that call this
+  // are threads calling Stop and the signal catcher (for SIGUSR1).
+  if (pthread_self() == profiler_pthread) {
+    sdp.reset(new ScopedDefaultPriority(profiler_pthread));
+  }
+  // Do ScopedGCCriticalSection before acquiring mutator lock to prevent the GC running and
+  // blocking threads during thread root flipping. Since the GC is a background thread, blocking it
+  // is not a problem.
+  ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
+  gc::ScopedGCCriticalSection sgcs(self,
+                                   gc::kGcCauseProfileSaver,
+                                   gc::kCollectorTypeCriticalSection);
+  VariableSizedHandleScope hs(soa.Self());
+  std::vector<Handle<mirror::ClassLoader>> class_loaders;
+  if (profile_boot_class_path) {
+    // First add the boot class loader since visit classloaders doesn't visit it.
+    class_loaders.push_back(hs.NewHandle<mirror::ClassLoader>(nullptr));
+  }
+  GetClassLoadersVisitor class_loader_visitor(&hs, &class_loaders);
+  {
+    // Read the class loaders into a temporary array to prevent contention problems on the
+    // class_linker_classes_lock.
+    ScopedTrace trace2("Get class loaders");
+    ReaderMutexLock mu(soa.Self(), *Locks::classlinker_classes_lock_);
+    class_linker->VisitClassLoaders(&class_loader_visitor);
+  }
+  ScopedArenaVector<ObjPtr<mirror::Class>> classes(allocator->Adapter());
+  for (Handle<mirror::ClassLoader> class_loader : class_loaders) {
+    ClassTable* table = class_linker->ClassTableForClassLoader(class_loader.Get());
+    if (table == nullptr) {
+      // If the class loader has not loaded any classes, it may have a null table.
+      continue;
+    }
+    GetClassesVisitor get_classes_visitor(profile_boot_class_path, &classes);
+    {
+      // Collect the classes into a temporary array to prevent lock contention on the class
+      // table lock. We want to avoid blocking class loading in other threads as much as
+      // possible.
+      ScopedTrace trace3("Visiting class table");
+      table->Visit(get_classes_visitor);
+    }
+    for (ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass : classes) {
+      if (startup) {
+        // We only record classes for the startup case. This may change in the future.
+        resolved_classes->AddReference(&klass->GetDexFile(), klass->GetDexTypeIndex());
+      }
+      // Visit all of the methods in the class to see which ones were executed.
+      for (ArtMethod& method : klass->GetMethods(kRuntimePointerSize)) {
+        if (!method.IsNative()) {
+          DCHECK(!method.IsProxyMethod());
+          const uint16_t counter = method.GetCounter();
+          // Mark startup methods as hot if they have more than hot_method_sample_threshold
+          // samples. This means they will get compiled by the compiler driver.
+          if (method.GetProfilingInfo(kRuntimePointerSize) != nullptr ||
+              (method.GetAccessFlags() & kAccPreviouslyWarm) != 0 ||
+              counter >= hot_method_sample_threshold) {
+            hot_methods->AddReference(method.GetDexFile(), method.GetDexMethodIndex());
+          } else if (counter != 0) {
+            sampled_methods->AddReference(method.GetDexFile(), method.GetDexMethodIndex());
+          }
+        } else {
+          CHECK_EQ(method.GetCounter(), 0u);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    classes.clear();
+  }
+void ProfileSaver::FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods(bool startup) {
   ScopedTrace trace(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
   const uint64_t start_time = NanoTime();
@@ -294,34 +376,25 @@
   ArenaStack stack(runtime->GetArenaPool());
   ScopedArenaAllocator allocator(&stack);
   MethodReferenceCollection hot_methods(allocator.Adapter(), allocator.Adapter());
-  MethodReferenceCollection startup_methods(allocator.Adapter(), allocator.Adapter());
+  MethodReferenceCollection sampled_methods(allocator.Adapter(), allocator.Adapter());
   TypeReferenceCollection resolved_classes(allocator.Adapter(), allocator.Adapter());
   const bool is_low_ram = Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->IsLowMemoryMode();
-  const size_t hot_threshold = options_.GetHotStartupMethodSamples(is_low_ram);
   pthread_t profiler_pthread;
     MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::profiler_lock_);
     profiler_pthread = profiler_pthread_;
-  {
-    // Restore profile saver thread priority during the GC critical section. This helps prevent
-    // priority inversions blocking the GC for long periods of time.
-    ScopedDefaultPriority sdp(profiler_pthread);
-    ScopedObjectAccess soa(self);
-    gc::ScopedGCCriticalSection sgcs(self,
-                                     gc::kGcCauseProfileSaver,
-                                     gc::kCollectorTypeCriticalSection);
-    {
-      ScopedTrace trace2("Get hot methods");
-      GetClassesAndMethodsVisitor visitor(&hot_methods,
-                                          &startup_methods,
-                                          &resolved_classes,
-                                          hot_threshold,
-                                          options_.GetProfileBootClassPath());
-      runtime->GetClassLinker()->VisitClasses(&visitor);
-    }
-  }
+  const uint32_t hot_method_sample_threshold = startup ?
+      options_.GetHotStartupMethodSamples(is_low_ram) :
+      std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
+  SampleClassesAndExecutedMethods(profiler_pthread,
+                                  options_.GetProfileBootClassPath(),
+                                  &allocator,
+                                  hot_method_sample_threshold,
+                                  startup,
+                                  &resolved_classes,
+                                  &hot_methods,
+                                  &sampled_methods);
   MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::profiler_lock_);
   uint64_t total_number_of_profile_entries_cached = 0;
   using Hotness = ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness;
@@ -329,9 +402,12 @@
   for (const auto& it : tracked_dex_base_locations_) {
     std::set<DexCacheResolvedClasses> resolved_classes_for_location;
     const std::string& filename = it.first;
-    auto info_it = profile_cache_.Put(
-        filename,
-        new ProfileCompilationInfo(Runtime::Current()->GetArenaPool()));
+    auto info_it = profile_cache_.find(filename);
+    if (info_it == profile_cache_.end()) {
+      info_it = profile_cache_.Put(
+          filename,
+          new ProfileCompilationInfo(Runtime::Current()->GetArenaPool()));
+    }
     ProfileCompilationInfo* cached_info = info_it->second;
     const std::set<std::string>& locations = it.second;
@@ -339,18 +415,20 @@
       const DexFile* const dex_file = pair.first;
       if (locations.find(dex_file->GetBaseLocation()) != locations.end()) {
         const MethodReferenceCollection::IndexVector& indices = pair.second;
+        uint8_t flags = Hotness::kFlagHot;
+        flags |= startup ? Hotness::kFlagStartup : Hotness::kFlagPostStartup;
-            static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(Hotness::kFlagHot | Hotness::kFlagStartup),
+            static_cast<Hotness::Flag>(flags),
-    for (const auto& pair : startup_methods.GetMap()) {
+    for (const auto& pair : sampled_methods.GetMap()) {
       const DexFile* const dex_file = pair.first;
       if (locations.find(dex_file->GetBaseLocation()) != locations.end()) {
         const MethodReferenceCollection::IndexVector& indices = pair.second;
-        cached_info->AddMethodsForDex(Hotness::kFlagStartup,
+        cached_info->AddMethodsForDex(startup ? Hotness::kFlagStartup : Hotness::kFlagPostStartup,
@@ -375,8 +453,9 @@
   VLOG(profiler) << "Profile saver recorded " << hot_methods.NumReferences() << " hot methods and "
-                 << startup_methods.NumReferences() << " startup methods with threshold "
-                 << hot_threshold << " in " << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time);
+                 << sampled_methods.NumReferences() << " sampled methods with threshold "
+                 << hot_method_sample_threshold << " in "
+                 << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time);
 bool ProfileSaver::ProcessProfilingInfo(bool force_save, /*out*/uint16_t* number_of_new_methods) {
@@ -397,6 +476,10 @@
     *number_of_new_methods = 0;
+  // We only need to do this once, not once per dex location.
+  // TODO: Figure out a way to only do it when stuff has changed? It takes 30-50ms.
+  FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods(/*startup*/ false);
   for (const auto& it : tracked_locations) {
     if (!force_save && ShuttingDown(Thread::Current())) {
       // The ProfileSaver is in shutdown mode, meaning a stop request was made and
@@ -442,6 +525,7 @@
       if (number_of_new_methods != nullptr) {
         *number_of_new_methods =
@@ -473,11 +557,12 @@
-    // Trim the maps to madvise the pages used for profile info.
-    // It is unlikely we will need them again in the near feature.
-    Runtime::Current()->GetArenaPool()->TrimMaps();
+  // Trim the maps to madvise the pages used for profile info.
+  // It is unlikely we will need them again in the near feature.
+  Runtime::Current()->GetArenaPool()->TrimMaps();
   return profile_file_saved;
@@ -621,12 +706,13 @@
+  // Force save everything before destroying the thread since we want profiler_pthread_ to remain
+  // valid.
+  instance_->ProcessProfilingInfo(/*force_save*/true, /*number_of_new_methods*/nullptr);
   // Wait for the saver thread to stop.
   CHECK_PTHREAD_CALL(pthread_join, (profiler_pthread, nullptr), "profile saver thread shutdown");
-  // Force save everything before destroying the instance.
-  instance_->ProcessProfilingInfo(/*force_save*/true, /*number_of_new_methods*/nullptr);
     MutexLock profiler_mutex(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
     if (dump_info) {
@@ -713,16 +799,15 @@
-bool ProfileSaver::HasSeenMethod(const std::string& profile,
-                                 const DexFile* dex_file,
-                                 uint16_t method_idx) {
+bool ProfileSaver::HasSeenMethod(const std::string& profile, bool hot, MethodReference ref) {
   MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::profiler_lock_);
   if (instance_ != nullptr) {
     ProfileCompilationInfo info(Runtime::Current()->GetArenaPool());
     if (!info.Load(profile, /*clear_if_invalid*/false)) {
       return false;
-    return info.GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex_file, method_idx)).IsInProfile();
+    ProfileCompilationInfo::MethodHotness hotness = info.GetMethodHotness(ref);
+    return hot ? hotness.IsHot() : hotness.IsInProfile();
   return false;
diff --git a/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h b/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h
index 01d72fe..ce8233b 100644
--- a/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h
+++ b/runtime/jit/profile_saver.h
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 #include "base/mutex.h"
 #include "jit_code_cache.h"
+#include "method_reference.h"
 #include "profile_compilation_info.h"
 #include "profile_saver_options.h"
 #include "safe_map.h"
@@ -55,10 +56,8 @@
   // For testing or manual purposes (SIGUSR1).
   static void ForceProcessProfiles();
-  // Just for testing purpose.
-  static bool HasSeenMethod(const std::string& profile,
-                            const DexFile* dex_file,
-                            uint16_t method_idx);
+  // Just for testing purposes.
+  static bool HasSeenMethod(const std::string& profile, bool hot, MethodReference ref);
   ProfileSaver(const ProfileSaverOptions& options,
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@
   // Fetches the current resolved classes and methods from the ClassLinker and stores them in the
   // profile_cache_ for later save.
-  void FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods();
+  void FetchAndCacheResolvedClassesAndMethods(bool startup);
   void DumpInfo(std::ostream& os);
diff --git a/test/595-profile-saving/ b/test/595-profile-saving/
index 0bdbade..b2b7ef2 100644
--- a/test/595-profile-saving/
+++ b/test/595-profile-saving/
@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@
-extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_Main_presentInProfile(JNIEnv* env,
+extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_Main_profileHasMethod(JNIEnv* env,
+                                                                 jboolean hot,
                                                                  jstring filename,
                                                                  jobject method) {
   ScopedUtfChars filename_chars(env, filename);
@@ -55,8 +56,9 @@
   ObjPtr<mirror::Executable> exec = soa.Decode<mirror::Executable>(method);
   ArtMethod* art_method = exec->GetArtMethod();
   return ProfileSaver::HasSeenMethod(std::string(filename_chars.c_str()),
-                                     art_method->GetDexFile(),
-                                     art_method->GetDexMethodIndex());
+                                     hot != JNI_FALSE,
+                                     MethodReference(art_method->GetDexFile(),
+                                                     art_method->GetDexMethodIndex()));
 }  // namespace
diff --git a/test/595-profile-saving/src/ b/test/595-profile-saving/src/
index 18c0598..197c4e7 100644
--- a/test/595-profile-saving/src/
+++ b/test/595-profile-saving/src/
@@ -42,6 +42,14 @@
         System.out.println("Class loader does not match boot class");
       testAddMethodToProfile(file, bootMethod);
+      // Test a sampled method that is only warm and not hot.
+      Method reflectMethod = Main.class.getDeclaredMethod("testReflectionInvoke");
+      reflectMethod.invoke(null);
+      testSampledMethodInProfile(file, reflectMethod);
+      if (staticObj == null) {
+        throw new AssertionError("Object was not set");
+      }
     } finally {
       if (file != null) {
@@ -49,23 +57,38 @@
+  static Object staticObj = null;
+  static void testReflectionInvoke() {
+    staticObj = new Object();
+  }
   static void testAddMethodToProfile(File file, Method m) {
     // Make sure we have a profile info for this method without the need to loop.
-    // Make sure the profile gets saved.
+    // Make sure the profile gets processed.
     // Verify that the profile was saved and contains the method.
-    if (!presentInProfile(file.getPath(), m)) {
+    if (!profileHasMethod(true, file.getPath(), m)) {
       throw new RuntimeException("Method with index " + m + " not in the profile");
+  static void testSampledMethodInProfile(File file, Method m) {
+    // Make sure the profile gets processed.
+    ensureProfileProcessing();
+    // Verify that the profile was saved and contains the method.
+    if (!profileHasMethod(false, file.getPath(), m)) {
+      throw new RuntimeException("Method with index " + m + " not sampled in the profile");
+    }
+  }
   // Ensure a method has a profiling info.
   public static native void ensureProfilingInfo(Method method);
   // Ensures the profile saver does its usual processing.
   public static native void ensureProfileProcessing();
-  // Checks if the profiles saver knows about the method.
-  public static native boolean presentInProfile(String profile, Method method);
+  // Checks if the profile saver has the method as a warm/sampled method.
+  public static native boolean profileHasMethod(boolean hot, String profile, Method method);
   private static final String TEMP_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "dummy";
   private static final String TEMP_FILE_NAME_SUFFIX = "-file";