Avoid a case of eager initialization.
Don't mark as initialized classes that contain static field
Change-Id: Iedcabbdf355e8861eb7731650eee1467f68ae0cd
diff --git a/src/class_linker.h b/src/class_linker.h
index eb76738..3226a6f 100644
--- a/src/class_linker.h
+++ b/src/class_linker.h
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
// Returns true on success, false if there's an exception pending.
// can_run_clinit=false allows the compiler to attempt to init a class,
// given the restriction that no <clinit> execution is possible.
- bool EnsureInitialized(Class* c, bool can_run_clinit);
+ bool EnsureInitialized(Class* c, bool can_run_clinit, bool can_init_fields);
// Initializes classes that have instances in the image but that have
// <clinit> methods so they could not be initialized by the compiler.
@@ -365,11 +365,12 @@
bool IsDexFileRegisteredLocked(const DexFile& dex_file) const;
void RegisterOatFileLocked(const OatFile& oat_file);
- bool InitializeClass(Class* klass, bool can_run_clinit);
+ bool InitializeClass(Class* klass, bool can_run_clinit, bool can_init_statics);
bool WaitForInitializeClass(Class* klass, Thread* self, ObjectLock& lock);
bool ValidateSuperClassDescriptors(const Class* klass);
- bool InitializeSuperClass(Class* klass, bool can_run_clinit);
- void InitializeStaticFields(Class* klass);
+ bool InitializeSuperClass(Class* klass, bool can_run_clinit, bool can_init_fields);
+ // Initialize static fields, returns true if fields were initialized.
+ bool InitializeStaticFields(Class* klass);
bool IsSameDescriptorInDifferentClassContexts(const char* descriptor,
const Class* klass1,