Keep dex files live in class table

The DexFile.loadClass API allows callers to load classes using a
dex file without having that dex file owned by the specified class
loader. We now add the dex file to the class table to make sure it
stays live until the class loader is unreachable.

Fixes interpreter gcstress test 087 with 64 bit.

Bug: 22720414
Change-Id: Ia4341149f45b6293312f8b275c7a68cea179f718
diff --git a/runtime/native/ b/runtime/native/
index 4eea3f3..8b2f4d8 100644
--- a/runtime/native/
+++ b/runtime/native/
@@ -243,7 +243,8 @@
                                         jstring javaName,
                                         jobject javaLoader,
-                                        jobject cookie) {
+                                        jobject cookie,
+                                        jobject dexFile) {
   std::vector<const DexFile*> dex_files;
   const OatFile* oat_file;
   if (!ConvertJavaArrayToDexFiles(env, cookie, /*out*/ dex_files, /*out*/ oat_file)) {
@@ -276,6 +277,10 @@
+      // Add the used dex file. This only required for the DexFile.loadClass API since normal
+      // class loaders already keep their dex files live.
+      class_linker->InsertDexFileInToClassLoader(soa.Decode<mirror::Object*>(dexFile),
+                                                 class_loader.Get());
       if (result != nullptr) {
         VLOG(class_linker) << "DexFile_defineClassNative returning " << result
                            << " for " << class_name.c_str();
@@ -424,8 +429,13 @@
 static JNINativeMethod gMethods[] = {
   NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, closeDexFile, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"),
-  NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, defineClassNative,
-                "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Class;"),
+                defineClassNative,
+                "(Ljava/lang/String;"
+                "Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;"
+                "Ljava/lang/Object;"
+                "Ldalvik/system/DexFile;"
+                ")Ljava/lang/Class;"),
   NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, getClassNameList, "(Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/String;"),
   NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, isDexOptNeeded, "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z"),
   NATIVE_METHOD(DexFile, getDexOptNeeded,