RM6785: overlay: Kang auto brightness configuration from begonia

Signed-off-by: bengris32 <bengris32@protonmail.ch>
Change-Id: I6dbb1feaa68d818eb0b0c61a72fb575a0cd26b43
diff --git a/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml b/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
index 1da60e4..59fb6c0 100644
--- a/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml
@@ -12,30 +12,133 @@
 <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
-    <!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the LUX values
+    <!-- Array of hysteresis constraint values for brightening, represented as tenths of a
+         percent. The length of this array is assumed to be one greater than
+         config_ambientThresholdLevels. The brightening threshold is calculated as
+         lux * (1.0f + CONSTRAINT_VALUE). When the current lux is higher than this threshold,
+         the screen brightness is recalculated. See the config_ambientThresholdLevels
+         description for how the constraint value is chosen. -->
+    <array name="config_ambientBrighteningThresholds">
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>10</item>
+        <item>30</item>
+        <item>100</item>
+        <item>400</item>
+        <item>600</item>
+        <item>1000</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- Array of hysteresis constraint values for darkening, represented as tenths of a
+         percent. The length of this array is assumed to be one greater than
+         config_ambientThresholdLevels. The darkening threshold is calculated as
+         lux * (1.0f - CONSTRAINT_VALUE). When the current lux is lower than this threshold,
+         the screen brightness is recalculated. See the config_ambientThresholdLevels
+         description for how the constraint value is chosen. -->
+    <array name="config_ambientDarkeningThresholds">
+        <item>800</item>
+        <item>800</item>
+        <item>800</item>
+        <item>800</item>
+        <item>800</item>
+        <item>500</item>
+        <item>500</item>
+        <item>500</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- Array of ambient lux threshold values. This is used for determining hysteresis constraint
+         values by calculating the index to use for lookup and then setting the constraint value
+         to the corresponding value of the array. The new brightening hysteresis constraint value
+         is the n-th element of config_ambientBrighteningThresholds, and the new darkening
+         hysteresis constraint value is the n-th element of config_ambientDarkeningThresholds.
+         The (zero-based) index is calculated as follows: (MAX is the largest index of the array)
+         condition                       calculated index
+         value < level[0]                0
+         level[n] <= value < level[n+1]  n+1
+         level[MAX] <= value             MAX+1 -->
+    <array name="config_ambientThresholdLevels">
+        <item>2</item>
+        <item>10</item>
+        <item>30</item>
+        <item>100</item>
+        <item>800</item>
+        <item>2000</item>
+        <item>4000</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- Array of desired screen brightness in nits corresponding to the lux values
+         in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array. As with config_screenBrightnessMinimumNits and
+         config_screenBrightnessMaximumNits, the display brightness is defined as the measured
+         brightness of an all-white image.
+         If this is defined then:
+            - config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues should not be defined
+            - config_screenBrightnessNits must be defined
+            - config_screenBrightnessBacklight must be defined
+         This array should have size one greater than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels
+         array. The brightness values must be non-negative and non-decreasing. This must be
+         overridden in platform specific overlays -->
+    <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessDisplayValuesNits">
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>15</item>
+        <item>24</item>
+        <item>37</item>
+        <item>47</item>
+        <item>61</item>
+        <item>76</item>
+        <item>83</item>
+        <item>83</item>
+        <item>83</item>
+        <item>87</item>
+        <item>93</item>
+        <item>107</item>
+        <item>117</item>
+        <item>124</item>
+        <item>133</item>
+        <item>166</item>
+        <item>182</item>
+        <item>270</item>
+        <item>315</item>
+        <item>373</item>
+        <item>442</item>
+        <item>455</item>
+    </integer-array>
+    <!-- Array of output values for LCD backlight corresponding to the lux values
          in the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.  This array should have size one greater
          than the size of the config_autoBrightnessLevels array.
+         The brightness values must be between 0 and 255 and be non-decreasing.
          This must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
-    <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
+    <array name="config_autoBrightnessLcdBacklightValues">
+        <item>3</item>
+        <item>3</item>
+        <item>3</item>
+        <item>3</item>
-        <item>64</item>
-        <item>98</item>
-        <item>104</item>
-        <item>110</item>
-        <item>116</item>
-        <item>122</item>
-        <item>128</item>
-        <item>134</item>
-        <item>182</item>
+        <item>13</item>
+        <item>20</item>
+        <item>25</item>
+        <item>33</item>
+        <item>41</item>
+        <item>45</item>
+        <item>45</item>
+        <item>45</item>
+        <item>47</item>
+        <item>50</item>
+        <item>58</item>
+        <item>63</item>
+        <item>67</item>
+        <item>72</item>
+        <item>90</item>
+        <item>99</item>
+        <item>150</item>
+        <item>175</item>
+        <item>208</item>
+        <item>248</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-        <item>255</item>
-    </integer-array>
+    </array>
     <!-- Array of light sensor lux values to define our levels for auto backlight brightness support.
          The N entries of this array define N + 1 control points as follows:
@@ -53,25 +156,130 @@
          Spline interpolation is used to determine the auto-brightness
          backlight values for lux levels between these control points.
          Must be overridden in platform specific overlays -->
-    <integer-array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
-        <item>128</item>
-        <item>256</item>
+    <array name="config_autoBrightnessLevels">
+        <item>1</item>
+        <item>2</item>
+        <item>4</item>
+        <item>5</item>
+        <item>8</item>
+        <item>13</item>
+        <item>17</item>
+        <item>21</item>
+        <item>26</item>
+        <item>30</item>
+        <item>34</item>
+        <item>39</item>
+        <item>60</item>
+        <item>140</item>
+        <item>310</item>
+        <item>400</item>
+        <item>500</item>
+        <item>600</item>
+        <item>1000</item>
+        <item>1200</item>
+        <item>1500</item>
+        <item>2100</item>
+        <item>3000</item>
+        <item>3500</item>
+        <item>4000</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- An array describing the screen's backlight values corresponding to the brightness
+         values in the config_screenBrightnessNits array.
+         This array should be equal in size to config_screenBrightnessBacklight. -->
+    <array name="config_screenBrightnessBacklight">
+        <item>@null</item>
+        <item>1</item>
+        <item>10</item>
+        <item>15</item>
+        <item>30</item>
+        <item>45</item>
+        <item>60</item>
+        <item>75</item>
+        <item>90</item>
+        <item>105</item>
+        <item>120</item>
+        <item>135</item>
+        <item>150</item>
+        <item>165</item>
+        <item>180</item>
+        <item>195</item>
+        <item>210</item>
+        <item>225</item>
+        <item>240</item>
+        <item>255</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- An array of floats describing the screen brightness in nits corresponding to the backlight
+         values in the config_screenBrightnessBacklight array.  On OLED displays these  values
+         should be measured with an all white image while the display is in the fully on state.
+         Note that this value should *not* reflect the maximum brightness value for any high
+         brightness modes but only the maximum brightness value obtainable in a sustainable manner.
+         This array should be equal in size to config_screenBrightnessBacklight -->
+    <array name="config_screenBrightnessNits">
+        <item>@null</item>
+        <item>4</item>
+        <item>22</item>
+        <item>30</item>
+        <item>68</item>
+        <item>95</item>
+        <item>133</item>
+        <item>165</item>
+        <item>192</item>
+        <item>218</item>
+        <item>255</item>
+        <item>290</item>
+        <item>326</item>
+        <item>352</item>
-        <item>512</item>
-        <item>640</item>
-        <item>768</item>
-        <item>896</item>
-        <item>1024</item>
-        <item>2048</item>
-        <item>4096</item>
-        <item>6144</item>
-        <item>8192</item>
-        <item>10240</item>
-        <item>12288</item>
-        <item>14336</item>
-        <item>16384</item>
-        <item>18432</item>
-    </integer-array>
+        <item>399</item>
+        <item>422</item>
+        <item>432</item>
+        <item>442</item>
+        <item>455</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- Array of hysteresis constraint values for brightening, represented as tenths of a
+         percent. The length of this array is assumed to be one greater than
+         config_screenThresholdLevels. The brightening threshold is calculated as
+         screenBrightness * (1.0f + CONSTRAINT_VALUE). When the new screen brightness is higher
+         than this threshold, it is applied. See the config_screenThresholdLevels description for
+         how the constraint value is chosen. -->
+    <array name="config_screenBrighteningThresholds">
+        <item>@null</item>
+    </array>
+   <!-- Array of hysteresis constraint values for darkening, represented as tenths of a
+         percent. The length of this array is assumed to be one greater than
+         config_screenThresholdLevels. The darkening threshold is calculated as
+         screenBrightness * (1.0f - CONSTRAINT_VALUE). When the new screen brightness is lower than
+         this threshold, it is applied. See the config_screenThresholdLevels description for how
+         the constraint value is chosen. -->
+    <array name="config_screenDarkeningThresholds">
+        <item>@null</item>
+    </array>
+    <!-- Array of screen brightness threshold values. This is used for determining hysteresis
+         constraint values by calculating the index to use for lookup and then setting the
+         constraint value to the corresponding value of the array. The new brightening hysteresis
+         constraint value is the n-th element of config_screenBrighteningThresholds, and the new
+         darkening hysteresis constraint value is the n-th element of
+         config_screenDarkeningThresholds.
+         The (zero-based) index is calculated as follows: (MAX is the largest index of the array)
+         condition                       calculated index
+         value < level[0]                0
+         level[n] <= value < level[n+1]  n+1
+         level[MAX] <= value             MAX+1 -->
+    <array name="config_screenThresholdLevels">
+    </array>
+    <!-- Stability requirements in milliseconds for accepting a new brightness level.  This is used
+     for debouncing the light sensor.  Different constants are used to debounce the light sensor
+     when adapting to brighter or darker environments.  This parameter controls how quickly
+     brightness changes occur in response to an observed change in light level that exceeds the
+     hysteresis threshold. -->
+    <integer name="config_autoBrightnessBrighteningLightDebounce">2000</integer>
+    <integer name="config_autoBrightnessDarkeningLightDebounce">4000</integer>
     <!-- Default screen brightness setting set.
          -2 is invalid so setting will resort to int value specified above.