Encode function signatures properly in DWARF.
The signatures were previously stored as plain string.
The proper way in DWARF is to store them as structured tree of tags.
(for example, DW_TAG_subprogram containing DW_TAG_formal_parameter)
Note that this makes the debug sections smaller since DWARF
signatures are actually more efficient than just plain strings.
Change-Id: I6afbce28340570666d8674d07c0e324aad561dd5
diff --git a/compiler/elf_writer_debug.cc b/compiler/elf_writer_debug.cc
index e1ab340..5e2a8bf 100644
--- a/compiler/elf_writer_debug.cc
+++ b/compiler/elf_writer_debug.cc
@@ -19,9 +19,11 @@
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/casts.h"
+#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "compiled_method.h"
#include "driver/compiler_driver.h"
#include "dex_file-inl.h"
+#include "dwarf/dedup_vector.h"
#include "dwarf/headers.h"
#include "dwarf/register.h"
#include "elf_builder.h"
@@ -249,10 +251,217 @@
+struct CompilationUnit {
+ std::vector<const OatWriter::DebugInfo*> methods_;
+ size_t debug_line_offset_ = 0;
+ uint32_t low_pc_ = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
+ uint32_t high_pc_ = 0;
+// Helper class to write .debug_info and its supporting sections.
template<typename ElfTypes>
class DebugInfoWriter {
typedef typename ElfTypes::Addr Elf_Addr;
+ // Helper class to write one compilation unit.
+ // It holds helper methods and temporary state.
+ class CompilationUnitWriter {
+ public:
+ explicit CompilationUnitWriter(DebugInfoWriter* owner)
+ : owner_(owner),
+ info_(Is64BitInstructionSet(owner_->builder_->GetIsa()), &debug_abbrev_) {
+ }
+ void Write(const CompilationUnit& compilation_unit) {
+ CHECK(!compilation_unit.methods_.empty());
+ const Elf_Addr text_address = owner_->builder_->GetText()->GetAddress();
+ info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_compile_unit);
+ info_.WriteStrp(DW_AT_producer, owner_->WriteString("Android dex2oat"));
+ info_.WriteData1(DW_AT_language, DW_LANG_Java);
+ info_.WriteAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, text_address + compilation_unit.low_pc_);
+ info_.WriteAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, text_address + compilation_unit.high_pc_);
+ info_.WriteData4(DW_AT_stmt_list, compilation_unit.debug_line_offset_);
+ const char* last_dex_class_desc = nullptr;
+ for (auto mi : compilation_unit.methods_) {
+ const DexFile* dex = mi->dex_file_;
+ const DexFile::MethodId& dex_method = dex->GetMethodId(mi->dex_method_index_);
+ const DexFile::ProtoId& dex_proto = dex->GetMethodPrototype(dex_method);
+ const DexFile::TypeList* dex_params = dex->GetProtoParameters(dex_proto);
+ const char* dex_class_desc = dex->GetMethodDeclaringClassDescriptor(dex_method);
+ // Enclose the method in correct class definition.
+ if (last_dex_class_desc != dex_class_desc) {
+ if (last_dex_class_desc != nullptr) {
+ EndClassTag(last_dex_class_desc);
+ }
+ size_t offset = StartClassTag(dex_class_desc);
+ type_cache_.emplace(dex_class_desc, offset);
+ // Check that each class is defined only once.
+ bool unique = owner_->defined_dex_classes_.insert(dex_class_desc).second;
+ CHECK(unique) << "Redefinition of " << dex_class_desc;
+ last_dex_class_desc = dex_class_desc;
+ }
+ std::vector<const char*> param_names;
+ if (mi->code_item_ != nullptr) {
+ const uint8_t* stream = dex->GetDebugInfoStream(mi->code_item_);
+ if (stream != nullptr) {
+ DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&stream); // line.
+ uint32_t parameters_size = DecodeUnsignedLeb128(&stream);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < parameters_size; ++i) {
+ uint32_t id = DecodeUnsignedLeb128P1(&stream);
+ param_names.push_back(mi->dex_file_->StringDataByIdx(id));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int start_depth = info_.Depth();
+ info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_subprogram);
+ WriteName(dex->GetMethodName(dex_method));
+ info_.WriteAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, text_address + mi->low_pc_);
+ info_.WriteAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, text_address + mi->high_pc_);
+ WriteLazyType(dex->GetReturnTypeDescriptor(dex_proto));
+ if (dex_params != nullptr) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dex_params->Size(); ++i) {
+ info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_formal_parameter);
+ // Parameter names may not be always available.
+ if (i < param_names.size() && param_names[i] != nullptr) {
+ WriteName(param_names[i]);
+ }
+ WriteLazyType(dex->StringByTypeIdx(dex_params->GetTypeItem(i).type_idx_));
+ info_.EndTag();
+ }
+ }
+ info_.EndTag();
+ CHECK_EQ(info_.Depth(), start_depth); // Balanced start/end.
+ }
+ if (last_dex_class_desc != nullptr) {
+ EndClassTag(last_dex_class_desc);
+ }
+ CHECK_EQ(info_.Depth(), 1);
+ FinishLazyTypes();
+ info_.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_compile_unit
+ std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
+ buffer.reserve(info_.data()->size() + KB);
+ const size_t offset = owner_->builder_->GetDebugInfo()->GetSize();
+ const size_t debug_abbrev_offset =
+ owner_->debug_abbrev_.Insert(debug_abbrev_.data(), debug_abbrev_.size());
+ WriteDebugInfoCU(debug_abbrev_offset, info_, offset, &buffer, &owner_->debug_info_patches_);
+ owner_->builder_->GetDebugInfo()->WriteFully(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
+ }
+ // Some types are difficult to define as we go since they need
+ // to be enclosed in the right set of namespaces. Therefore we
+ // just define all types lazily at the end of compilation unit.
+ void WriteLazyType(const char* type_descriptor) {
+ DCHECK(type_descriptor != nullptr);
+ if (type_descriptor[0] != 'V') {
+ lazy_types_.emplace(type_descriptor, info_.size());
+ info_.WriteRef4(DW_AT_type, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ void FinishLazyTypes() {
+ for (const auto& lazy_type : lazy_types_) {
+ info_.UpdateUint32(lazy_type.second, WriteType(lazy_type.first));
+ }
+ lazy_types_.clear();
+ }
+ private:
+ void WriteName(const char* name) {
+ info_.WriteStrp(DW_AT_name, owner_->WriteString(name));
+ }
+ // Convert dex type descriptor to DWARF.
+ // Returns offset in the compilation unit.
+ size_t WriteType(const char* desc) {
+ const auto& it = type_cache_.find(desc);
+ if (it != type_cache_.end()) {
+ return it->second;
+ }
+ size_t offset;
+ if (*desc == 'L') {
+ // Class type. For example: Lpackage/name;
+ offset = StartClassTag(desc);
+ info_.WriteFlag(DW_AT_declaration, true);
+ EndClassTag(desc);
+ } else if (*desc == '[') {
+ // Array type.
+ size_t element_type = WriteType(desc + 1);
+ offset = info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_array_type);
+ info_.WriteRef(DW_AT_type, element_type);
+ info_.EndTag();
+ } else {
+ // Primitive types.
+ const char* name;
+ switch (*desc) {
+ case 'B': name = "byte"; break;
+ case 'C': name = "char"; break;
+ case 'D': name = "double"; break;
+ case 'F': name = "float"; break;
+ case 'I': name = "int"; break;
+ case 'J': name = "long"; break;
+ case 'S': name = "short"; break;
+ case 'Z': name = "boolean"; break;
+ case 'V': name = "void"; break;
+ default:
+ LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown dex type descriptor: " << desc;
+ }
+ offset = info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_base_type);
+ WriteName(name);
+ info_.EndTag();
+ }
+ type_cache_.emplace(desc, offset);
+ return offset;
+ }
+ // Start DW_TAG_class_type tag nested in DW_TAG_namespace tags.
+ // Returns offset of the class tag in the compilation unit.
+ size_t StartClassTag(const char* desc) {
+ DCHECK(desc != nullptr && desc[0] == 'L');
+ // Enclose the type in namespace tags.
+ const char* end;
+ for (desc = desc + 1; (end = strchr(desc, '/')) != nullptr; desc = end + 1) {
+ info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_namespace);
+ WriteName(std::string(desc, end - desc).c_str());
+ }
+ // Start the class tag.
+ size_t offset = info_.StartTag(DW_TAG_class_type);
+ end = strchr(desc, ';');
+ CHECK(end != nullptr);
+ WriteName(std::string(desc, end - desc).c_str());
+ return offset;
+ }
+ void EndClassTag(const char* desc) {
+ DCHECK(desc != nullptr && desc[0] == 'L');
+ // End the class tag.
+ info_.EndTag();
+ // Close namespace tags.
+ const char* end;
+ for (desc = desc + 1; (end = strchr(desc, '/')) != nullptr; desc = end + 1) {
+ info_.EndTag();
+ }
+ }
+ // For access to the ELF sections.
+ DebugInfoWriter<ElfTypes>* owner_;
+ // Debug abbrevs for this compilation unit only.
+ std::vector<uint8_t> debug_abbrev_;
+ // Temporary buffer to create and store the entries.
+ DebugInfoEntryWriter<> info_;
+ // Cache of already translated type descriptors.
+ std::map<const char*, size_t, CStringLess> type_cache_; // type_desc -> definition_offset.
+ // 32-bit references which need to be resolved to a type later.
+ std::multimap<const char*, size_t, CStringLess> lazy_types_; // type_desc -> patch_offset.
+ };
explicit DebugInfoWriter(ElfBuilder<ElfTypes>* builder) : builder_(builder) {
@@ -261,54 +470,29 @@
- void Write(const std::vector<const OatWriter::DebugInfo*>& method_infos,
- size_t debug_line_offset) {
- const bool is64bit = Is64BitInstructionSet(builder_->GetIsa());
- const Elf_Addr text_address = builder_->GetText()->GetAddress();
- uint32_t cunit_low_pc = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
- uint32_t cunit_high_pc = 0;
- for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
- cunit_low_pc = std::min(cunit_low_pc, method_info->low_pc_);
- cunit_high_pc = std::max(cunit_high_pc, method_info->high_pc_);
- }
- size_t debug_abbrev_offset = debug_abbrev_.size();
- DebugInfoEntryWriter<> info(is64bit, &debug_abbrev_);
- info.StartTag(DW_TAG_compile_unit, DW_CHILDREN_yes);
- info.WriteStrp(DW_AT_producer, "Android dex2oat", &debug_str_);
- info.WriteData1(DW_AT_language, DW_LANG_Java);
- info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, text_address + cunit_low_pc);
- info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, text_address + cunit_high_pc);
- info.WriteData4(DW_AT_stmt_list, debug_line_offset);
- for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
- std::string method_name = PrettyMethod(method_info->dex_method_index_,
- *method_info->dex_file_, true);
- info.StartTag(DW_TAG_subprogram, DW_CHILDREN_no);
- info.WriteStrp(DW_AT_name, method_name.data(), &debug_str_);
- info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_low_pc, text_address + method_info->low_pc_);
- info.WriteAddr(DW_AT_high_pc, text_address + method_info->high_pc_);
- info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_subprogram
- }
- info.EndTag(); // DW_TAG_compile_unit
- std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
- buffer.reserve(info.data()->size() + KB);
- size_t offset = builder_->GetDebugInfo()->GetSize();
- WriteDebugInfoCU(debug_abbrev_offset, info, offset, &buffer, &debug_info_patches_);
- builder_->GetDebugInfo()->WriteFully(buffer.data(), buffer.size());
+ void WriteCompilationUnit(const CompilationUnit& compilation_unit) {
+ CompilationUnitWriter writer(this);
+ writer.Write(compilation_unit);
void End() {
builder_->WritePatches(".debug_info.oat_patches", &debug_info_patches_);
- builder_->WriteSection(".debug_abbrev", &debug_abbrev_);
- builder_->WriteSection(".debug_str", &debug_str_);
+ builder_->WriteSection(".debug_abbrev", &debug_abbrev_.Data());
+ builder_->WriteSection(".debug_str", &debug_str_.Data());
+ size_t WriteString(const char* str) {
+ return debug_str_.Insert(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str), strlen(str) + 1);
+ }
ElfBuilder<ElfTypes>* builder_;
std::vector<uintptr_t> debug_info_patches_;
- std::vector<uint8_t> debug_abbrev_;
- std::vector<uint8_t> debug_str_;
+ DedupVector debug_abbrev_;
+ DedupVector debug_str_;
+ std::unordered_set<const char*> defined_dex_classes_; // For CHECKs only.
template<typename ElfTypes>
@@ -325,15 +509,11 @@
// Write line table for given set of methods.
// Returns the number of bytes written.
- size_t Write(const std::vector<const OatWriter::DebugInfo*>& method_infos) {
+ size_t WriteCompilationUnit(CompilationUnit& compilation_unit) {
const bool is64bit = Is64BitInstructionSet(builder_->GetIsa());
const Elf_Addr text_address = builder_->GetText()->GetAddress();
- uint32_t cunit_low_pc = 0xFFFFFFFFU;
- uint32_t cunit_high_pc = 0;
- for (auto method_info : method_infos) {
- cunit_low_pc = std::min(cunit_low_pc, method_info->low_pc_);
- cunit_high_pc = std::max(cunit_high_pc, method_info->high_pc_);
- }
+ compilation_unit.debug_line_offset_ = builder_->GetDebugLine()->GetSize();
std::vector<FileEntry> files;
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> files_map;
@@ -358,11 +538,17 @@
DebugLineOpCodeWriter<> opcodes(is64bit, code_factor_bits_);
- opcodes.SetAddress(text_address + cunit_low_pc);
+ opcodes.SetAddress(text_address + compilation_unit.low_pc_);
if (dwarf_isa != -1) {
- for (const OatWriter::DebugInfo* mi : method_infos) {
+ for (const OatWriter::DebugInfo* mi : compilation_unit.methods_) {
+ // Ignore function if we have already generated line table for the same address.
+ // It would confuse the debugger and the DWARF specification forbids it.
+ if (mi->deduped_) {
+ continue;
+ }
struct DebugInfoCallbacks {
static bool NewPosition(void* ctx, uint32_t address, uint32_t line) {
auto* context = reinterpret_cast<DebugInfoCallbacks*>(ctx);
@@ -461,7 +647,7 @@
opcodes.AddRow(method_address, 0);
- opcodes.AdvancePC(text_address + cunit_high_pc);
+ opcodes.AdvancePC(text_address + compilation_unit.high_pc_);
std::vector<uint8_t> buffer;
buffer.reserve(opcodes.data()->size() + KB);
@@ -484,36 +670,28 @@
template<typename ElfTypes>
void WriteDebugSections(ElfBuilder<ElfTypes>* builder,
const std::vector<OatWriter::DebugInfo>& method_infos) {
- struct CompilationUnit {
- std::vector<const OatWriter::DebugInfo*> methods_;
- size_t debug_line_offset_ = 0;
- };
// Group the methods into compilation units based on source file.
std::vector<CompilationUnit> compilation_units;
const char* last_source_file = nullptr;
for (const OatWriter::DebugInfo& mi : method_infos) {
- // Attribute given instruction range only to single method.
- // Otherwise the debugger might get really confused.
- if (!mi.deduped_) {
- auto& dex_class_def = mi.dex_file_->GetClassDef(mi.class_def_index_);
- const char* source_file = mi.dex_file_->GetSourceFile(dex_class_def);
- if (compilation_units.empty() || source_file != last_source_file) {
- compilation_units.push_back(CompilationUnit());
- }
- compilation_units.back().methods_.push_back(&mi);
- last_source_file = source_file;
+ auto& dex_class_def = mi.dex_file_->GetClassDef(mi.class_def_index_);
+ const char* source_file = mi.dex_file_->GetSourceFile(dex_class_def);
+ if (compilation_units.empty() || source_file != last_source_file) {
+ compilation_units.push_back(CompilationUnit());
+ CompilationUnit& cu = compilation_units.back();
+ cu.methods_.push_back(&mi);
+ cu.low_pc_ = std::min(cu.low_pc_, mi.low_pc_);
+ cu.high_pc_ = std::max(cu.high_pc_, mi.high_pc_);
+ last_source_file = source_file;
// Write .debug_line section.
DebugLineWriter<ElfTypes> line_writer(builder);
- size_t offset = 0;
for (auto& compilation_unit : compilation_units) {
- compilation_unit.debug_line_offset_ = offset;
- offset += line_writer.Write(compilation_unit.methods_);
+ line_writer.WriteCompilationUnit(compilation_unit);
@@ -523,7 +701,7 @@
DebugInfoWriter<ElfTypes> info_writer(builder);
for (const auto& compilation_unit : compilation_units) {
- info_writer.Write(compilation_unit.methods_, compilation_unit.debug_line_offset_);
+ info_writer.WriteCompilationUnit(compilation_unit);