ACPICA 20050708 from Bob Moore <>

The use of the CPU stack in the debug version of the
subsystem has been considerably reduced.  Previously, a
debug structure was declared in every function that used
the debug macros.  This structure has been removed in
favor of declaring the individual elements as parameters
to the debug functions.  This reduces the cumulative stack
use during nested execution of ACPI function calls at the
cost of a small increase in the code size of the debug
version of the subsystem.  With assistance from Alexey
Starikovskiy and Len Brown.

Added the ACPI_GET_FUNCTION_NAME macro to enable the
compiler-dependent headers to define a macro that will
return the current function name at runtime (such as
__FUNCTION__ or _func_, etc.) The function name is used
by the debug trace output.  If ACPI_GET_FUNCTION_NAME
is not defined in the compiler-dependent header, the
function name is saved on the CPU stack (one pointer per
function.) This mechanism is used because apparently there
exists no standard ANSI-C defined macro that that returns
the function name.

Alexey Starikovskiy redesigned and reimplemented the
"Owner ID" mechanism used to track namespace objects
created/deleted by ACPI tables and control method
execution.  A bitmap is now used to allocate and free the
IDs, thus solving the wraparound problem present in the
previous implementation.  The size of the namespace node
descriptor was reduced by 2 bytes as a result.

Removed the UINT32_BIT and UINT16_BIT types that were used
for the bitfield flag definitions within the headers for
the predefined ACPI tables.  These have been replaced by
UINT8_BIT in order to increase the code portability of
the subsystem.  If the use of UINT8 remains a problem,
we may be forced to eliminate bitfields entirely because
of a lack of portability.

Alexey Starikovksiy enhanced the performance of
acpi_ut_update_object_reference.  This is a frequently used
function and this improvement increases the performance
of the entire subsystem.

Alexey Starikovskiy fixed several possible memory leaks
and the inverse - premature object deletion.

Signed-off-by: Len Brown <>
diff --git a/include/acpi/actbl1.h b/include/acpi/actbl1.h
index 33de5f4..93c175a 100644
--- a/include/acpi/actbl1.h
+++ b/include/acpi/actbl1.h
@@ -52,8 +52,7 @@
 struct rsdt_descriptor_rev1
 	ACPI_TABLE_HEADER_DEF                           /* ACPI common table header */
-	u32                             table_offset_entry [1]; /* Array of pointers to other */
-			 /* ACPI tables */
+	u32                             table_offset_entry[1];  /* Array of pointers to ACPI tables */
@@ -62,14 +61,19 @@
 struct facs_descriptor_rev1
-	char                            signature[4];           /* ACPI Signature */
-	u32                             length;                 /* Length of structure, in bytes */
+	char                            signature[4];           /* ASCII table signature */
+	u32                             length;                 /* Length of structure in bytes */
 	u32                             hardware_signature;     /* Hardware configuration signature */
 	u32                             firmware_waking_vector; /* ACPI OS waking vector */
 	u32                             global_lock;            /* Global Lock */
-	u32                             S4bios_f        : 1;    /* Indicates if S4BIOS support is present */
-	u32                             reserved1       : 31;   /* Must be 0 */
-	u8                              resverved3 [40];        /* Reserved - must be zero */
+	/* Flags (32 bits) */
+	u8                              S4bios_f        : 1;    /* 00:    S4BIOS support is present */
+	u8                                              : 7;    /* 01-07: Reserved, must be zero */
+	u8                              reserved1[3];           /* 08-31: Reserved, must be zero */
+	u8                              reserved2[40];          /* Reserved, must be zero */
@@ -82,13 +86,13 @@
 	u32                             firmware_ctrl;          /* Physical address of FACS */
 	u32                             dsdt;                   /* Physical address of DSDT */
 	u8                              model;                  /* System Interrupt Model */
-	u8                              reserved1;              /* Reserved */
+	u8                              reserved1;              /* Reserved, must be zero */
 	u16                             sci_int;                /* System vector of SCI interrupt */
 	u32                             smi_cmd;                /* Port address of SMI command port */
 	u8                              acpi_enable;            /* Value to write to smi_cmd to enable ACPI */
 	u8                              acpi_disable;           /* Value to write to smi_cmd to disable ACPI */
 	u8                              S4bios_req;             /* Value to write to SMI CMD to enter S4BIOS state */
-	u8                              reserved2;              /* Reserved - must be zero */
+	u8                              reserved2;              /* Reserved, must be zero */
 	u32                             pm1a_evt_blk;           /* Port address of Power Mgt 1a acpi_event Reg Blk */
 	u32                             pm1b_evt_blk;           /* Port address of Power Mgt 1b acpi_event Reg Blk */
 	u32                             pm1a_cnt_blk;           /* Port address of Power Mgt 1a Control Reg Blk */
@@ -104,7 +108,7 @@
 	u8                              gpe0_blk_len;           /* Byte Length of ports at gpe0_blk */
 	u8                              gpe1_blk_len;           /* Byte Length of ports at gpe1_blk */
 	u8                              gpe1_base;              /* Offset in gpe model where gpe1 events start */
-	u8                              reserved3;              /* Reserved */
+	u8                              reserved3;              /* Reserved, must be zero */
 	u16                             plvl2_lat;              /* Worst case HW latency to enter/exit C2 state */
 	u16                             plvl3_lat;              /* Worst case HW latency to enter/exit C3 state */
 	u16                             flush_size;             /* Size of area read to flush caches */
@@ -114,19 +118,21 @@
 	u8                              day_alrm;               /* Index to day-of-month alarm in RTC CMOS RAM */
 	u8                              mon_alrm;               /* Index to month-of-year alarm in RTC CMOS RAM */
 	u8                              century;                /* Index to century in RTC CMOS RAM */
-	u8                              reserved4;              /* Reserved */
-	u8                              reserved4a;             /* Reserved */
-	u8                              reserved4b;             /* Reserved */
-	u32                             wb_invd         : 1;    /* The wbinvd instruction works properly */
-	u32                             wb_invd_flush   : 1;    /* The wbinvd flushes but does not invalidate */
-	u32                             proc_c1         : 1;    /* All processors support C1 state */
-	u32                             plvl2_up        : 1;    /* C2 state works on MP system */
-	u32                             pwr_button      : 1;    /* Power button is handled as a generic feature */
-	u32                             sleep_button    : 1;    /* Sleep button is handled as a generic feature, or not present */
-	u32                             fixed_rTC       : 1;    /* RTC wakeup stat not in fixed register space */
-	u32                             rtcs4           : 1;    /* RTC wakeup stat not possible from S4 */
-	u32                             tmr_val_ext     : 1;    /* The tmr_val width is 32 bits (0 = 24 bits) */
-	u32                             reserved5       : 23;   /* Reserved - must be zero */
+	u8                              reserved4[3];           /* Reserved, must be zero */
+	/* Flags (32 bits) */
+	u8                              wb_invd         : 1;    /* 00:    The wbinvd instruction works properly */
+	u8                              wb_invd_flush   : 1;    /* 01:    The wbinvd flushes but does not invalidate */
+	u8                              proc_c1         : 1;    /* 02:    All processors support C1 state */
+	u8                              plvl2_up        : 1;    /* 03:    C2 state works on MP system */
+	u8                              pwr_button      : 1;    /* 04:    Power button is handled as a generic feature */
+	u8                              sleep_button    : 1;    /* 05:    Sleep button is handled as a generic feature, or not present */
+	u8                              fixed_rTC       : 1;    /* 06:    RTC wakeup stat not in fixed register space */
+	u8                              rtcs4           : 1;    /* 07:    RTC wakeup stat not possible from S4 */
+	u8                              tmr_val_ext     : 1;    /* 08:    tmr_val width is 32 bits (0 = 24 bits) */
+	u8                                              : 7;    /* 09-15: Reserved, must be zero */
+	u8                              reserved5[2];           /* 16-31: Reserved, must be zero */
 #pragma pack()