1. fd746d5 Input: ads7846 - introduce platform specific way to synchronize sampling by Eric Miao · 16 years ago
  2. 6ae19b0 Input: ads7846 - introduce .gpio_pendown to get pendown state by Eric Miao · 16 years ago
  3. 7c6d0ee Input: ads7846 - simplify support of external vREF (and ads7843) by David Brownell · 17 years ago
  4. 1d25891 Input: ads7846 - re-check pendown status before reporting events by Semih Hazar · 18 years ago
  5. e4f4886 Input: ads7846 - introduce sample settling delay by Semih Hazar · 18 years ago
  6. de2defd Input: ads7846 - optionally leave Vref on during differential measurements by Imre Deak · 18 years ago
  7. da970e6 Input: ads7846 - pluggable filtering logic by Imre Deak · 18 years ago
  8. d5b415c Input: ads7846 - improve filtering for thumb press accuracy by Imre Deak · 19 years ago
  9. c9e617a Input: ads7846 - handle IRQs that were latched during disabled IRQs by Imre Deak · 19 years ago
  10. 0b7018a Input: ads7846 - debouncing and rudimentary sample filtering by Imre Deak · 19 years ago
  11. 2e5a7bd [PATCH] spi: ads7836 uses spi_driver by David Brownell · 19 years ago
  12. ffa458c [PATCH] spi: ads7846 driver by David Brownell · 19 years ago