CodingStyle: add information about editor modelines
I recently received a patch including a file that had a vim modeline,
and I realized that nothing specifically proscribed that practice.
Signed-off-by: Josh Triplett <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
diff --git a/Documentation/CodingStyle b/Documentation/CodingStyle
index 00bffa7..a667eb1 100644
--- a/Documentation/CodingStyle
+++ b/Documentation/CodingStyle
@@ -738,6 +738,33 @@
defined that you shouldn't reproduce in your code.
+ Chapter 18: Editor modelines and other cruft
+Some editors can interpret configuration information embedded in source files,
+indicated with special markers. For example, emacs interprets lines marked
+like this:
+-*- mode: c -*-
+Or like this:
+Local Variables:
+compile-command: "gcc -DMAGIC_DEBUG_FLAG foo.c"
+Vim interprets markers that look like this:
+/* vim:set sw=8 noet */
+Do not include any of these in source files. People have their own personal
+editor configurations, and your source files should not override them. This
+includes markers for indentation and mode configuration. People may use their
+own custom mode, or may have some other magic method for making indentation
+work correctly.
Appendix I: References