Global lock levels.
Introduce the notion of the mutators/GC being a shared-exclusive (aka
reader-writer) lock. Introduce globally ordered locks, analysable by
annotalysis, statically at compile time. Add locking attributes to
More subtly, remove the heap_lock_ and split between various locks that
are held for smaller periods (where work doesn't get blocked). Remove
buggy Dalvik style thread transitions. Make GC use CMS in all cases when
concurrent is enabled. Fix bug where suspend counts rather than debug
suspend counts were sent to JDWP. Move the PathClassLoader to
WellKnownClasses. In debugger refactor calls to send request and
possibly suspend. Break apart different VmWait thread states. Move
identity hash code to a shared method.
Change-Id: Icdbfc3ce3fcccd14341860ac7305d8e97b51f5c6
diff --git a/src/mutex.h b/src/mutex.h
index 4c5d537..4899382 100644
--- a/src/mutex.h
+++ b/src/mutex.h
@@ -23,71 +23,316 @@
#include <iosfwd>
#include <string>
+#include "globals.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "macros.h"
namespace art {
-enum MutexRank {
- kNoMutexRank = -1,
- kHeapLock = 0,
- kThreadListLock = 1,
- kThreadSuspendCountLock = 2,
- kMaxMutexRank = kThreadSuspendCountLock,
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MutexRank& rhs);
+class LOCKABLE Mutex;
+class LOCKABLE ReaderWriterMutex;
-class LOCKABLE Mutex {
+// MutexLevel is used to impose a lock hierarchy [1] where acquisition of a Mutex at a higher or
+// equal level to a lock a thread holds is invalid. The lock hierarchy achieves a cycle free
+// partial ordering and thereby cause deadlock situations to fail checks.
+// [1]
+enum MutexLevel {
+ kLoggingLock = 0,
+ kUnexpectedSignalLock = 1,
+ kThreadSuspendCountLock = 2,
+ kAbortLock = 3,
+ kDefaultMutexLevel = 4,
+ kLoadLibraryLock = 5,
+ kClassLinkerClassesLock = 6,
+ kThreadListLock = 7,
+ kHeapBitmapLock = 8,
+ kZygoteCreationLock = 9,
+ kMonitorLock = 10,
+ kMutatorLock = 11,
+ kMaxMutexLevel = kMutatorLock,
+std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const MutexLevel& rhs);
+// Global mutexes corresponding to the levels above.
+class GlobalSynchronization {
- explicit Mutex(const char* name, MutexRank rank = kNoMutexRank);
+ static void Init();
+ // The mutator_lock_ is used to allow mutators to execute in a shared (reader) mode or to block
+ // mutators by having an exclusive (writer) owner. In normal execution each mutator thread holds
+ // a share on the mutator_lock_. The garbage collector may also execute with shared access but
+ // at times requires exclusive access to the heap (not to be confused with the heap meta-data
+ // guarded by the heap_lock_ below). When the garbage collector requires exclusive access it asks
+ // the mutators to suspend themselves which also involves usage of the thread_suspend_count_lock_
+ // to cover weaknesses in using ReaderWriterMutexes with ConditionVariables. We use a condition
+ // variable to wait upon in the suspension logic as releasing and then re-acquiring a share on
+ // the mutator lock doesn't necessarily allow the exclusive user (e.g the garbage collector)
+ // chance to acquire the lock.
+ //
+ // Thread suspension:
+ // Shared users | Exclusive user
+ // (holding mutator lock and in kRunnable state) | .. running ..
+ // .. running .. | Request thread suspension by:
+ // .. running .. | - acquiring thread_suspend_count_lock_
+ // .. running .. | - incrementing Thread::suspend_count_ on
+ // .. running .. | all mutator threads
+ // .. running .. | - releasing thread_suspend_count_lock_
+ // .. running .. | Block trying to acquire exclusive mutator lock
+ // Poll Thread::suspend_count_ and enter full | .. blocked ..
+ // suspend code. | .. blocked ..
+ // Change state to kSuspended | .. blocked ..
+ // x: Release share on mutator_lock_ | Carry out exclusive access
+ // Acquire thread_suspend_count_lock_ | .. exclusive ..
+ // while Thread::suspend_count_ > 0 | .. exclusive ..
+ // - wait on Thread::resume_cond_ | .. exclusive ..
+ // (releases thread_suspend_count_lock_) | .. exclusive ..
+ // .. waiting .. | Release mutator_lock_
+ // .. waiting .. | Request thread resumption by:
+ // .. waiting .. | - acquiring thread_suspend_count_lock_
+ // .. waiting .. | - decrementing Thread::suspend_count_ on
+ // .. waiting .. | all mutator threads
+ // .. waiting .. | - notifying on Thread::resume_cond_
+ // - re-acquire thread_suspend_count_lock_ | - releasing thread_suspend_count_lock_
+ // Release thread_suspend_count_lock_ | .. running ..
+ // Acquire share on mutator_lock_ | .. running ..
+ // - This could block but the thread still | .. running ..
+ // has a state of kSuspended and so this | .. running ..
+ // isn't an issue. | .. running ..
+ // Acquire thread_suspend_count_lock_ | .. running ..
+ // - we poll here as we're transitioning into | .. running ..
+ // kRunnable and an individual thread suspend | .. running ..
+ // request (e.g for debugging) won't try | .. running ..
+ // to acquire the mutator lock (which would | .. running ..
+ // block as we hold the mutator lock). This | .. running ..
+ // poll ensures that if the suspender thought | .. running ..
+ // we were suspended by incrementing our | .. running ..
+ // Thread::suspend_count_ and then reading | .. running ..
+ // our state we go back to waiting on | .. running ..
+ // Thread::resume_cond_. | .. running ..
+ // can_go_runnable = Thread::suspend_count_ == 0 | .. running ..
+ // Release thread_suspend_count_lock_ | .. running ..
+ // if can_go_runnable | .. running ..
+ // Change state to kRunnable | .. running ..
+ // else | .. running ..
+ // Goto x | .. running ..
+ // .. running .. | .. running ..
+ static ReaderWriterMutex* mutator_lock_;
+ // Allow reader-writer mutual exclusion on the mark and live bitmaps of the heap.
+ static ReaderWriterMutex* heap_bitmap_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(mutator_lock_);
+ // The thread_list_lock_ guards ThreadList::list_. It is also commonly held to stop threads
+ // attaching and detaching.
+ static Mutex* thread_list_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(heap_bitmap_lock_);
+ // Guards lists of classes within the class linker.
+ static Mutex* classlinker_classes_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(thread_list_lock_);
+ // When declaring any Mutex add DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER to use annotalysis to check the code
+ // doesn't try to hold a higher level Mutex.
+ #define DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER ACQUIRED_AFTER(classlinker_classes_lock_)
+ // Have an exclusive aborting thread.
+ static Mutex* abort_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(classlinker_classes_lock_);
+ // Allow mutual exclusion when manipulating Thread::suspend_count_.
+ // TODO: Does the trade-off of a per-thread lock make sense?
+ static Mutex* thread_suspend_count_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(abort_lock_);
+ // One unexpected signal at a time lock.
+ static Mutex* unexpected_signal_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(thread_suspend_count_lock_);
+ // Have an exclusive logging thread.
+ static Mutex* logging_lock_ ACQUIRED_AFTER(unexpected_signal_lock_);
+// Base class for all Mutex implementations
+class BaseMutex {
+ public:
+ const std::string& GetName() const {
+ return name_;
+ }
+ virtual bool IsMutex() const { return false; }
+ virtual bool IsReaderWriterMutex() const { return false; }
+ protected:
+ friend class ConditionVariable;
+ BaseMutex(const char* name, MutexLevel level);
+ virtual ~BaseMutex() {}
+ void RegisterAsLockedWithCurrentThread();
+ void RegisterAsUnlockedWithCurrentThread();
+ void CheckSafeToWait();
+ const MutexLevel level_; // Support for lock hierarchy.
+ const std::string name_;
+// A Mutex is used to achieve mutual exclusion between threads. A Mutex can be used to gain
+// exclusive access to what it guards. A Mutex can be in one of two states:
+// - Free - not owned by any thread,
+// - Exclusive - owned by a single thread.
+// The effect of locking and unlocking operations on the state is:
+// State | ExclusiveLock | ExclusiveUnlock
+// -------------------------------------------
+// Free | Exclusive | error
+// Exclusive | Block* | Free
+// * Mutex is not reentrant and so an attempt to ExclusiveLock on the same thread will result in
+// an error. Being non-reentrant simplifies Waiting on ConditionVariables.
+class LOCKABLE Mutex : public BaseMutex {
+ public:
+ explicit Mutex(const char* name, MutexLevel level = kDefaultMutexLevel, bool recursive = false);
+ virtual bool IsMutex() const { return true; }
+ // Block until mutex is free then acquire exclusive access.
+ void ExclusiveLock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION();
+ void Lock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION() { ExclusiveLock(); }
- void Unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION();
+ // Returns true if acquires exclusive access, false otherwise.
+ bool ExclusiveTryLock() EXCLUSIVE_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true);
+ bool TryLock() EXCLUSIVE_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true) { return ExclusiveTryLock(); }
-#if !defined(NDEBUG)
- void AssertHeld();
- void AssertNotHeld();
- void AssertHeld() {}
- void AssertNotHeld() {}
+ // Release exclusive access.
+ void ExclusiveUnlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION();
+ void Unlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() { ExclusiveUnlock(); }
- uint64_t GetOwner();
+ // Is the current thread the exclusive holder of the Mutex.
+ bool IsExclusiveHeld() const;
+ // Assert that the Mutex is exclusively held by the current thread.
+ void AssertExclusiveHeld() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ CHECK(IsExclusiveHeld());
+ }
+ }
+ void AssertHeld() { AssertExclusiveHeld(); }
+ // Assert that the Mutex is not held by the current thread.
+ void AssertNotHeldExclusive() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ CHECK(!IsExclusiveHeld());
+ }
+ }
+ void AssertNotHeld() { AssertNotHeldExclusive(); }
+ // Id associated with exclusive owner.
+ uint64_t GetExclusiveOwnerTid() const;
+ // Returns how many times this Mutex has been locked, it is better to use AssertHeld/NotHeld.
+ unsigned int GetDepth() const {
+ return recursion_count_;
+ }
- uint32_t GetDepth();
pthread_mutex_t mutex_;
- const std::string name_;
- const MutexRank rank_;
+ const bool recursive_; // Can the lock be recursively held?
+ unsigned int recursion_count_;
friend class ConditionVariable;
friend class MutexTester;
-class SCOPED_LOCKABLE MutexLock {
+// A ReaderWriterMutex is used to achieve mutual exclusion between threads, similar to a Mutex.
+// Unlike a Mutex a ReaderWriterMutex can be used to gain exclusive (writer) or shared (reader)
+// access to what it guards. A flaw in relation to a Mutex is that it cannot be used with a
+// condition variable. A ReaderWriterMutex can be in one of three states:
+// - Free - not owned by any thread,
+// - Exclusive - owned by a single thread,
+// - Shared(n) - shared amongst n threads.
+// The effect of locking and unlocking operations on the state is:
+// State | ExclusiveLock | ExclusiveUnlock | SharedLock | SharedUnlock
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Free | Exclusive | error | SharedLock(1) | error
+// Exclusive | Block | Free | Block | error
+// Shared(n) | Block | error | SharedLock(n+1)* | Shared(n-1) or Free
+// * for large values of n the SharedLock may block.
+class LOCKABLE ReaderWriterMutex : public BaseMutex {
- explicit MutexLock(Mutex& mu) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu) : mu_(mu) {
- mu_.Lock();
+ explicit ReaderWriterMutex(const char* name, MutexLevel level = kDefaultMutexLevel);
+ ~ReaderWriterMutex();
+ virtual bool IsReaderWriterMutex() const { return true; }
+ // Block until ReaderWriterMutex is free then acquire exclusive access.
+ void ExclusiveLock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION();
+ void WriterLock() EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION() { ExclusiveLock(); }
+ // Release exclusive access.
+ void ExclusiveUnlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION();
+ void WriterUnlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() { ExclusiveUnlock(); }
+ // Block until ReaderWriterMutex is free and acquire exclusive access. Returns true on success
+ // or false if timeout is reached.
+ bool ExclusiveLockWithTimeout(const timespec& abs_timeout) EXCLUSIVE_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true);
+ // Block until ReaderWriterMutex is shared or free then acquire a share on the access.
+ void SharedLock() SHARED_LOCK_FUNCTION();
+ void ReaderLock() SHARED_LOCK_FUNCTION() { SharedLock(); }
+ // Try to acquire share of ReaderWriterMutex.
+ bool SharedTryLock() EXCLUSIVE_TRYLOCK_FUNCTION(true);
+ // Release a share of the access.
+ void SharedUnlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION();
+ void ReaderUnlock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() { SharedUnlock(); }
+ // Is the current thread the exclusive holder of the ReaderWriterMutex.
+ bool IsExclusiveHeld() const;
+ // Assert the current thread has exclusive access to the ReaderWriterMutex.
+ void AssertExclusiveHeld() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ CHECK(IsExclusiveHeld());
+ }
+ }
+ void AssertWriterHeld() { AssertExclusiveHeld(); }
+ // Assert the current thread doesn't have exclusive access to the ReaderWriterMutex.
+ void AssertNotExclusiveHeld() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ CHECK(!IsExclusiveHeld());
+ }
+ }
+ void AssertNotWriterHeld() { AssertNotExclusiveHeld(); }
+ // Is the current thread a shared holder of the ReaderWriterMutex.
+ bool IsSharedHeld() const;
+ // Assert the current thread has shared access to the ReaderWriterMutex.
+ void AssertSharedHeld() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ CHECK(IsSharedHeld());
+ }
+ }
+ void AssertReaderHeld() { AssertSharedHeld(); }
+ // Assert the current thread doesn't hold this ReaderWriterMutex either in shared or exclusive
+ // mode.
+ void AssertNotHeld() {
+ if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+ CHECK(!IsSharedHeld());
+ }
- ~MutexLock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {
- mu_.Unlock();
- }
+ // Id associated with exclusive owner.
+ uint64_t GetExclusiveOwnerTid() const;
- Mutex& mu_;
-// Catch bug where variable name is omitted. "MutexLock (lock);" instead of "MutexLock mu(lock)".
-#define MutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, mutex_lock_declaration_missing_variable_name)
+ pthread_rwlock_t rwlock_;
+ friend class MutexTester;
+// ConditionVariables allow threads to queue and sleep. Threads may then be resumed individually
+// (Signal) or all at once (Broadcast).
class ConditionVariable {
explicit ConditionVariable(const std::string& name);
@@ -99,14 +344,91 @@
void TimedWait(Mutex& mutex, const timespec& ts);
- uint32_t UnlockBeforeWait(Mutex& mutex) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
- void RelockAfterWait(Mutex& mutex, uint32_t unlock_count) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
pthread_cond_t cond_;
std::string name_;
+// Scoped locker/unlocker for a regular Mutex that acquires mu upon construction and releases it
+// upon destruction.
+class SCOPED_LOCKABLE MutexLock {
+ public:
+ explicit MutexLock(Mutex& mu) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu) : mu_(mu) {
+ mu_.ExclusiveLock();
+ }
+ ~MutexLock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {
+ mu_.ExclusiveUnlock();
+ }
+ private:
+ Mutex& mu_;
+// Catch bug where variable name is omitted. "MutexLock (lock);" instead of "MutexLock mu(lock)".
+#define MutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, mutex_lock_declaration_missing_variable_name)
+// Scoped locker/unlocker for a ReaderWriterMutex that acquires read access to mu upon
+// construction and releases it upon destruction.
+class SCOPED_LOCKABLE ReaderMutexLock {
+ public:
+ explicit ReaderMutexLock(ReaderWriterMutex& mu) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu) : mu_(mu) {
+ mu_.SharedLock();
+ }
+ ~ReaderMutexLock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {
+ mu_.SharedUnlock();
+ }
+ private:
+ ReaderWriterMutex& mu_;
+// Catch bug where variable name is omitted. "ReaderMutexLock (lock);" instead of
+// "ReaderMutexLock mu(lock)".
+#define ReaderMutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, reader_mutex_lock_declaration_missing_variable_name)
+// Scoped locker/unlocker for a ReaderWriterMutex that acquires write access to mu upon
+// construction and releases it upon destruction.
+class SCOPED_LOCKABLE WriterMutexLock {
+ public:
+ explicit WriterMutexLock(ReaderWriterMutex& mu) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu) : mu_(mu) {
+ mu_.ExclusiveLock();
+ }
+ ~WriterMutexLock() UNLOCK_FUNCTION() {
+ mu_.ExclusiveUnlock();
+ }
+ private:
+ ReaderWriterMutex& mu_;
+// Catch bug where variable name is omitted. "WriterMutexLock (lock);" instead of
+// "WriterMutexLock mu(lock)".
+#define WriterMutexLock(x) COMPILE_ASSERT(0, writer_mutex_lock_declaration_missing_variable_name)
+// Scoped unlocker/locker for a ReaderWriterMutex that releases read access to mu upon
+// construction and acquires it again upon destruction.
+class ReaderMutexUnlock {
+ public:
+ explicit ReaderMutexUnlock(ReaderWriterMutex& mu) UNLOCK_FUNCTION(mu) : mu_(mu) {
+ mu_.SharedUnlock();
+ }
+ ~ReaderMutexUnlock() SHARED_LOCK_FUNCTION(mu_) {
+ mu_.SharedLock();
+ }
+ private:
+ ReaderWriterMutex& mu_;
+// Catch bug where variable name is omitted. "ReaderMutexUnlock (lock);" instead of
+// "ReaderMutexUnlock mu(lock)".
+#define ReaderMutexUnlock(x) \
+ COMPILE_ASSERT(0, reader_mutex_unlock_declaration_missing_variable_name)
} // namespace art
#endif // ART_SRC_MUTEX_H_