blob: fc45b2a5ec304c430e5e046c1dcf7a3993aa5c18 [file] [log] [blame]
** Copyright 2013, Samsung Electronics Co. LTD
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
/* #define LOG_NDEBUG 0 */
#define LOG_TAG "ExynosCameraUtils"
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include "ExynosCameraUtils.h"
namespace android {
status_t getCropRectAlign(
int src_w, int src_h,
int dst_w, int dst_h,
int *crop_x, int *crop_y,
int *crop_w, int *crop_h,
int align_w, int align_h,
int zoom, float zoomRatio)
*crop_w = src_w;
*crop_h = src_h;
if (src_w == 0 || src_h == 0 || dst_w == 0 || dst_h == 0) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):width or height values is 0, src(%dx%d), dst(%dx%d)",
__func__, src_w, src_h, dst_w, dst_h);
return BAD_VALUE;
/* Calculation aspect ratio */
if ( src_w != dst_w
|| src_h != dst_h) {
float src_ratio = 1.0f;
float dst_ratio = 1.0f;
/* ex : 1024 / 768 */
src_ratio = ROUND_OFF_HALF(((float)src_w / (float)src_h), 2);
/* ex : 352 / 288 */
dst_ratio = ROUND_OFF_HALF(((float)dst_w / (float)dst_h), 2);
if (dst_ratio <= src_ratio) {
/* shrink w */
*crop_w = src_h * ((float)dst_w / (float)dst_h);
*crop_h = src_h;
} else {
/* shrink h */
*crop_w = src_w;
*crop_h = src_w / ((float)dst_w / (float)dst_h);
/* Calculation zoom */
if (zoom != 0) {
* After dividing float & casting int,
* zoomed size can be smaller too much.
* so, when zoom until max, ceil up about floating point.
if (((int)((float)*crop_w / zoomRatio)) * SCALER_MAX_SCALE_UP_RATIO < *crop_w ||
((int)((float)*crop_h / zoomRatio)) * SCALER_MAX_SCALE_UP_RATIO < *crop_h) {
*crop_w = (int)ceil(((float)*crop_w / zoomRatio));
*crop_h = (int)ceil(((float)*crop_h / zoomRatio));
} else
*crop_w = (int)((float)*crop_w / zoomRatio);
*crop_h = (int)((float)*crop_h / zoomRatio);
if (dst_w == dst_h) {
int align_value = 0;
align_value = (align_w < align_h)? align_h : align_w;
*crop_w = ALIGN_UP(*crop_w, align_value);
*crop_h = ALIGN_UP(*crop_h, align_value);
if (*crop_w > src_w) {
*crop_w = ALIGN_DOWN(src_w, align_value);
*crop_h = *crop_w;
} else if (*crop_h > src_h) {
*crop_h = ALIGN_DOWN(src_h, align_value);
*crop_w = *crop_h;
} else {
*crop_w = ALIGN_UP(*crop_w, align_w);
*crop_h = ALIGN_UP(*crop_h, align_h);
if (*crop_w > src_w)
*crop_w = ALIGN_DOWN(src_w, align_w);
if (*crop_h > src_h)
*crop_h = ALIGN_DOWN(src_h, align_h);
*crop_x = ALIGN_DOWN(((src_w - *crop_w) >> 1), 2);
*crop_y = ALIGN_DOWN(((src_h - *crop_h) >> 1), 2);
if (*crop_x < 0 || *crop_y < 0) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):crop size too big (%d, %d, %d, %d)",
__func__, *crop_x, *crop_y, *crop_w, *crop_h);
return BAD_VALUE;
return NO_ERROR;
uint32_t bracketsStr2Ints(
char *str,
uint32_t num,
ExynosRect2 *rect2s,
int *weights,
int mode)
char *curStr = str;
char buf[128];
char *bracketsOpen;
char *bracketsClose;
int tempArray[5] = {0,};
uint32_t validFocusedAreas = 0;
bool isValid;
bool nullArea = false;
isValid = true;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num + 1; i++) {
if (curStr == NULL) {
if (i != num) {
nullArea = false;
bracketsOpen = strchr(curStr, '(');
if (bracketsOpen == NULL) {
if (i != num) {
nullArea = false;
bracketsClose = strchr(bracketsOpen, ')');
if (bracketsClose == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):subBracketsStr2Ints(%s) fail", __func__, buf);
if (i != num) {
nullArea = false;
} else if (i == num) {
return 0;
strncpy(buf, bracketsOpen, bracketsClose - bracketsOpen + 1);
buf[bracketsClose - bracketsOpen + 1] = 0;
if (subBracketsStr2Ints(5, buf, tempArray) == false) {
nullArea = false;
rect2s[i].x1 = tempArray[0];
rect2s[i].y1 = tempArray[1];
rect2s[i].x2 = tempArray[2];
rect2s[i].y2 = tempArray[3];
weights[i] = tempArray[4];
if (mode) {
isValid = true;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if (tempArray[j] < -1000 || tempArray[j] > 1000)
isValid = false;
if (tempArray[4] < 0 || tempArray[4] > 1000)
isValid = false;
if (!rect2s[i].x1 && !rect2s[i].y1 && !rect2s[i].x2 && !rect2s[i].y2 && !weights[i])
nullArea = true;
else if (weights[i] == 0)
isValid = false;
else if (!(tempArray[0] == 0 && tempArray[2] == 0) && tempArray[0] >= tempArray[2])
isValid = false;
else if (!(tempArray[1] == 0 && tempArray[3] == 0) && tempArray[1] >= tempArray[3])
isValid = false;
else if (!(tempArray[0] == 0 && tempArray[2] == 0) && (tempArray[1] == 0 && tempArray[3] == 0))
isValid = false;
else if ((tempArray[0] == 0 && tempArray[2] == 0) && !(tempArray[1] == 0 && tempArray[3] == 0))
isValid = false;
if (isValid)
return 0;
} else {
if (rect2s[i].x1 || rect2s[i].y1 || rect2s[i].x2 || rect2s[i].y2 || weights[i])
curStr = bracketsClose;
if (nullArea && mode)
validFocusedAreas = num;
if (validFocusedAreas == 0)
validFocusedAreas = 1;
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d) - validFocusedAreas(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
tempArray[0], tempArray[1], tempArray[2], tempArray[3], tempArray[4], validFocusedAreas);
return validFocusedAreas;
bool subBracketsStr2Ints(int num, char *str, int *arr)
if (str == NULL || arr == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):str or arr is NULL", __func__);
return false;
/* ex : (-10,-10,0,0,300) */
char buf[128];
char *bracketsOpen;
char *bracketsClose;
char *tok;
char *savePtr;
bracketsOpen = strchr(str, '(');
if (bracketsOpen == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):no '('", __func__);
return false;
bracketsClose = strchr(bracketsOpen, ')');
if (bracketsClose == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):no ')'", __func__);
return false;
strncpy(buf, bracketsOpen + 1, bracketsClose - bracketsOpen + 1);
buf[bracketsClose - bracketsOpen + 1] = 0;
tok = strtok_r(buf, ",", &savePtr);
if (tok == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):strtok_r(%s) fail", __func__, buf);
return false;
arr[0] = atoi(tok);
for (int i = 1; i < num; i++) {
tok = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &savePtr);
if (tok == NULL) {
if (i < num - 1) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):strtok_r() (index : %d, num : %d) fail", __func__, i, num);
return false;
arr[i] = atoi(tok);
return true;
void convertingRectToRect2(ExynosRect *rect, ExynosRect2 *rect2)
rect2->x1 = rect->x;
rect2->y1 = rect->y;
rect2->x2 = rect->x + rect->w;
rect2->y2 = rect->y + rect->h;
void convertingRect2ToRect(ExynosRect2 *rect2, ExynosRect *rect)
rect->x = rect2->x1;
rect->y = rect2->y1;
rect->w = rect2->x2 - rect2->x1;
rect->h = rect2->y2 - rect2->y1;
bool isRectNull(ExynosRect *rect)
if ( rect->x == 0
&& rect->y == 0
&& rect-> w == 0
&& rect->h == 0
&& rect->fullW == 0
&& rect->fullH == 0
&& rect->colorFormat == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool isRectNull(ExynosRect2 *rect2)
if ( rect2->x1 == 0
&& rect2->y1 == 0
&& rect2->x2 == 0
&& rect2->y2 == 0)
return true;
return false;
bool isRectEqual(ExynosRect *rect1, ExynosRect *rect2)
if ( rect1->x == rect2->x
&& rect1->y == rect2->y
&& rect1->w == rect2->w
&& rect1->h == rect2->h
&& rect1->fullW == rect2->fullW
&& rect1->fullH == rect2->fullH
&& rect1->colorFormat == rect2->colorFormat)
return true;
return false;
bool isRectEqual(ExynosRect2 *rect1, ExynosRect2 *rect2)
if ( rect1->x1 == rect2->x1
&& rect1->y1 == rect2->y1
&& rect1->x2 == rect2->x2
&& rect1->y2 == rect2->y2)
return true;
return false;
ExynosRect2 convertingActualArea2HWArea(ExynosRect2 *srcRect, const ExynosRect *regionRect)
int x = regionRect->x;
int y = regionRect->y;
int w = regionRect->w;
int h = regionRect->h;
ExynosRect2 newRect2;
newRect2.x1 = srcRect->x1 - x;
newRect2.y1 = srcRect->y1 - y;
newRect2.x2 = srcRect->x2 - x;
newRect2.y2 = srcRect->y2 - y;
if (newRect2.x1 < 0)
newRect2.x1 = 0;
else if (w <= newRect2.x1)
newRect2.x1 = w - 1;
if (newRect2.y1 < 0)
newRect2.y1 = 0;
else if (h <= newRect2.y1)
newRect2.y1 = h - 1;
if (newRect2.x2 < 0)
newRect2.x2 = 0;
else if (w <= newRect2.x2)
newRect2.x2 = w - 1;
if (newRect2.y2 < 0)
newRect2.y2 = 0;
else if (h <= newRect2.y2)
newRect2.y2 = h - 1;
if (newRect2.x2 < newRect2.x1)
newRect2.x2 = newRect2.x1;
if (newRect2.y2 < newRect2.y1)
newRect2.y2 = newRect2.y1;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]): src(%d %d %d %d) region(%d %d %d %d) newRect(%d %d %d %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
srcRect->x1, srcRect->y1, srcRect->x2, srcRect->y2,
regionRect->x , regionRect->y, regionRect->w, regionRect->h,
newRect2.x1 , newRect2.y1, newRect2.x2, newRect2.y2);
return newRect2;
ExynosRect2 convertingAndroidArea2HWArea(ExynosRect2 *srcRect, const ExynosRect *regionRect)
int x = regionRect->x;
int y = regionRect->y;
int w = regionRect->w;
int h = regionRect->h;
ExynosRect2 newRect2;
newRect2.x1 = (srcRect->x1 + 1000) * w / 2000;
newRect2.y1 = (srcRect->y1 + 1000) * h / 2000;
newRect2.x2 = (srcRect->x2 + 1000) * w / 2000;
newRect2.y2 = (srcRect->y2 + 1000) * h / 2000;
if (newRect2.x1 < 0)
newRect2.x1 = 0;
else if (w <= newRect2.x1)
newRect2.x1 = w - 1;
if (newRect2.y1 < 0)
newRect2.y1 = 0;
else if (h <= newRect2.y1)
newRect2.y1 = h - 1;
if (newRect2.x2 < 0)
newRect2.x2 = 0;
else if (w <= newRect2.x2)
newRect2.x2 = w - 1;
if (newRect2.y2 < 0)
newRect2.y2 = 0;
else if (h <= newRect2.y2)
newRect2.y2 = h - 1;
if (newRect2.x2 < newRect2.x1)
newRect2.x2 = newRect2.x1;
if (newRect2.y2 < newRect2.y1)
newRect2.y2 = newRect2.y1;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]): src(%d %d %d %d) region(%d %d %d %d) newRect(%d %d %d %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
srcRect->x1, srcRect->y1, srcRect->x2, srcRect->y2,
regionRect->x , regionRect->y, regionRect->w, regionRect->h,
newRect2.x1 , newRect2.y1, newRect2.x2, newRect2.y2);
return newRect2;
ExynosRect2 convertingAndroidArea2HWAreaBcropOut(ExynosRect2 *srcRect, const ExynosRect *regionRect)
/* do nothing, same as noraml converting */
return convertingAndroidArea2HWArea(srcRect, regionRect);
ExynosRect2 convertingAndroidArea2HWAreaBcropIn(ExynosRect2 *srcRect, const ExynosRect *regionRect)
ExynosRect2 newRect2;
int x = regionRect->x;
int y = regionRect->y;
int w = regionRect->w;
int h = regionRect->h;
newRect2 = convertingAndroidArea2HWArea(srcRect, regionRect);
/* add x, y size */
newRect2.x1 += x;
newRect2.y1 += y;
newRect2.x2 += x;
newRect2.y2 += y;
ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): src(%d %d %d %d) region(%d %d %d %d) newRect(%d %d %d %d)",
srcRect->x1, srcRect->y1, srcRect->x2, srcRect->y2,
regionRect->x , regionRect->y, regionRect->w, regionRect->h,
newRect2.x1 , newRect2.y1, newRect2.x2, newRect2.y2);
return newRect2;
ExynosRect2 convertingSrcArea2DstArea(ExynosRect2 *srcRect, const ExynosRect *srcRegionRect, const ExynosRect *dstRegionRect)
int x = dstRegionRect->x;
int y = dstRegionRect->y;
int w = dstRegionRect->w;
int h = dstRegionRect->h;
ExynosRect2 newRect2;
newRect2.x1 = (srcRect->x1 * w) / srcRegionRect->w;
newRect2.y1 = (srcRect->y1 * h) / srcRegionRect->h;
newRect2.x2 = (srcRect->x2 * w) / srcRegionRect->w;
newRect2.y2 = (srcRect->y2 * h) / srcRegionRect->h;
if (newRect2.x1 < 0)
newRect2.x1 = 0;
else if (w <= newRect2.x1)
newRect2.x1 = w - 1;
if (newRect2.y1 < 0)
newRect2.y1 = 0;
else if (h <= newRect2.y1)
newRect2.y1 = h - 1;
if (newRect2.x2 < 0)
newRect2.x2 = 0;
else if (w <= newRect2.x2)
newRect2.x2 = w - 1;
if (newRect2.y2 < 0)
newRect2.y2 = 0;
else if (h <= newRect2.y2)
newRect2.y2 = h - 1;
if (newRect2.x2 < newRect2.x1)
newRect2.x2 = newRect2.x1;
if (newRect2.y2 < newRect2.y1)
newRect2.y2 = newRect2.y1;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]): src(%d %d %d %d) srcRegion(%d %d %d %d) dstRegion(%d %d %d %d) newRect(%d %d %d %d)",
srcRect->x1, srcRect->y1, srcRect->x2, srcRect->y2,
srcRegionRect->x, srcRegionRect->y, srcRegionRect->w, srcRegionRect->h,
dstRegionRect->x, dstRegionRect->y, dstRegionRect->w, dstRegionRect->h,
newRect2.x1, newRect2.y1, newRect2.x2, newRect2.y2);
return newRect2;
status_t getResolutionList(String8 &string8Buf, struct ExynosSensorInfoBase *sensorInfo,
int *w, int *h, int mode, int camid)
bool found = false;
bool flagFirst = true;
char strBuf[32];
int sizeOfResSize = 0;
int cropX = 0, cropY = 0, cropW = 0, cropH = 0;
int max_w = 0, max_h = 0;
/* this is up to /packages/apps/Camera/res/values/arrays.xml */
switch (mode) {
if (camid == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->rearPreviewList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->rearPreviewListMax;
} else {
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->frontPreviewList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->frontPreviewListMax;
if (camid == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->rearPictureList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->rearPictureListMax;
} else {
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->frontPictureList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->frontPictureListMax;
if (camid == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->rearVideoList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->rearVideoListMax;
} else {
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->frontVideoList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->frontVideoListMax;
RESOLUTION_LIST = sensorInfo->thumbnailList;
sizeOfResSize = sensorInfo->thumbnailListMax;
ALOGE("ERR(%s):invalid mode(%d)", __func__, mode);
return BAD_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeOfResSize; i++) {
if ( RESOLUTION_LIST[i][0] <= *w
&& RESOLUTION_LIST[i][1] <= *h) {
if (flagFirst == true) {
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), "%dx%d", RESOLUTION_LIST[i][0], RESOLUTION_LIST[i][1]);
max_w = RESOLUTION_LIST[i][0];
max_h = RESOLUTION_LIST[i][1];
flagFirst = false;
} else {
if ((mode == MODE_PICTURE || mode == MODE_THUMBNAIL) &&
((max_w) / 16 > RESOLUTION_LIST[i][0] ||
(max_h / 16) > RESOLUTION_LIST[i][1])) {
ALOGI("INFO(%s)skipped : size(%d x %d)",
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), ",%dx%d", RESOLUTION_LIST[i][0], RESOLUTION_LIST[i][1]);
found = true;
if (found == false) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):cannot find resolutions", __func__);
} else {
*w = max_w;
*h = max_h;
return NO_ERROR;
void setZoomRatioList(int *list, int len, float maxZoomRatio)
float zoom_ratio_delta = pow(maxZoomRatio, 1.0f / len);
for (int i = 0; i <= len; i++) {
list[i] = (int)(pow(zoom_ratio_delta, i) * 1000);
ALOGV("INFO(%s):list[%d]:(%d), (%f)", __func__, i, list[i], (float)((float)list[i] / 1000));
status_t getZoomRatioList(String8 & string8Buf, int maxZoom, int maxZoomRatio, int *list)
bool flagFirst = true;
char strBuf[32];
int cur = 0;
int step = maxZoom - 1;
setZoomRatioList(list, maxZoom - 1, (float)(maxZoomRatio / 1000));
for (int i = 0; i < step; i++) {
cur = (int)(list[i] / 10);
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), "%d", cur);
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), "%d", (maxZoomRatio / 10));
/* ex : "100,130,160,190,220,250,280,310,340,360,400" */
return NO_ERROR;
status_t getSupportedFpsList(String8 & string8Buf, int min, int max, int camid, struct ExynosSensorInfoBase *sensorInfo)
bool found = false;
bool flagFirst = true;
char strBuf[32];
int numOfList = 0;
int (*sizeList)[2];
if (camid == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
sizeList = sensorInfo->rearFPSList;
for (int i = 0; i < sensorInfo->rearFPSListMax; i++) {
if (min <= sizeList[i][0] &&
sizeList[i][1] <= max) {
if (flagFirst == true) {
flagFirst = false;
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), "(%d,%d)", sizeList[i][0], sizeList[i][1]);
} else {
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), ",(%d,%d)", sizeList[i][0], sizeList[i][1]);
found = true;
} else {
sizeList = sensorInfo->frontFPSList;
for (int i = 0; i < sensorInfo->frontFPSListMax; i++) {
if (min <= sizeList[i][0] &&
sizeList[i][1] <= max) {
if (flagFirst == true) {
flagFirst = false;
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), "(%d,%d)", sizeList[i][0], sizeList[i][1]);
} else {
snprintf(strBuf, sizeof(strBuf), ",(%d,%d)", sizeList[i][0], sizeList[i][1]);
found = true;
if (found == false)
ALOGE("ERR(%s):cannot find fps list", __func__);
return NO_ERROR;
int32_t getMetaDmRequestFrameCount(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext)
if (shot_ext == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): buffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return -1;
return shot_ext->;
int32_t getMetaDmRequestFrameCount(struct camera2_dm *dm)
if (dm == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): buffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return -1;
return dm->request.frameCount;
void setMetaCtlAeTargetFpsRange(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint32_t min, uint32_t max)
ALOGI("INFO(%s):aeTargetFpsRange(min=%d, min=%d)", __FUNCTION__, min, max);
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeTargetFpsRange[0] = min;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeTargetFpsRange[1] = max;
void getMetaCtlAeTargetFpsRange(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint32_t *min, uint32_t *max)
*min = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeTargetFpsRange[0];
*max = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeTargetFpsRange[1];
void setMetaCtlSensorFrameDuration(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint64_t duration)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.frameDuration = duration;
void getMetaCtlSensorFrameDuration(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint64_t *duration)
*duration = shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.frameDuration;
void setMetaCtlAeMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_aemode aeMode)
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.exposureTime == 0)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = aeMode;
void getMetaCtlAeMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_aemode *aeMode)
*aeMode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode;
void setMetaCtlAeLock(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, bool lock)
if (lock == true)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeLock = AA_AE_LOCK_ON;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeLock = AA_AE_LOCK_OFF;
void getMetaCtlAeLock(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, bool *lock)
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeLock == AA_AE_LOCK_OFF)
*lock = false;
*lock = true;
void setMetaCtlExposureCompensationStep(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, float expCompensationStep)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_aeExpCompensationStep = expCompensationStep;
void setMetaCtlExposureCompensation(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t expCompensation)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeExpCompensation = expCompensation;
void getMetaCtlExposureCompensation(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t *expCompensation)
*expCompensation = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeExpCompensation;
void setMetaCtlExposureTime(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint64_t exposureTime)
if (exposureTime != 0) {
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_OFF;
setMetaCtlAeRegion(shot_ext, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.exposureTime = exposureTime;
void getMetaCtlExposureTime(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint64_t *exposureTime)
*exposureTime = shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.exposureTime;
void setMetaCtlCaptureExposureTime(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint32_t exposureTime)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_captureExposureTime = exposureTime;
void getMetaCtlCaptureExposureTime(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint32_t *exposureTime)
*exposureTime = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_captureExposureTime;
void setMetaCtlDisparityMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum companion_disparity_mode disparity_mode)
shot_ext->shot.uctl.companionUd.disparity_mode = disparity_mode;
void setMetaCtlWbLevel(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t wbLevel)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_awbValue = wbLevel;
void getMetaCtlWbLevel(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t *wbLevel)
*wbLevel = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_awbValue;
status_t setMetaCtlCropRegion(
struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int x, int y, int w, int h)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[0] = x;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[1] = y;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[2] = w;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[3] = h;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t setMetaCtlCropRegion(
struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int zoom,
int srcW, int srcH,
int dstW, int dstH, float zoomRatio)
int newX = 0;
int newY = 0;
int newW = 0;
int newH = 0;
if (getCropRectAlign(srcW, srcH,
dstW, dstH,
&newX, &newY,
&newW, &newH,
16, 2,
zoom, zoomRatio) != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):getCropRectAlign(%d, %d, %d, %d) fail",
__func__, srcW, srcH, dstW, dstH);
return BAD_VALUE;
newX = ALIGN(newX, 2);
newY = ALIGN(newY, 2);
ALOGV("DEBUG(%s):size(%d, %d, %d, %d), level(%d)",
__FUNCTION__, newX, newY, newW, newH, zoom);
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[0] = newX;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[1] = newY;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[2] = newW;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[3] = newH;
return NO_ERROR;
void getMetaCtlCropRegion(
struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int *x, int *y,
int *w, int *h)
*x = shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[0];
*y = shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[1];
*w = shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[2];
*h = shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[3];
void setMetaCtlAeRegion(
struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int x, int y,
int w, int h,
int weight)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[0] = x;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[1] = y;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[2] = w;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[3] = h;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[4] = weight;
void getMetaCtlAeRegion(
struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int *x, int *y,
int *w, int *h,
int *weight)
*x = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[0];
*y = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[1];
*w = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[2];
*h = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[3];
*weight = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeRegions[4];
void setMetaCtlAntibandingMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_ae_antibanding_mode antibandingMode)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeAntibandingMode = antibandingMode;
void getMetaCtlAntibandingMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_ae_antibanding_mode *antibandingMode)
*antibandingMode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeAntibandingMode;
void setMetaCtlSceneMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_mode mode, enum aa_scene_mode sceneMode)
enum processing_mode default_edge_mode = PROCESSING_MODE_FAST;
enum processing_mode default_noise_mode = PROCESSING_MODE_FAST;
int default_edge_strength = 5;
int default_noise_strength = 5;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.mode = mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.sceneMode = sceneMode;
switch (sceneMode) {
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF
&& shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.exposureTime == 0)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.sceneMode = AA_SCENE_MODE_DISABLED;
if(shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode != AA_ISOMODE_MANUAL) {
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
/* set default setting */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
/* AE_LOCK is prohibited */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF ||
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeLock == AA_AE_LOCK_ON) {
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
/* set default setting */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_DAYLIGHT;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
/* set default setting */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_MANUAL;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 200;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 200;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 4; /* "4" is default + 1. */
/* set default setting */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_MATRIX;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
/* set default setting */
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode == AA_AEMODE_OFF)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.aeMode = AA_AEMODE_CENTER;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = AA_AWBMODE_WB_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = AA_ISOMODE_AUTO;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = 0;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = default_noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = default_noise_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = default_edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = default_edge_strength;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = 3; /* "3" is default. */
void getMetaCtlSceneMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_mode *mode, enum aa_scene_mode *sceneMode)
*mode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.mode;
*sceneMode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.sceneMode;
void setMetaCtlAwbMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_awbmode awbMode)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode = awbMode;
void getMetaCtlAwbMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_awbmode *awbMode)
*awbMode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbMode;
void setMetaCtlAwbLock(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, bool lock)
if (lock == true)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbLock = AA_AWB_LOCK_ON;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbLock = AA_AWB_LOCK_OFF;
void getMetaCtlAwbLock(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, bool *lock)
if (shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.awbLock == AA_AWB_LOCK_OFF)
*lock = false;
*lock = true;
void setMetaVtMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum camera_vt_mode mode)
shot_ext->shot.uctl.vtMode = mode;
void setMetaVideoMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_videomode mode)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_videoMode = mode;
void setMetaCtlAfRegion(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int x, int y, int w, int h, int weight)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[0] = x;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[1] = y;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[2] = w;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[3] = h;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[4] = weight;
void getMetaCtlAfRegion(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext,
int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h, int *weight)
*x = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[0];
*y = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[1];
*w = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[2];
*h = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[3];
*weight = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.afRegions[4];
void setMetaCtlColorCorrectionMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum colorcorrection_mode mode)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.mode = mode;
void getMetaCtlColorCorrectionMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum colorcorrection_mode *mode)
*mode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.mode;
void setMetaCtlAaEffect(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, aa_effect_mode_t mode)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.effectMode = mode;
void getMetaCtlAaEffect(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, aa_effect_mode_t *mode)
*mode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.effectMode;
void setMetaCtlBrightness(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t brightness)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_brightness = brightness;
void getMetaCtlBrightness(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t *brightness)
*brightness = shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_brightness;
void setMetaCtlSaturation(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t saturation)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation = saturation;
void getMetaCtlSaturation(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t *saturation)
*saturation = shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_saturation;
void setMetaCtlHue(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t hue)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_hue = hue;
void getMetaCtlHue(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int32_t *hue)
*hue = shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_hue;
void setMetaCtlContrast(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint32_t contrast)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_contrast = contrast;
void getMetaCtlContrast(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint32_t *contrast)
*contrast = shot_ext->shot.ctl.color.vendor_contrast;
void setMetaCtlSharpness(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum processing_mode edge_mode, int32_t edge_sharpness,
enum processing_mode noise_mode, int32_t noise_sharpness)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode = edge_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength = (uint8_t) edge_sharpness;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode = noise_mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength = (uint8_t) noise_sharpness;
void getMetaCtlSharpness(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum processing_mode *edge_mode, int32_t *edge_sharpness,
enum processing_mode *noise_mode, int32_t *noise_sharpness)
*edge_mode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.mode;
*edge_sharpness = (int32_t) shot_ext->shot.ctl.edge.strength;
*noise_mode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.mode;
*noise_sharpness = (int32_t) shot_ext->shot.ctl.noise.strength;
void setMetaCtlIso(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_isomode mode, uint32_t iso)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode = mode;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue = iso;
shot_ext->shot.ctl.sensor.sensitivity = iso;
void getMetaCtlIso(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum aa_isomode *mode, uint32_t *iso)
*mode = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoMode;
*iso = shot_ext->shot.ctl.aa.vendor_isoValue;
void setMetaCtlFdMode(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, enum facedetect_mode mode)
shot_ext->shot.ctl.stats.faceDetectMode = mode;
void getStreamFrameValid(struct camera2_stream *shot_stream, uint32_t *fvalid)
*fvalid = shot_stream->fvalid;
void getStreamFrameCount(struct camera2_stream *shot_stream, uint32_t *fcount)
*fcount = shot_stream->fcount;
status_t setMetaDmSensorTimeStamp(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint64_t timeStamp)
status_t status = NO_ERROR;
if (shot_ext == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):buffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return status;
shot_ext-> = timeStamp;
return status;
nsecs_t getMetaDmSensorTimeStamp(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext)
if (shot_ext == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):buffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return 0;
return shot_ext->;
status_t setMetaUdmSensorTimeStampBoot(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, uint64_t timeStamp)
status_t status = NO_ERROR;
if (shot_ext == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):buffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return status;
shot_ext->shot.udm.sensor.timeStampBoot = timeStamp;
return status;
nsecs_t getMetaUdmSensorTimeStampBoot(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext)
if (shot_ext == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):buffer is NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return 0;
return shot_ext->shot.udm.sensor.timeStampBoot;
void setMetaNodeLeaderRequest(struct camera2_shot_ext* shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->node_group.leader.request = value;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeLeaderVideoID(struct camera2_shot_ext* shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->node_group.leader.vid = value;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeLeaderInputSize(struct camera2_shot_ext* shot_ext, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
shot_ext->node_group.leader.input.cropRegion[0] = x;
shot_ext->node_group.leader.input.cropRegion[1] = y;
shot_ext->node_group.leader.input.cropRegion[2] = w;
shot_ext->node_group.leader.input.cropRegion[3] = h;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d, %d, %d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeLeaderOutputSize(struct camera2_shot_ext * shot_ext, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
shot_ext->node_group.leader.output.cropRegion[0] = x;
shot_ext->node_group.leader.output.cropRegion[1] = y;
shot_ext->node_group.leader.output.cropRegion[2] = w;
shot_ext->node_group.leader.output.cropRegion[3] = h;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d, %d, %d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeCaptureRequest(struct camera2_shot_ext* shot_ext, int index, int value)
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].request = value;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d)(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeCaptureVideoID(struct camera2_shot_ext* shot_ext, int index, int value)
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].vid = value;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d)(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeCaptureInputSize(struct camera2_shot_ext* shot_ext, int index, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].input.cropRegion[0] = x;
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].input.cropRegion[1] = y;
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].input.cropRegion[2] = w;
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].input.cropRegion[3] = h;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d)(%d, %d, %d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaNodeCaptureOutputSize(struct camera2_shot_ext * shot_ext, int index, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int w, unsigned int h)
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].output.cropRegion[0] = x;
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].output.cropRegion[1] = y;
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].output.cropRegion[2] = w;
shot_ext->node_group.capture[index].output.cropRegion[3] = h;
ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):(%d)(%d, %d, %d, %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__,
void setMetaBypassDrc(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->drc_bypass = value;
void setMetaBypassDis(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->dis_bypass = value;
void setMetaBypassDnr(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->dnr_bypass = value;
void setMetaBypassFd(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->fd_bypass = value;
void setMetaSetfile(struct camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext, int value)
shot_ext->setfile = value;
int mergeSetfileYuvRange(int setfile, int yuvRange)
int ret = setfile;
ret &= (0x0000ffff);
ret |= (yuvRange << 16);
return ret;
int getPlaneSizeFlite(int width, int height)
int PlaneSize;
int Alligned_Width;
int Bytes;
Alligned_Width = (width + 9) / 10 * 10;
Bytes = Alligned_Width * 8 / 5 ;
PlaneSize = Bytes * height;
return PlaneSize;
int getBayerLineSize(int width, int bayerFormat)
int bytesPerLine = 0;
if (width <= 0) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):Invalid input width size (%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, width);
return bytesPerLine;
switch (bayerFormat) {
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR16:
bytesPerLine = ROUND_UP(width * 2, CAMERA_16PX_ALIGN);
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR12:
bytesPerLine = ROUND_UP((width * 3 / 2), CAMERA_16PX_ALIGN);
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR10:
bytesPerLine = ROUND_UP((width * 5 / 4), CAMERA_16PX_ALIGN);
bytesPerLine = ROUND_UP(width , CAMERA_16PX_ALIGN);
ALOGW("WRN(%s[%d]):Invalid bayer format(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, bayerFormat);
bytesPerLine = ROUND_UP(width * 2, CAMERA_16PX_ALIGN);
return bytesPerLine;
int getBayerPlaneSize(int width, int height, int bayerFormat)
int planeSize = 0;
int bytesPerLine = 0;
if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):Invalid input size (%d x %d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, width, height);
return planeSize;
bytesPerLine = getBayerLineSize(width, bayerFormat);
planeSize = bytesPerLine * height;
return planeSize;
bool dumpToFile(char *filename, char *srcBuf, unsigned int size)
FILE *yuvFd = NULL;
char *buffer = NULL;
yuvFd = fopen(filename, "w+");
if (yuvFd == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):open(%s) fail",
__func__, filename);
return false;
buffer = (char *)malloc(size);
if (buffer == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):malloc file", __func__);
return false;
memcpy(buffer, srcBuf, size);
fwrite(buffer, 1, size, yuvFd);
if (yuvFd)
if (buffer)
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):filedump(%s, size(%d) is successed!!",
__func__, filename, size);
return true;
bool dumpToFile2plane(char *filename, char *srcBuf, char *srcBuf1, unsigned int size, unsigned int size1)
FILE *yuvFd = NULL;
char *buffer = NULL;
yuvFd = fopen(filename, "w+");
if (yuvFd == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):open(%s) fail",
__func__, filename);
return false;
buffer = (char *)malloc(size + size1);
if (buffer == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s):malloc file", __func__);
return false;
memcpy(buffer, srcBuf, size);
memcpy(buffer + size, srcBuf1, size1);
fwrite(buffer, 1, size + size1, yuvFd);
if (yuvFd)
if (buffer)
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):filedump(%s, size(%d) is successed!!",
__func__, filename, size);
return true;
status_t getYuvPlaneSize(int format, unsigned int *size,
unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
unsigned int frame_ratio = 1;
unsigned int frame_size = width * height;
unsigned int src_bpp = 0;
unsigned int src_planes = 0;
if (getYuvFormatInfo(format, &src_bpp, &src_planes) < 0){
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): invalid format(%x)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, format);
return BAD_VALUE;
src_planes = (src_planes == 0) ? 1 : src_planes;
frame_ratio = 8 * (src_planes -1) / (src_bpp - 8);
switch (src_planes) {
case 1:
switch (format) {
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGR32:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB32:
size[0] = frame_size << 2;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565X:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV16:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV61:
size[0] = frame_size << 1;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21M:
size[0] = (frame_size * 3) >> 1;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420:
size[0] = frame_size + (ALIGN((width >> 1), 16) * ((height >> 1) * 2));
ALOGE("%s::invalid color type", __func__);
return false;
size[1] = 0;
size[2] = 0;
case 2:
size[0] = frame_size;
size[1] = frame_size / frame_ratio;
size[2] = 0;
case 3:
size[0] = frame_size;
size[1] = frame_size / frame_ratio;
size[2] = frame_size / frame_ratio;
ALOGE("%s::invalid color foarmt", __func__);
return false;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t getYuvFormatInfo(unsigned int v4l2_pixel_format,
unsigned int *bpp, unsigned int *planes)
switch (v4l2_pixel_format) {
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21:
*bpp = 12;
*planes = 1;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21M:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12MT:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12MT_16X16:
*bpp = 12;
*planes = 2;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420:
*bpp = 12;
*planes = 1;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420M:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M:
*bpp = 12;
*planes = 3;
*bpp = 16;
*planes = 1;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV16:
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV61:
*bpp = 16;
*planes = 2;
case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P:
*bpp = 16;
*planes = 3;
return BAD_VALUE;
return NO_ERROR;
int getYuvPlaneCount(unsigned int v4l2_pixel_format)
int ret = 0;
unsigned int bpp = 0;
unsigned int planeCnt = 0;
ret = getYuvFormatInfo(v4l2_pixel_format, &bpp, &planeCnt);
if (ret < 0) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): BAD_VALUE", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return -1;
return planeCnt;
int displayExynosBuffer( ExynosCameraBuffer *buffer) {
ALOGD(" buffer.index = %d ", buffer->index);
ALOGD(" buffer.planeCount = %d ", buffer->planeCount);
for(int i = 0 ; i < buffer->planeCount ; i++ ) {
ALOGD(" buffer.fd[%d] = %d ", i, buffer->fd[i]);
ALOGD(" buffer.size[%d] = %d ", i, buffer->size[i]);
ALOGD(" buffer.addr[%d] = %p ", i, buffer->addr[i]);
return 0;
int getSensorIdFromFile(int camId)
FILE *fp = NULL;
int numread = -1;
char sensor_name[50];
int sensorName = -1;
bool ret = true;
if (camId == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
fp = fopen(SENSOR_NAME_PATH_BACK, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to open sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
} else if (camId == CAMERA_ID_SECURE) {
fp = fopen(SENSOR_NAME_PATH_SECURE, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to open sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
} else {
fp = fopen(SENSOR_NAME_PATH_FRONT, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to open sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
if (fgets(sensor_name, sizeof(sensor_name), fp) == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to read sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
numread = strlen(sensor_name);
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):Sensor name is %s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sensor_name, numread);
/* TODO: strncmp for check sensor name, str is vendor specific sensor name
* ex)
* if (strncmp((const char*)sensor_name, "str", numread - 1) == 0) {
* sensorName = SENSOR_NAME_IMX135;
* }
sensorName = atoi(sensor_name);
if (fp != NULL)
return sensorName;
const char *getSensorFWFromFile(struct ExynosSensorInfoBase *info, int camId)
FILE *fp = NULL;
int numread = -1;
if (camId == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
fp = fopen(SENSOR_FW_PATH_BACK, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to open sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
} else {
fp = fopen(SENSOR_FW_PATH_FRONT, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to open sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
if (fgets(info->sensor_fw, sizeof(info->sensor_fw), fp) == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):failed to read sysfs entry", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
goto err;
numread = strlen(info->sensor_fw);
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):Sensor fw is %s(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, info->sensor_fw, numread);
if (fp != NULL)
return (const char *)info->sensor_fw;
int checkBit(unsigned int *target, int index)
int ret = 0;
if (*target & (1 << index)) {
ret = 1;
} else {
ret = 0;
return ret;
void clearBit(unsigned int *target, int index, bool isStatePrint)
*target = *target &~ (1 << index);
if (isStatePrint)
ALOGD("INFO(%s[%d]):(0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, *target);
void setBit(unsigned int *target, int index, bool isStatePrint)
*target = *target | (1 << index);
if (isStatePrint)
ALOGD("INFO(%s[%d]):(0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, *target);
void resetBit(unsigned int *target, int value, bool isStatePrint)
*target = value;
if (isStatePrint)
ALOGD("INFO(%s[%d]):(0x%x)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, *target);
status_t addBayerBuffer(struct ExynosCameraBuffer *srcBuf,
struct ExynosCameraBuffer *dstBuf,
__unused ExynosRect *dstRect,
bool isPacked)
status_t ret = NO_ERROR;
if (srcBuf == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):srcBuf == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
/* assume bayer buffer is 0 */
if (srcBuf->size[0] != dstBuf->size[0])
ALOGW("WARN(%s[%d]):srcBuf->size[0] (%d)!= dstBuf->size[0](%d). weird",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, srcBuf->size[0], dstBuf->size[0]);
unsigned int copySize = (srcBuf->size[0] < dstBuf->size[0]) ? srcBuf->size[0] : dstBuf->size[0];
if (isPacked == true)
ret = addBayerBufferByNeonPacked(srcBuf, dstBuf, dstRect, copySize);
ret = addBayerBufferByNeon(srcBuf, dstBuf, copySize);
ret = addBayerBufferByCpu(srcBuf, dstBuf, copySize);
if (ret != NO_ERROR)
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):addBayerBuffer() fail", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return ret;
status_t addBayerBufferByNeon(struct ExynosCameraBuffer *srcBuf,
struct ExynosCameraBuffer *dstBuf,
unsigned int copySize)
if (srcBuf->addr[0] == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):srcBuf->addr[0] == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (dstBuf->addr[0] == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):dstBuf->addr[0] == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
/* bayer is max 16bit, so add by short */
unsigned short*firstSrcAddr = (unsigned short *)srcBuf->addr[0];
unsigned short*firstDstAddr = (unsigned short *)dstBuf->addr[0];
unsigned short*srcAddr = firstSrcAddr;
unsigned short*dstAddr = firstDstAddr;
* loop as copySize / 32 byte
* 32 byte is perfect align size of cache.
* 64 byte is not faster than 32byte.
unsigned int alignByte = 64;
unsigned int alignShort = 32;
unsigned int realCopySize = copySize / alignByte;
unsigned int remainedCopySize = copySize % alignByte;
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):srcAddr(%p), dstAddr(%p), copySize(%d), sizeof(short)(%d),\
alignByte(%d), realCopySize(%d), remainedCopySize(%d)",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, srcAddr, dstAddr, copySize, sizeof(short), alignByte,
realCopySize, remainedCopySize);
unsigned short* src0_ptr, *src1_ptr;
uint16x8_t src0_u16x8_0;
uint16x8_t src0_u16x8_1;
uint16x8_t src0_u16x8_2;
uint16x8_t src0_u16x8_3;
src0_ptr = dstAddr;
src1_ptr = srcAddr;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < realCopySize; i++) {
src0_u16x8_0 = vqaddq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src0_ptr)), 6),
vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src1_ptr)), 6));
src0_u16x8_1 = vqaddq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src0_ptr + 8)), 6),
vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src1_ptr + 8)), 6));
src0_u16x8_2 = vqaddq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src0_ptr + 16)), 6),
vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src1_ptr + 16)), 6));
src0_u16x8_3 = vqaddq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src0_ptr + 24)), 6),
vshlq_n_u16(vld1q_u16((uint16_t*)(src1_ptr + 24)), 6));
vst1q_u16((src0_ptr), vshrq_n_u16(src0_u16x8_0, 6));
vst1q_u16((src0_ptr + 8), vshrq_n_u16(src0_u16x8_1, 6));
vst1q_u16((src0_ptr + 16),vshrq_n_u16(src0_u16x8_2, 6));
vst1q_u16((src0_ptr + 24),vshrq_n_u16(src0_u16x8_3, 6));
src0_ptr = firstDstAddr + (alignShort * (i + 1));
src1_ptr = firstSrcAddr + (alignShort * (i + 1));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < remainedCopySize; i++) {
dstAddr[i] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[i], srcAddr[i]);
return NO_ERROR;
status_t addBayerBufferByNeonPacked(struct ExynosCameraBuffer *srcBuf,
struct ExynosCameraBuffer *dstBuf,
ExynosRect *dstRect,
unsigned int copySize)
if (srcBuf->addr[0] == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):srcBuf->addr[0] == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (dstBuf->addr[0] == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):dstBuf->addr[0] == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
/* bayer is max 16bit, so add by short */
unsigned char *firstSrcAddr = (unsigned char *)srcBuf->addr[0];
unsigned char *firstDstAddr = (unsigned char *)dstBuf->addr[0];
unsigned char *srcAddr = firstSrcAddr;
unsigned char *dstAddr = firstDstAddr;
* * loop as copySize / 32 byte
* * 32 byte is perfect align size of cache.
* * 64 byte is not faster than 32byte.
* */
unsigned int alignByte = 12;
unsigned int alignShort = 6;
unsigned int realCopySize = copySize / alignByte;
unsigned int remainedCopySize = copySize % alignByte;
uint16x8_t src_u16x8_0;
uint16x8_t dst_u16x8_0;
unsigned int width_byte = dstRect->w * 12 / 8;
width_byte = ALIGN_UP(width_byte, 16);
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):srcAddr(%p), dstAddr(%p), copySize(%d), sizeof(short)(%d),\
alignByte(%d), realCopySize(%d), remainedCopySize(%d), pixel width(%d), pixel height(%d),\
16 aligned byte width(%d)",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, srcAddr, dstAddr, copySize, sizeof(short),
alignByte, realCopySize, remainedCopySize, dstRect->w, dstRect->h, width_byte);
unsigned char dst_temp[16];
unsigned short dstPix_0, dstPix_1, dstPix_2, dstPix_3, dstPix_4, dstPix_5, dstPix_6, dstPix_7;
unsigned short srcPix_0, srcPix_1, srcPix_2, srcPix_3, srcPix_4, srcPix_5, srcPix_6, srcPix_7;
unsigned int col;
for (unsigned int row = 0; row < (unsigned int)dstRect->h; row++) {
for (col = 0; col + alignByte <= width_byte; col += alignByte) {
dstAddr = firstDstAddr + width_byte * row + col;
srcAddr = firstSrcAddr + width_byte * row + col;
unsigned short temp_0 = dstAddr[0];
unsigned short temp_1 = dstAddr[1];
unsigned short temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
unsigned short temp_2 = dstAddr[2];
unsigned short temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
dstPix_0 = temp_cmbd;
dstPix_1 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = dstAddr[3];
temp_1 = dstAddr[4];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = dstAddr[5];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
dstPix_2 = temp_cmbd;
dstPix_3 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = dstAddr[6];
temp_1 = dstAddr[7];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = dstAddr[8];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
dstPix_4 = temp_cmbd;
dstPix_5 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = dstAddr[9];
temp_1 = dstAddr[10];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = dstAddr[11];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
dstPix_6 = temp_cmbd;
dstPix_7 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = srcAddr[0];
temp_1 = srcAddr[1];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = srcAddr[2];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
srcPix_0 = temp_cmbd;
srcPix_1 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = srcAddr[3];
temp_1 = srcAddr[4];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = srcAddr[5];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
srcPix_2 = temp_cmbd;
srcPix_3 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = srcAddr[6];
temp_1 = srcAddr[7];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = srcAddr[8];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
srcPix_4 = temp_cmbd;
srcPix_5 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = srcAddr[9];
temp_1 = srcAddr[10];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = srcAddr[11];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
srcPix_6 = temp_cmbd;
srcPix_7 = temp_cmbd2;
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_0, src_u16x8_0, 0);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_1, src_u16x8_0, 1);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_2, src_u16x8_0, 2);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_3, src_u16x8_0, 3);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_4, src_u16x8_0, 4);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_5, src_u16x8_0, 5);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_6, src_u16x8_0, 6);
src_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(srcPix_7, src_u16x8_0, 7);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_0, dst_u16x8_0, 0);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_1, dst_u16x8_0, 1);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_2, dst_u16x8_0, 2);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_3, dst_u16x8_0, 3);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_4, dst_u16x8_0, 4);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_5, dst_u16x8_0, 5);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_6, dst_u16x8_0, 6);
dst_u16x8_0 = vsetq_lane_u16(dstPix_7, dst_u16x8_0, 7);
dst_u16x8_0 = vqaddq_u16(vshlq_n_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 4), vshlq_n_u16(src_u16x8_0, 4));
dst_u16x8_0 = vshlq_n_u16(vshrq_n_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 6), 2);
dstPix_0 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 0);
dstPix_1 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 1);
dstPix_2 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 2);
dstPix_3 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 3);
dstPix_4 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 4);
dstPix_5 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 5);
dstPix_6 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 6);
dstPix_7 = vgetq_lane_u16(dst_u16x8_0, 7);
dstAddr[0] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_0);
dstAddr[1] = (unsigned char)((COMBINE_P3(dstPix_0, dstPix_1)));
dstAddr[2] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_1 >> 4);
dstAddr[3] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_2);
dstAddr[4] = (unsigned char)((COMBINE_P3(dstPix_2, dstPix_3)));
dstAddr[5] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_3 >> 4);
dstAddr[6] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_4);
dstAddr[7] = (unsigned char)((COMBINE_P3(dstPix_4, dstPix_5)));
dstAddr[8] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_5 >> 4);
dstAddr[9] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_6);
dstAddr[10] = (unsigned char)((COMBINE_P3(dstPix_6, dstPix_7)));
dstAddr[11] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_7 >> 4);
#if 0
/* for the case of pixel width which is not a multiple of 8. The section of codes need to be verified */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < remainedCopySize; i += 3) {
unsigned char temp_0 = dstAddr[0];
unsigned char temp_1 = dstAddr[1];
unsigned char temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
unsigned char temp_2 = dstAddr[2];
unsigned char temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
unsigned char dstPix_0 = temp_cmbd;
unsigned char dstPix_1 = temp_cmbd2;
temp_0 = srcAddr[0];
temp_1 = srcAddr[1];
temp_cmbd = COMBINE_P0(temp_0, temp_1);
temp_2 = srcAddr[2];
temp_cmbd2 = COMBINE_P1(temp_1, temp_2);
srcPix_0 = temp_cmbd;
srcPix_1 = temp_cmbd2;
dstPix_0 = SATURATING_ADD(dstPix_0, srcPix_0);
dstPix_1 = SATURATING_ADD(dstPix_1, srcPix_1);
dstAddr[0] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_0);
dstAddr[1] = (unsigned char)((COMBINE_P3(dstPix_0, dstPix_1)));
dstAddr[2] = (unsigned char)(dstPix_1 >> 4);
dstAddr += 3;
srcAddr += 3;
return NO_ERROR;
status_t addBayerBufferByCpu(struct ExynosCameraBuffer *srcBuf,
struct ExynosCameraBuffer *dstBuf,
unsigned int copySize)
if (srcBuf->addr[0] == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):srcBuf->addr[0] == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
if (dstBuf->addr[0] == NULL) {
ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):dstBuf->addr[0] == NULL", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return BAD_VALUE;
/* bayer is max 16bit, so add by short */
unsigned short *firstSrcAddr = (unsigned short *)srcBuf->addr[0];
unsigned short *firstDstAddr = (unsigned short *)dstBuf->addr[0];
unsigned short *srcAddr = firstSrcAddr;
unsigned short *dstAddr = firstDstAddr;
* loop as copySize / 32 byte
* 32 byte is perfect align size of cache.
* 64 byte is not faster than 32byte.
unsigned int alignByte = 32;
unsigned int alignShort = 16;
unsigned int realCopySize = copySize / alignByte;
unsigned int remainedCopySize = copySize % alignByte;
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]):srcAddr(%p), dstAddr(%p), copySize(%d), sizeof(short)(%d),\
alignByte(%d), realCopySize(%d), remainedCopySize(%d)",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, srcAddr, dstAddr, copySize, sizeof(short), alignByte,
realCopySize, remainedCopySize);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < realCopySize; i++) {
dstAddr[0] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[0], srcAddr[0]);
dstAddr[1] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[1], srcAddr[1]);
dstAddr[2] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[2], srcAddr[2]);
dstAddr[3] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[3], srcAddr[3]);
dstAddr[4] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[4], srcAddr[4]);
dstAddr[5] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[5], srcAddr[5]);
dstAddr[6] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[6], srcAddr[6]);
dstAddr[7] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[7], srcAddr[7]);
dstAddr[8] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[8], srcAddr[8]);
dstAddr[9] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[9], srcAddr[9]);
dstAddr[10] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[10], srcAddr[10]);
dstAddr[11] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[11], srcAddr[11]);
dstAddr[12] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[12], srcAddr[12]);
dstAddr[13] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[13], srcAddr[13]);
dstAddr[14] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[14], srcAddr[14]);
dstAddr[15] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[15], srcAddr[15]);
// jump next 32bytes.
//srcAddr += alignShort;
//dstAddr += alignShort;
/* This is faster on compiler lever */
srcAddr = firstSrcAddr + (alignShort * (i + 1));
dstAddr = firstDstAddr + (alignShort * (i + 1));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < remainedCopySize; i++) {
dstAddr[i] = SATURATING_ADD(dstAddr[i], srcAddr[i]);
return NO_ERROR;
char clip(int i)
if(i < 0)
return 0;
else if(i > 255)
return 255;
return i;
** The only convertingYUYVtoRGB888() code is covered by BSD.
** URL from which the open source has been downloaded is
void convertingYUYVtoRGB888(char *dstBuf, char *srcBuf, int width, int height)
int Y0, Y1, U, V, C0, C1, D, E;
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < (width / 2); x++)
Y0 = srcBuf[(2 * y * width) + (4 * x)];
Y1 = srcBuf[(2 * y * width) + (4 * x) + 2];
U = srcBuf[(2 * y * width) + (4 * x) + 1];
V = srcBuf[(2 * y * width) + (4 * x) + 3];
C0 = Y0 - 16;
C1 = Y1 - 16;
D = U - 128;
E = V - 128;
dstBuf[6 * (x + (y * width / 2))] =
clip(((298 * C0) + (409 * E) + 128) >> 8); // R0
dstBuf[6 * (x + (y * width / 2)) + 1] =
clip(((298 * C0) - (100 * D) - (208 * E) + 128) >> 8); // G0
dstBuf[6 * (x + (y * width / 2)) + 2] =
clip(((298 * C0) + (516 * D) + 128) >> 8); // B0
dstBuf[6 * (x + (y * width / 2)) + 3] =
clip(((298 * C1) + (409 * E) + 128) >> 8); // R1
dstBuf[6 * (x + (y * width / 2)) + 4] =
clip(((298 * C1) - (100 * D) - (208 * E) + 128) >> 8); // G1
dstBuf[6 * (x + (y * width / 2)) + 5] =
clip(((298 * C1) + (516 * D) + 128) >> 8); // B1
void checkAndroidVersion(void) {
char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
char targetAndroidVersion[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
property_get("", value, "0");
if (strncmp(targetAndroidVersion, value, PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX))
ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]): Tartget Android version (%s), build version (%s)",
__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, targetAndroidVersion, value);
ALOGI("Andorid build version release %s", value);
}; /* namespace android */