| .. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*- |
| |
| ******************************** |
| Detailed Colorspace Descriptions |
| ******************************** |
| |
| |
| .. _col-smpte-170m: |
| |
| Colorspace SMPTE 170M (V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE170M) |
| ================================================= |
| |
| The :ref:`smpte170m` standard defines the colorspace used by NTSC and |
| PAL and by SDTV in general. The default transfer function is |
| ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709``. The default Y'CbCr encoding is |
| ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601``. The default Y'CbCr quantization is limited |
| range. The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white reference |
| are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: SMPTE 170M Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.630 |
| |
| - 0.340 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.310 |
| |
| - 0.595 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.155 |
| |
| - 0.070 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| The red, green and blue chromaticities are also often referred to as the |
| SMPTE C set, so this colorspace is sometimes called SMPTE C as well. |
| |
| The transfer function defined for SMPTE 170M is the same as the one |
| defined in Rec. 709. |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = -1.099(-L)^{0.45} + 0.099 \text{, for } L \le-0.018 |
| |
| L' = 4.5L \text{, for } -0.018 < L < 0.018 |
| |
| L' = 1.099L^{0.45} - 0.099 \text{, for } L \ge 0.018 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = -\left( \frac{L' - 0.099}{-1.099} \right) ^{\frac{1}{0.45}} \text{, for } L' \le -0.081 |
| |
| L = \frac{L'}{4.5} \text{, for } -0.081 < L' < 0.081 |
| |
| L = \left(\frac{L' + 0.099}{1.099}\right)^{\frac{1}{0.45} } \text{, for } L' \ge 0.081 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2990R' + 0.5870G' + 0.1140B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1687R' - 0.3313G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. This conversion to Y'CbCr is identical to the one defined in |
| the :ref:`itu601` standard and this colorspace is sometimes called |
| BT.601 as well, even though BT.601 does not mention any color primaries. |
| |
| The default quantization is limited range, but full range is possible |
| although rarely seen. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-rec709: |
| |
| Colorspace Rec. 709 (V4L2_COLORSPACE_REC709) |
| ============================================ |
| |
| The :ref:`itu709` standard defines the colorspace used by HDTV in |
| general. The default transfer function is ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709``. The |
| default Y'CbCr encoding is ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709``. The default Y'CbCr |
| quantization is limited range. The chromaticities of the primary colors |
| and the white reference are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: Rec. 709 Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.640 |
| |
| - 0.330 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.300 |
| |
| - 0.600 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.150 |
| |
| - 0.060 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| The full name of this standard is Rec. ITU-R BT.709-5. |
| |
| Transfer function. Normally L is in the range [0…1], but for the |
| extended gamut xvYCC encoding values outside that range are allowed. |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = -1.099(-L)^{0.45} + 0.099 \text{, for } L \le -0.018 |
| |
| L' = 4.5L \text{, for } -0.018 < L < 0.018 |
| |
| L' = 1.099L^{0.45} - 0.099 \text{, for } L \ge 0.018 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = -\left( \frac{L' - 0.099}{-1.099} \right)^\frac{1}{0.45} \text{, for } L' \le -0.081 |
| |
| L = \frac{L'}{4.5}\text{, for } -0.081 < L' < 0.081 |
| |
| L = \left(\frac{L' + 0.099}{1.099}\right)^{\frac{1}{0.45} } \text{, for } L' \ge 0.081 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2126R' + 0.7152G' + 0.0722B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1146R' - 0.3854G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4542G' - 0.0458B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. |
| |
| The default quantization is limited range, but full range is possible |
| although rarely seen. |
| |
| The ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709`` encoding described above is the default for |
| this colorspace, but it can be overridden with ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601``, |
| in which case the BT.601 Y'CbCr encoding is used. |
| |
| Two additional extended gamut Y'CbCr encodings are also possible with |
| this colorspace: |
| |
| The xvYCC 709 encoding (``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV709``, :ref:`xvycc`) is |
| similar to the Rec. 709 encoding, but it allows for R', G' and B' values |
| that are outside the range [0…1]. The resulting Y', Cb and Cr values are |
| scaled and offset: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = \frac{219}{256} * (0.2126R' + 0.7152G' + 0.0722B') + \frac{16}{256} |
| |
| Cb = \frac{224}{256} * (-0.1146R' - 0.3854G' + 0.5B') |
| |
| Cr = \frac{224}{256} * (0.5R' - 0.4542G' - 0.0458B') |
| |
| The xvYCC 601 encoding (``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV601``, :ref:`xvycc`) is |
| similar to the BT.601 encoding, but it allows for R', G' and B' values |
| that are outside the range [0…1]. The resulting Y', Cb and Cr values are |
| scaled and offset: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = \frac{219}{256} * (0.2990R' + 0.5870G' + 0.1140B') + \frac{16}{256} |
| |
| Cb = \frac{224}{256} * (-0.1687R' - 0.3313G' + 0.5B') |
| |
| Cr = \frac{224}{256} * (0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B') |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. The non-standard xvYCC 709 or xvYCC 601 encodings can be |
| used by selecting ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV709`` or ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_XV601``. |
| The xvYCC encodings always use full range quantization. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-srgb: |
| |
| Colorspace sRGB (V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB) |
| ====================================== |
| |
| The :ref:`srgb` standard defines the colorspace used by most webcams |
| and computer graphics. The default transfer function is |
| ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SRGB``. The default Y'CbCr encoding is |
| ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601``. The default Y'CbCr quantization is full range. |
| The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white reference are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: sRGB Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.640 |
| |
| - 0.330 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.300 |
| |
| - 0.600 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.150 |
| |
| - 0.060 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| These chromaticities are identical to the Rec. 709 colorspace. |
| |
| Transfer function. Note that negative values for L are only used by the |
| Y'CbCr conversion. |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = -1.055(-L)^{\frac{1}{2.4} } + 0.055\text{, for }L < -0.0031308 |
| |
| L' = 12.92L\text{, for }-0.0031308 \le L \le 0.0031308 |
| |
| L' = 1.055L ^{\frac{1}{2.4} } - 0.055\text{, for }0.0031308 < L \le 1 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = -((-L' + 0.055) / 1.055) ^{2.4}\text{, for }L' < -0.04045 |
| |
| L = L' / 12.92\text{, for }-0.04045 \le L' \le 0.04045 |
| |
| L = ((L' + 0.055) / 1.055) ^{2.4}\text{, for }L' > 0.04045 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` encoding as defined by :ref:`sycc`: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2990R' + 0.5870G' + 0.1140B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1687R' - 0.3313G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. This transform is identical to one defined in SMPTE |
| 170M/BT.601. The Y'CbCr quantization is full range. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-adobergb: |
| |
| Colorspace Adobe RGB (V4L2_COLORSPACE_ADOBERGB) |
| =============================================== |
| |
| The :ref:`adobergb` standard defines the colorspace used by computer |
| graphics that use the AdobeRGB colorspace. This is also known as the |
| :ref:`oprgb` standard. The default transfer function is |
| ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_ADOBERGB``. The default Y'CbCr encoding is |
| ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601``. The default Y'CbCr quantization is full |
| range. The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white reference |
| are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: Adobe RGB Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.6400 |
| |
| - 0.3300 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.2100 |
| |
| - 0.7100 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.1500 |
| |
| - 0.0600 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| |
| Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = L ^{\frac{1}{2.19921875}} |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = L'^{(2.19921875)} |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2990R' + 0.5870G' + 0.1140B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1687R' - 0.3313G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. This transform is identical to one defined in SMPTE |
| 170M/BT.601. The Y'CbCr quantization is full range. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-bt2020: |
| |
| Colorspace BT.2020 (V4L2_COLORSPACE_BT2020) |
| =========================================== |
| |
| The :ref:`itu2020` standard defines the colorspace used by Ultra-high |
| definition television (UHDTV). The default transfer function is |
| ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709``. The default Y'CbCr encoding is |
| ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020``. The default R'G'B' quantization is limited |
| range (!), and so is the default Y'CbCr quantization. The chromaticities |
| of the primary colors and the white reference are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: BT.2020 Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.708 |
| |
| - 0.292 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.170 |
| |
| - 0.797 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.131 |
| |
| - 0.046 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| |
| Transfer function (same as Rec. 709): |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = 4.5L\text{, for }0 \le L < 0.018 |
| |
| L' = 1.099L ^{0.45} - 0.099\text{, for } 0.018 \le L \le 1 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = L' / 4.5\text{, for } L' < 0.081 |
| |
| L = \left( \frac{L' + 0.099}{1.099}\right) ^{\frac{1}{0.45} }\text{, for } L' \ge 0.081 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2627R' + 0.6780G' + 0.0593B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1396R' - 0.3604G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4598G' - 0.0402B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. The Y'CbCr quantization is limited range. |
| |
| There is also an alternate constant luminance R'G'B' to Yc'CbcCrc |
| (``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_BT2020_CONST_LUM``) encoding: |
| |
| Luma: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| :nowrap: |
| |
| \begin{align*} |
| Yc' = (0.2627R + 0.6780G + 0.0593B)'& \\ |
| B' - Yc' \le 0:& \\ |
| &Cbc = (B' - Yc') / 1.9404 \\ |
| B' - Yc' > 0: & \\ |
| &Cbc = (B' - Yc') / 1.5816 \\ |
| R' - Yc' \le 0:& \\ |
| &Crc = (R' - Y') / 1.7184 \\ |
| R' - Yc' > 0:& \\ |
| &Crc = (R' - Y') / 0.9936 |
| \end{align*} |
| |
| Yc' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cbc and Crc are clamped to the |
| range [-0.5…0.5]. The Yc'CbcCrc quantization is limited range. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-dcip3: |
| |
| Colorspace DCI-P3 (V4L2_COLORSPACE_DCI_P3) |
| ========================================== |
| |
| The :ref:`smpte431` standard defines the colorspace used by cinema |
| projectors that use the DCI-P3 colorspace. The default transfer function |
| is ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_DCI_P3``. The default Y'CbCr encoding is |
| ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_709``. The default Y'CbCr quantization is limited range. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| Note that this colorspace standard does not specify a |
| Y'CbCr encoding since it is not meant to be encoded to Y'CbCr. So this |
| default Y'CbCr encoding was picked because it is the HDTV encoding. |
| |
| The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white reference are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: DCI-P3 Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.6800 |
| |
| - 0.3200 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.2650 |
| |
| - 0.6900 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.1500 |
| |
| - 0.0600 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference |
| |
| - 0.3140 |
| |
| - 0.3510 |
| |
| |
| |
| Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = L^{\frac{1}{2.6}} |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = L'^{(2.6)} |
| |
| Y'CbCr encoding is not specified. V4L2 defaults to Rec. 709. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-smpte-240m: |
| |
| Colorspace SMPTE 240M (V4L2_COLORSPACE_SMPTE240M) |
| ================================================= |
| |
| The :ref:`smpte240m` standard was an interim standard used during the |
| early days of HDTV (1988-1998). It has been superseded by Rec. 709. The |
| default transfer function is ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SMPTE240M``. The default |
| Y'CbCr encoding is ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M``. The default Y'CbCr |
| quantization is limited range. The chromaticities of the primary colors |
| and the white reference are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: SMPTE 240M Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.630 |
| |
| - 0.340 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.310 |
| |
| - 0.595 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.155 |
| |
| - 0.070 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| These chromaticities are identical to the SMPTE 170M colorspace. |
| |
| Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = 4L\text{, for } 0 \le L < 0.0228 |
| |
| L' = 1.1115L ^{0.45} - 0.1115\text{, for } 0.0228 \le L \le 1 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = \frac{L'}{4}\text{, for } 0 \le L' < 0.0913 |
| |
| L = \left( \frac{L' + 0.1115}{1.1115}\right) ^{\frac{1}{0.45} }\text{, for } L' \ge 0.0913 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_SMPTE240M`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2122R' + 0.7013G' + 0.0865B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1161R' - 0.3839G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4451G' - 0.0549B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the |
| range [-0.5…0.5]. The Y'CbCr quantization is limited range. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-sysm: |
| |
| Colorspace NTSC 1953 (V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_M) |
| =================================================== |
| |
| This standard defines the colorspace used by NTSC in 1953. In practice |
| this colorspace is obsolete and SMPTE 170M should be used instead. The |
| default transfer function is ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709``. The default Y'CbCr |
| encoding is ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601``. The default Y'CbCr quantization is |
| limited range. The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white |
| reference are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: NTSC 1953 Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.67 |
| |
| - 0.33 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.21 |
| |
| - 0.71 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.14 |
| |
| - 0.08 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (C) |
| |
| - 0.310 |
| |
| - 0.316 |
| |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| This colorspace uses Illuminant C instead of D65 as the white |
| reference. To correctly convert an image in this colorspace to another |
| that uses D65 you need to apply a chromatic adaptation algorithm such as |
| the Bradford method. |
| |
| The transfer function was never properly defined for NTSC 1953. The Rec. |
| 709 transfer function is recommended in the literature: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = 4.5L\text{, for } 0 \le L < 0.018 |
| |
| L' = 1.099L ^{0.45} - 0.099\text{, for } 0.018 \le L \le 1 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = \frac{L'}{4.5} \text{, for } L' < 0.081 |
| |
| L = \left( \frac{L' + 0.099}{1.099}\right) ^{\frac{1}{0.45} }\text{, for } L' \ge 0.081 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2990R' + 0.5870G' + 0.1140B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1687R' - 0.3313G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. The Y'CbCr quantization is limited range. This transform is |
| identical to one defined in SMPTE 170M/BT.601. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-sysbg: |
| |
| Colorspace EBU Tech. 3213 (V4L2_COLORSPACE_470_SYSTEM_BG) |
| ========================================================= |
| |
| The :ref:`tech3213` standard defines the colorspace used by PAL/SECAM |
| in 1975. In practice this colorspace is obsolete and SMPTE 170M should |
| be used instead. The default transfer function is |
| ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_709``. The default Y'CbCr encoding is |
| ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601``. The default Y'CbCr quantization is limited |
| range. The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white reference |
| are: |
| |
| |
| |
| .. tabularcolumns:: |p{4.4cm}|p{4.4cm}|p{8.7cm}| |
| |
| .. flat-table:: EBU Tech. 3213 Chromaticities |
| :header-rows: 1 |
| :stub-columns: 0 |
| :widths: 1 1 2 |
| |
| |
| - .. row 1 |
| |
| - Color |
| |
| - x |
| |
| - y |
| |
| - .. row 2 |
| |
| - Red |
| |
| - 0.64 |
| |
| - 0.33 |
| |
| - .. row 3 |
| |
| - Green |
| |
| - 0.29 |
| |
| - 0.60 |
| |
| - .. row 4 |
| |
| - Blue |
| |
| - 0.15 |
| |
| - 0.06 |
| |
| - .. row 5 |
| |
| - White Reference (D65) |
| |
| - 0.3127 |
| |
| - 0.3290 |
| |
| |
| |
| The transfer function was never properly defined for this colorspace. |
| The Rec. 709 transfer function is recommended in the literature: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L' = 4.5L\text{, for } 0 \le L < 0.018 |
| |
| L' = 1.099L ^{0.45} - 0.099\text{, for } 0.018 \le L \le 1 |
| |
| Inverse Transfer function: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| L = \frac{L'}{4.5} \text{, for } L' < 0.081 |
| |
| L = \left(\frac{L' + 0.099}{1.099} \right) ^{\frac{1}{0.45} }\text{, for } L' \ge 0.081 |
| |
| The luminance (Y') and color difference (Cb and Cr) are obtained with |
| the following ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` encoding: |
| |
| .. math:: |
| |
| Y' = 0.2990R' + 0.5870G' + 0.1140B' |
| |
| Cb = -0.1687R' - 0.3313G' + 0.5B' |
| |
| Cr = 0.5R' - 0.4187G' - 0.0813B' |
| |
| Y' is clamped to the range [0…1] and Cb and Cr are clamped to the range |
| [-0.5…0.5]. The Y'CbCr quantization is limited range. This transform is |
| identical to one defined in SMPTE 170M/BT.601. |
| |
| |
| .. _col-jpeg: |
| |
| Colorspace JPEG (V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG) |
| ====================================== |
| |
| This colorspace defines the colorspace used by most (Motion-)JPEG |
| formats. The chromaticities of the primary colors and the white |
| reference are identical to sRGB. The transfer function use is |
| ``V4L2_XFER_FUNC_SRGB``. The Y'CbCr encoding is ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` |
| with full range quantization where Y' is scaled to [0…255] and Cb/Cr are |
| scaled to [-128…128] and then clipped to [-128…127]. |
| |
| .. note:: |
| |
| The JPEG standard does not actually store colorspace |
| information. So if something other than sRGB is used, then the driver |
| will have to set that information explicitly. Effectively |
| ``V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG`` can be considered to be an abbreviation for |
| ``V4L2_COLORSPACE_SRGB``, ``V4L2_YCBCR_ENC_601`` and |