Alternatively the user mode program could write a hex string for the value using 10 char long format e.g. "0x12345678".
0x12345678 1742000 -> 0x001a94b0 1586000 -> 0x00183350 1456000 -> 0x00163780 1300000 -> 0x0013d620 1157000 -> 0x0011a788 1053000 -> 0x00101148 949000 -> 0x000e7b08 806000 -> 0x000c4c70 650000 -> 0x0009eb10 546000 -> 0x000854d0 442000 -> 0x0006be90
2314000 -> 0x00234f10 2210000 -> 0x0021b8d0 2106000 -> 0x00202290 2002000 -> 0x001e8c50 1898000 -> 0x001cf610 1794000 -> 0x001b5fd0 1690000 -> 0x0019c990 1586000 -> 0x00183350 1508000 -> 0x001702a0 1404000 -> 0x00156c60 1222000 -> 0x0012a570 1066000 -> 0x00104410 962000 -> 0x000eadd0 845000 -> 0x000ce4c8 754000 -> 0x000b8150 650000 -> 0x0009eb10 507000 -> 0x0007bc78
1053000 -> 0x00101148 949000 -> 0x000e7b08 839000 -> 0x000ccd58 764000 -> 0x000ba860 683000 -> 0x000a6bf8 572000 -> 0x0008ba60 546000 -> 0x000854d0 455000 -> 0x0006f158 338000 -> 0x00052850 260000 -> 0x0003f7a0