ril: service: Fix RIL_UNSOL_NITZ_TIME_RECEIVED Parcel
* Sometimes, the modem is sending 1-2 extra fields with
the country mcc, which confuses ServiceStateTracker
* Drop the extra data here, instead of in our RIL class
[haggertk]: Forward port to ril-caf on lineage-15.
Change-Id: Ifbec67bb0dac271226bd8b5471deaf6a2ef33f2b
diff --git a/ril/libril/ril_service.cpp b/ril/libril/ril_service.cpp
index 016a215..37bd2a6 100644
--- a/ril/libril/ril_service.cpp
+++ b/ril/libril/ril_service.cpp
@@ -6692,8 +6692,25 @@
RLOGE("nitzTimeReceivedInd: invalid response");
return 0;
- hidl_string nitzTime = convertCharPtrToHidlString((char *) response);
+ hidl_string nitzTime;
int64_t timeReceived = android::elapsedRealtime();
+ char *resp = strndup((char *) response, responseLen);
+ char *tmp = resp;
+ /* Find the 3rd comma */
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ if (tmp != NULL) {
+ tmp = strchr(tmp + 1, ',');
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make the 3rd comma the end of the string */
+ if (tmp != NULL) {
+ *tmp = '\0';
+ }
+ nitzTime = convertCharPtrToHidlString(resp);
+ free(resp);
#if VDBG
RLOGD("nitzTimeReceivedInd: nitzTime %s receivedTime %" PRId64, nitzTime.c_str(),