Global lock levels.

Introduce the notion of the mutators/GC being a shared-exclusive (aka
reader-writer) lock. Introduce globally ordered locks, analysable by
annotalysis, statically at compile time. Add locking attributes to

More subtly, remove the heap_lock_ and split between various locks that
are held for smaller periods (where work doesn't get blocked). Remove
buggy Dalvik style thread transitions. Make GC use CMS in all cases when
concurrent is enabled. Fix bug where suspend counts rather than debug
suspend counts were sent to JDWP. Move the PathClassLoader to
WellKnownClasses. In debugger refactor calls to send request and
possibly suspend. Break apart different VmWait thread states. Move
identity hash code to a shared method.

Change-Id: Icdbfc3ce3fcccd14341860ac7305d8e97b51f5c6
diff --git a/src/compiler.h b/src/compiler.h
index 85f3ead..01ef037 100644
--- a/src/compiler.h
+++ b/src/compiler.h
@@ -52,11 +52,12 @@
-  void CompileAll(ClassLoader* class_loader,
-                  const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
+  void CompileAll(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // Compile a single Method
-  void CompileOne(const Method* method);
+  void CompileOne(const Method* method)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   bool IsDebuggingSupported() {
     return support_debugging_;
@@ -71,75 +72,89 @@
   // Stub to throw AbstractMethodError
-  static ByteArray* CreateAbstractMethodErrorStub(InstructionSet instruction_set);
+  static ByteArray* CreateAbstractMethodErrorStub(InstructionSet instruction_set)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // Generate the trampoline that's invoked by unresolved direct methods
   static ByteArray* CreateResolutionStub(InstructionSet instruction_set,
-                                         Runtime::TrampolineType type);
+                                         Runtime::TrampolineType type)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  static ByteArray* CreateJniDlsymLookupStub(InstructionSet instruction_set);
+  static ByteArray* CreateJniDlsymLookupStub(InstructionSet instruction_set)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // A class is uniquely located by its DexFile and the class_defs_ table index into that DexFile
   typedef std::pair<const DexFile*, uint32_t> ClassReference;
-  CompiledClass* GetCompiledClass(ClassReference ref) const;
+  CompiledClass* GetCompiledClass(ClassReference ref) const
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_classes_lock_);
   // A method is uniquely located by its DexFile and the method_ids_ table index into that DexFile
   typedef std::pair<const DexFile*, uint32_t> MethodReference;
-  CompiledMethod* GetCompiledMethod(MethodReference ref) const;
+  CompiledMethod* GetCompiledMethod(MethodReference ref) const
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_methods_lock_);
   const CompiledInvokeStub* FindInvokeStub(bool is_static, const char* shorty) const;
-  const CompiledInvokeStub* FindInvokeStub(const std::string& key) const;
+  const CompiledInvokeStub* FindInvokeStub(const std::string& key) const
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_invoke_stubs_lock_);
   const CompiledInvokeStub* FindProxyStub(const char* shorty) const;
-  // Callbacks from OAT/ART compiler to see what runtime checks must be generated
+  // Callbacks from compiler to see what runtime checks must be generated.
-  bool CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(const DexCache* dex_cache, uint32_t type_idx);
+  bool CanAssumeTypeIsPresentInDexCache(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  bool CanAssumeStringIsPresentInDexCache(const DexCache* dex_cache, uint32_t string_idx);
+  bool CanAssumeStringIsPresentInDexCache(const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t string_idx)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // Are runtime access checks necessary in the compiled code?
-  bool CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexCache* dex_cache,
-                                  const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx);
+  bool CanAccessTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexFile& dex_file,
+                                  uint32_t type_idx)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // Are runtime access and instantiable checks necessary in the code?
-  bool CanAccessInstantiableTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexCache* dex_cache,
-                                              const DexFile& dex_file, uint32_t type_idx);
+  bool CanAccessInstantiableTypeWithoutChecks(uint32_t referrer_idx, const DexFile& dex_file,
+                                              uint32_t type_idx)
+     LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  // Can we fast path instance field access? Computes field's offset and volatility
+  // Can we fast path instance field access? Computes field's offset and volatility.
   bool ComputeInstanceFieldInfo(uint32_t field_idx, OatCompilationUnit* mUnit,
-                                int& field_offset, bool& is_volatile, bool is_put);
+                                int& field_offset, bool& is_volatile, bool is_put)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // Can we fastpath static field access? Computes field's offset, volatility and whether the
-  // field is within the referrer (which can avoid checking class initialization)
+  // field is within the referrer (which can avoid checking class initialization).
   bool ComputeStaticFieldInfo(uint32_t field_idx, OatCompilationUnit* mUnit,
                               int& field_offset, int& ssb_index,
-                              bool& is_referrers_class, bool& is_volatile, bool is_put);
+                              bool& is_referrers_class, bool& is_volatile, bool is_put)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  // Can we fastpath a interface, super class or virtual method call? Computes method's vtable index
+  // Can we fastpath a interface, super class or virtual method call? Computes method's vtable
+  // index.
   bool ComputeInvokeInfo(uint32_t method_idx, OatCompilationUnit* mUnit, InvokeType& type,
-                         int& vtable_idx, uintptr_t& direct_code, uintptr_t& direct_method);
+                         int& vtable_idx, uintptr_t& direct_code, uintptr_t& direct_method)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  // Record patch information for later fix up
-  void AddCodePatch(DexCache* dex_cache,
-                    const DexFile* dex_file,
+  // Record patch information for later fix up.
+  void AddCodePatch(const DexFile* dex_file,
                     uint32_t referrer_method_idx,
                     uint32_t referrer_access_flags,
                     uint32_t target_method_idx,
                     bool target_is_direct,
-                    size_t literal_offset);
-  void AddMethodPatch(DexCache* dex_cache,
-                      const DexFile* dex_file,
+                    size_t literal_offset)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_methods_lock_);
+  void AddMethodPatch(const DexFile* dex_file,
                       uint32_t referrer_method_idx,
                       uint32_t referrer_access_flags,
                       uint32_t target_method_idx,
                       bool target_is_direct,
-                      size_t literal_offset);
+                      size_t literal_offset)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_methods_lock_);
   void SetBitcodeFileName(std::string const& filename);
@@ -159,9 +174,6 @@
   class PatchInformation {
-    DexCache* GetDexCache() const {
-      return dex_cache_;
-    }
     const DexFile& GetDexFile() const {
       return *dex_file_;
@@ -182,15 +194,13 @@
-    PatchInformation(DexCache* dex_cache,
-                     const DexFile* dex_file,
+    PatchInformation(const DexFile* dex_file,
                      uint32_t referrer_method_idx,
                      uint32_t referrer_access_flags,
                      uint32_t target_method_idx,
                      uint32_t target_is_direct,
                      size_t literal_offset)
-      : dex_cache_(dex_cache),
-        dex_file_(dex_file),
+      : dex_file_(dex_file),
@@ -199,7 +209,6 @@
       CHECK(dex_file_ != NULL);
-    DexCache* dex_cache_;
     const DexFile* dex_file_;
     uint32_t referrer_method_idx_;
     bool referrer_is_direct_;
@@ -221,39 +230,55 @@
   // Compute constant code and method pointers when possible
   void GetCodeAndMethodForDirectCall(InvokeType type, InvokeType sharp_type, Method* method,
-                                     uintptr_t& direct_code, uintptr_t& direct_method);
+                                     uintptr_t& direct_code, uintptr_t& direct_method)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   // Checks if class specified by type_idx is one of the image_classes_
   bool IsImageClass(const std::string& descriptor) const;
-  void PreCompile(ClassLoader* class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files, TimingLogger& timings);
-  void PostCompile(ClassLoader* class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
+  void PreCompile(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
+                  TimingLogger& timings)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
+  void PostCompile(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
   // Attempt to resolve all type, methods, fields, and strings
   // referenced from code in the dex file following PathClassLoader
   // ordering semantics.
-  void Resolve(ClassLoader* class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files, TimingLogger& timings);
-  void ResolveDexFile(ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file, TimingLogger& timings);
+  void Resolve(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files,
+               TimingLogger& timings)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
+  void ResolveDexFile(jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file, TimingLogger& timings)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  void Verify(ClassLoader* class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
-  void VerifyDexFile(ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
+  void Verify(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
+  void VerifyDexFile(jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  void InitializeClassesWithoutClinit(ClassLoader* class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
-  void InitializeClassesWithoutClinit(ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
+  void InitializeClassesWithoutClinit(jobject class_loader,
+                                      const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
+  void InitializeClassesWithoutClinit(jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_, compiled_classes_lock_);
-  void Compile(ClassLoader* class_loader,
-               const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
-  void CompileDexFile(ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
+  void Compile(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
+  void CompileDexFile(jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
   void CompileMethod(const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, uint32_t access_flags, uint32_t method_idx,
-                     ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
+                     jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_methods_lock_);
-  static void CompileClass(CompilationContext* context, size_t class_def_index);
+  static void CompileClass(const CompilationContext* context, size_t class_def_index)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  void SetGcMaps(ClassLoader* class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files);
-  void SetGcMapsDexFile(ClassLoader* class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file);
-  void SetGcMapsMethod(const DexFile& dex_file, Method* method);
+  void SetGcMaps(jobject class_loader, const std::vector<const DexFile*>& dex_files)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
+  void SetGcMapsDexFile(jobject class_loader, const DexFile& dex_file)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
+  void SetGcMapsMethod(const DexFile& dex_file, Method* method)
+      SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(GlobalSynchronization::mutator_lock_);
-  void InsertInvokeStub(const std::string& key, const CompiledInvokeStub* compiled_invoke_stub);
+  void InsertInvokeStub(const std::string& key, const CompiledInvokeStub* compiled_invoke_stub)
+      LOCKS_EXCLUDED(compiled_invoke_stubs_lock_);
   void InsertProxyStub(const char* shorty, const CompiledInvokeStub* compiled_proxy_stub);
@@ -266,17 +291,17 @@
   typedef SafeMap<const ClassReference, CompiledClass*> ClassTable;
   // All class references that this compiler has compiled
-  mutable Mutex compiled_classes_lock_;
+  mutable Mutex compiled_classes_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
   ClassTable compiled_classes_ GUARDED_BY(compiled_classes_lock_);
   typedef SafeMap<const MethodReference, CompiledMethod*> MethodTable;
   // All method references that this compiler has compiled
-  mutable Mutex compiled_methods_lock_;
+  mutable Mutex compiled_methods_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
   MethodTable compiled_methods_ GUARDED_BY(compiled_methods_lock_);
   typedef SafeMap<std::string, const CompiledInvokeStub*> InvokeStubTable;
   // Invocation stubs created to allow invocation of the compiled methods
-  mutable Mutex compiled_invoke_stubs_lock_;
+  mutable Mutex compiled_invoke_stubs_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
   InvokeStubTable compiled_invoke_stubs_ GUARDED_BY(compiled_invoke_stubs_lock_);
@@ -308,7 +333,7 @@
   typedef CompiledMethod* (*CompilerFn)(Compiler& compiler,
                                         const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item,
                                         uint32_t access_flags, uint32_t method_idx,
-                                        ClassLoader* class_loader,
+                                        jobject class_loader,
                                         const DexFile& dex_file);
   CompilerFn compiler_;