Mterp: Fix and restore mac host build

The following issues are fixed:
 - Macro literal
 - macro args should be comma separated
 - no .type and .size for mac host build
 - globals are _ prefixed

Change-Id: I28ef9138d5db06a6917a66b401c629bf66fac193
Signed-off-by: Serguei Katkov <>
diff --git a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S
index 4490a9a..68aa0ee 100644
--- a/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S
+++ b/runtime/interpreter/mterp/x86/op_shr_long.S
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
     movzbl  2(rPC), %eax                    # eax <- BB
     movzbl  3(rPC), %ecx                    # ecx <- CC
     movl    rIBASE, LOCAL0(%esp)
-    GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE %eax               # rIBASE<- v[BB+1]
-    GET_VREG %ecx %ecx                      # ecx <- vCC
-    GET_VREG %eax %eax                      # eax <- v[BB+0]
+    GET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE, %eax              # rIBASE<- v[BB+1]
+    GET_VREG %ecx, %ecx                     # ecx <- vCC
+    GET_VREG %eax, %eax                     # eax <- v[BB+0]
     shrdl   rIBASE, %eax
     sarl    %cl, rIBASE
     testb   $$32, %cl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     movl    rIBASE, %eax
     sarl    $$31, rIBASE
-    SET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE rINST              # v[AA+1] <- rIBASE
+    SET_VREG_HIGH rIBASE, rINST             # v[AA+1] <- rIBASE
     movl    LOCAL0(%esp), rIBASE
-    SET_VREG %eax rINST                     # v[AA+0] <- eax
+    SET_VREG %eax, rINST                    # v[AA+0] <- eax